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Type-safe data decoding for the minimalist.

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Type-safe data decoding for the minimalist, inspired by nvie/decoders and Elm’s JSON Decoders.

Supports TypeScript and Flow.



npm install tiny-decoders


import {
} from "tiny-decoders";

type User = {
  name: string;
  active: boolean;
  age: number | undefined;
  interests: Array<string>;
  id: string | number;

const userDecoder = record(
  (field): User => ({
    name: field("full_name", string),
    active: field("is_active", boolean),
    age: field("age", optional(number)),
    interests: field("interests", array(string)),
    id: field("id", either(string, number)),

const payload: unknown = getSomeJSON();

const user: User = userDecoder(payload);

If we get here, `user` is now a valid `User`!
Otherwise, a `TypeError` is thrown.
The error can look like this:

    TypeError: object["age"]: (optional) Expected a number, but got: "30"
    at "age" in {"age": "30", "name": "John Doe", "active": true, (2 more)}

Full example


The central concept in tiny-decoders is the decoder. It’s a function that turns unknown (for Flow users: mixed) into some narrower type, or throws an error.

For example, there’s a decoder called string ((value: unknown) => string) that returns a string if the input is a string, and throws a TypeError otherwise. That’s all there is to a decoder!

tiny-decoders contains:

Composing those functions together, you can describe the shape of your objects and let tiny-decoders extract data that matches that description from a given input.

Note that tiny-decoders is all about extracting data, not validating that input exactly matches a schema.

A note on type annotations

Most of the time, you don’t need to write any type annotations for decoders (but some examples in the API documentation show them explicitly for clarity).

However, adding type annotations for record decoders results in much better error messages. The following is the recommended way of annotating record decoders in TypeScript:

import { record, autoRecord } from "tiny-decoders";

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const personDecoder = record(
  (field): Person => ({
    name: field("name", string),
    age: field("age", number),

const personDecoderAuto = autoRecord<Person>({
  name: string,
  age: number,

In TypeScript, you can also write it like this:

const personDecoder = record(field => ({
  name: field("name", string),
  age: field("age", number),

const personDecoderAuto = autoRecord({
  name: string,
  age: number,

type Person = ReturnType<typeof personDecoder>;
// or:
type Person = ReturnType<typeof personDecoderAuto>;

In Flow, annotate like this:

import { record, autoRecord } from "tiny-decoders";

type Person = {|
  name: string,
  age: number,

const personDecoder = record((field): Person => ({
  name: field("name", string),
  age: field("age", number),
// or:
const personDecoder2: Decoder<Person> = record(field => ({
  name: field("name", string),
  age: field("age", number),

const personDecoderAuto: Decoder<Person> = autoRecord({
  name: string,
  age: number,

See the TypeScript type annotations example and the Flow type annotations example for more information, tips and caveats.


The Decoder<T> type

export type Decoder<T> = (value: unknown, errors?: Array<string>) => T;

This is a handy type alias for decoder functions.

Note that simple decoders that do not take an optional errors array are also allowed by the above defintion:

(value: unknown) => T;

The type definition does not show that decoder functions throw TypeErrors when the input is invalid, but do keep that in mind.

Primitive decoders

Booleans, numbers and strings, plus constant.

export function boolean(value: unknown): boolean;

Returns value if it is a boolean and throws a TypeError otherwise.

export function number(value: unknown): number;

Returns value if it is a number and throws a TypeError otherwise.

export function string(value: unknown): string;

Returns value if it is a string and throws a TypeError otherwise.

export function constant<
  T extends boolean | number | string | undefined | null
>(constantValue: T): (value: unknown) => T;

Returns a decoder. That decoder returns value if value === constantValue and throws a TypeError otherwise.

Commonly used when Decoding by type name to prevent mixups.

Functions that return a decoder

Decode arrays, objects and optional values. Combine decoders and functions.

For an array, you need to not just make sure that the value is an array, but also that every item inside the array has the correct type. Same thing for objects (the values need to be checked). For these kinds of cases you need to combine decoders. This is done through functions that take a decoder as input and returns a new decoder. For example, array(string) returns a decoder that handles arrays of strings.

