Timelines Chart
A parallel timelines layout (swimlanes) for representing state of time-series over time.
Each timeline segment can be assigned a value on a color scale, either continuous (heatmap mode) or ordinal (for categorical representation).
Time-series can be grouped into logical groups, represented as distinct sections. Allows for exploration using drag-to-zoom or a timeline brush.
Current example (index.html in local folder) populated with randomly generated data.
Live example: http://bl.ocks.org/vasturiano/ded69192b8269a78d2d97e24211e64e0
Quick start
npm install
npm run build
open local/index.html
in the browser.
How to instantiate
import { default as TimelinesChart } from 'timelines-chart';
var TimelinesChart = require('timelines-chart');
or even
<script src="/path/to/dist/timelines-chart.js"></script>
var myChart = TimelinesChart();
myChart(<myDOMElement>, <myData>);
API reference
.throbberImg(<image URI>)
.dataDomain([<min>, <max>])
.dataScale(<d3 scale object>)
.zoomX([<start date>, <end date>], <force redraw (boolean). default: true>)
.zoomY([<start row index>, <end row index>], <force redraw (boolean). default: true>)
.zoomYLabels([<(start) {group,label}>, <(end) {group,label}>], <force redraw (boolean). default: true>)
.zDataLabel(<unit text on tooltips>)
.zScaleLabel(<legend unit text>)
.sort(<label compare function>, <group compare function>)
.sortAlpha(<ascending (boolean)>)
.sortChrono(<ascending (boolean)>)
.replaceData(<new data>, <keep graph structure (boolean). default: false>)
.overviewDomain(<new time range for overview: [<start date>, <end date>]>)
.forceThrobber(<force throbber on (boolean>). default: false>)
.axisClickURL(<URL to follow when clicking on Y axises>)
.onZoom(<callback function for user initiated zoom>)
Data syntax
group: "group1name",
data: [
label: "label1name",
data: [
timeRange: [<date>, <date>],
val: <val: number (continuous dataScale) or string (ordinal dataScale)>
timeRange: [<date>, <date>],
val: <val>
label: "label2name",
data: [...]
group: "group2name",
data: [...]