Timexe - Timer and scheduler
To be used with node or in a browser
- Improved cron-like syntax (Not compatible)
- Milliseconds resolution
- Recalculate long running timers, to improve accuracy
- No dependencies
- Written for both node JS and browser inclusion
- Time expressions include ranges, sets, timestamps, weekdays, yeardays and more
Timexe is based on the setTimeout function.
At present it seems to have an accuracy within 2 ms in node and up to 25 ms i most browsers.
It seems that execution is defered somewhat during process load.
To add a timed job every day at noon:
timexe(”* * * 12”, function(){console.log(“hello - it is noon again”)});
Time expression Syntax
The basic syntax is a series of fields specifying the time(s):
<year> <month> <day> <hour> <minute> <second> <millisecond> <microsecond> ...
or a time stamp.
Each field contain wild-cards, ranges, sets, not flags and every flags. Plus some special flags for year days and week days.
The epoch timestamp is seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC with fractions of second as decimal part:
@<epoch>[.<faction of second>]
Field syntax: [!][-]<value>[-<value>]|[,<value>] | /<value> | *
såace : field separator
* : all values. Flags will be ignored.
! : not
/ : every (can not be combined with ! and range)
- : Negative values are counted back from the maximum value
a-b : range. both a and b included.
a,b : set of values
Day field can have the one of the following flags as well
y: day of year
w: day of week 1-7 (1 is Monday)
Unspecified minor fields are assumed to have the lowest possible value
Time expression are in local time where as time stamps are in UTC
Month and weekday use another offset then the javascript Date function:
Month 1 is January
Week day 1-7 starting with Monday
| Every hour| * * * *|
| Every day at noon| * * * 12
| Every 3th Hour on work days| * * w1-5 /3
| At a specific epoch time|@1422821601.123
| At a specific time| 2014 5 13 18 53 7 300 230
| 2th to last day of the month at noon| * * -2 12
| 3th last day of the year| * * y-3
| 3 times an hour during work time| * * w1-5 9-17 0,20,40
| Every morning at 7:30 but not on a weekend| * * !6-7 7 30
| Every 10 minutes in the day time| * * * 8-18 /10
timexe(timeExpression, callBack [,parameterToCallBack])
Returns a result object:
result: “ok” or null
error: A failure explanation or null
id: integer used to identify the timer
where id is the value returned from timexe
Returns a result object:
result: “ok” or null
error: A failure explanation or null
where the optional id is the value returned from timexe
Returnes either a chronos timer object if id is given, or an array of all active timer objects.
timexe.timeResolution (integer)
This is the minimum time resolution for an expression. Minimum value is 1 ms. default is 2 ms.
This should be more the the execution time and delays do to load, of the intepreter.
timexe.maxTimerDelay (integer)
Maximum run time of a setTimeout call. Some javascripts engines cant handle more then 32 bit = 0x7FFFFFF. thats about 28 days. default is 86400000 = 1 day.
When this time have elapsed, the time expression are reevaluated.
With node JS
$ npm install timexe
var timexe = require('timexe');
var res1=timexe(”* * * 12”, function(){console.log(“hello wolrd”)});
var res2=timexe.remove(res1.id);
With HTML & javascript
Copy files to folder.
<script type="text/JavaScript" src="timexe.js"></script>
var res1=timexe(”* * * 12”, function(){alert(“hello wolrd”)});
var res2=timexe.remove(res1.id);
Change log
0.9.9 Minor bugfix. timexe.list made into a regular array.
Please don't hesitate to submit an issue on github! It's the only way to make it better.
But please be prepared to present a test case.
Contributions of almost any kind are welcome.