Note that there is no object decoder, because there are two ways of decoding objects:

  • If you know all the keys, use record or autoRecord.
  • If the keys are dynamic and all values have the same type, use dict.

Some languages also have tuples in addition to arrays. Both TypeScript and Flow lets you use arrays as tuples if you want, which is also common in JSON. Use tuple, pair and triple to decode tuples.

(Related: The less common decoders mixedArray and mixedDict.)

Tolerant decoding

Since arrays and objects can hold multiple values, their decoders allow opting into tolerant decoding, where you can recover from errors, either by skipping values or providing defaults. Whenever that happens, the message of the error that would otherwise have been thrown is pushed to an errors array (Array<string>, if provided), allowing you to inspect what was ignored. (Perhaps not the most beautiful API, but very simple.)

For example, if you pass an errors array to a record decoder, it will both push to the array and pass it along to its sub-decoders so they can push to it as well.

export function array<T, U = T>(
  decoder: Decoder<T>,
  mode?: "throw" | "skip" | { default: U }
): Decoder<Array<T | U>>;

Takes a decoder as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder checks that its unknown input is an array, and then runs the input decoder on every item. What happens if decoding one of the items fails depends on the mode:

  • "throw" (default): Throws a TypeError on the first invalid item.
  • "skip": Items that fail are ignored. This means that the decoded array can be shorter than the input array – even empty! Error messages are pushed to the errors array, if present.
  • { default: U }: The passed default value is used for items that fail. The decoded array will always have the same length as the input array. Error messages are pushed to the errors array, if present.

If no error was thrown, Array<T> is returned (or Array<T | U> if you use the { default: U } mode).


import { array, string } from "tiny-decoders";

const arrayOfStringsDecoder1: Decoder<Array<string>> = array(string);
const arrayOfStringsDecoder2: Decoder<Array<string>> = array(string, "skip");
const arrayOfStringsDecoder3: Decoder<Array<string>> = array(string, {
  default: "",

// Decode an array of strings:
arrayOfStringsDecoder1(["a", "b", "c"]);

// Optionally collect error messages when `mode` isn’t `"throw"`:
const errors = [];
arrayOfStringsDecoder2(["a", 0, "c"], errors);
export function dict<T, U = T>(
  decoder: Decoder<T>,
  mode?: "throw" | "skip" | { default: U }
): Decoder<{ [key: string]: T | U }>;

Takes a decoder as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder checks that its unknown input is an object, and then goes through all keys in the object and runs the input decoder on every value. What happens if decoding one of the key-values fails depends on the mode:

  • "throw" (default): Throws a TypeError on the first invalid item.
  • "skip": Items that fail are ignored. This means that the decoded object can have fewer keys than the input object – it can even be empty! Error messages are pushed to the errors array, if present.
  • { default: U }: The passed default value is used for items that fail. The decoded object will always have the same set of keys as the input object. Error messages are pushed to the errors array, if present.

If no error was thrown, { [key: string]: T } is returned (or { [key: string]: T | U } if you use the { default: U } mode).

import { dict, string } from "tiny-decoders";

const dictOfStringsDecoder1: Decoder<{ [key: string]: string }> = dict(string);
const dictOfStringsDecoder2: Decoder<{ [key: string]: string }> = dict(
const dictOfStringsDecoder3: Decoder<{ [key: string]: string }> = dict(string, {
  default: "",

// Decode an object of strings:
dictOfStringsDecoder1({ a: "1", b: "2" });

// Optionally collect error messages when `mode` isn’t `"throw"`:
const errors = [];
dictOfStringsDecoder2({ a: "1", b: 0 }, errors);
export function record<T>(
  callback: (
    field: <U, V = U>(
      key: string,
      decoder: Decoder<U>,
      mode?: "throw" | { default: V }
    ) => U | V,
    fieldError: (key: string, message: string) => TypeError,
    obj: { readonly [key: string]: unknown },
    errors?: Array<string>
  ) => T
): Decoder<T>;

Takes a callback function as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder checks that its unknown input is an object, and then calls the callback (the object is passed as the obj parameter). The callback receives a field function that is used to pluck values out of object. The callback is allowed to return anything, and that is the T of the decoder.

field("key", decoder) essentially runs decoder(obj["key"]) but with better error messages and automatic handling of the errors array, if provided. The nice thing about field is that it does not return a new decoder – but the value of that field! This means that you can do for instance const type: string = field("type", string) and then use type however you want inside your callback.

fieldError("key", "message") creates an error message for a certain key. throw fieldError("key", "message") gives an error that lets you know that something is wrong with "key", while throw new TypeError("message") would not be as clear. Useful when Decoding by type name.

obj and errors are passed in case you’d need them for some edge case, such as if you need to distinguish between undefined, null and missing values.

Note that if your input object and the decoded object look exactly the same and you don’t need any advanced features it’s often more convenient to use autoRecord.

import {
} from "tiny-decoders";

type User = {
  age: number;
  active: boolean;
  name: string;
  description: string | undefined;
  legacyId: string | undefined;
  version: 1;

const userDecoder = record(
  (field): User => ({
    // Simple field:
    age: field("age", number),
    // Renaming a field:
    active: field("is_active", boolean),
    // Combining two fields:
    name: `${field("first_name", string)} ${field("last_name", string)}`,
    // Optional field:
    description: field("description", optional(string)),
    // Allowing a field to fail:
    legacyId: field("extra_data", number, { default: undefined }),
    // Hardcoded field:
    version: 1,

const userData: unknown = {
  age: 30,
  is_active: true,
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",

// Decode a user:

// Optionally collect error messages from fields where `mode` isn’t `"throw"`:
const errors = [];
userDecoder(userData, errors);

type Shape =
  | {
      type: "Circle";
      radius: number;
  | {
      type: "Rectangle";
      width: number;
      height: number;

// Decoding by type name:
const shapeDecoder = record(
  (field): Shape => {
    const type = field("type", string);
    switch (type) {
      case "Circle":
        return {
          type: "Circle",
          radius: field("radius", number),

      case "Rectangle":
        return {
          type: "Rectangle",
          width: field("width", number),
          height: field("height", number),

        throw fieldError("type", `Invalid Shape type: ${repr(type)}`);

// Plucking a single field out of an object:
const ageDecoder: Decoder<number> = record(field => field("age", number));
export function tuple<T>(
  callback: (
    item: <U, V = U>(
      index: number,
      decoder: Decoder<U>,
      mode?: "throw" | { default: V }
    ) => U | V,
    itemError: (key: number, message: string) => TypeError,
    arr: ReadonlyArray<unknown>,
    errors?: Array<string>
  ) => T
): Decoder<T>;

Takes a callback function as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder checks that its unknown input is an array, and then calls the callback. tuple is just like record, but for tuples (arrays) instead of for records (objects). Instead of a field function, there’s an item function that let’s you pluck out items of the tuple/array.

Note that you can return any type from the callback, not just tuples. If you’d rather have a record you could return that.

import { Decoder, tuple, number, string } from "tiny-decoders";

type Person = {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: number;
  description: string;

// Decoding a tuple into a record:
const personDecoder = tuple(
  (item): Person => ({
    firstName: item(0, string),
    lastName: item(1, string),
    age: item(2, number),
    description: item(3, string),

// Taking the first number from an array:
const firstNumberDecoder: Decoder<number> = tuple(item => item(0, number));

See also Decoding tuples.

Most tuples are 2 or 3 in length. If you want to decode such a tuple into a TypeScript/Flow tuple it’s usually more convenient to use pair and triple.

export function pair<T1, T2>(
  decoder1: Decoder<T1>,
  decoder2: Decoder<T2>
): Decoder<[T1, T2]>;

A convenience function around tuple when you want to decode [x, y] into [T1, T2].

import { Decoder, pair, number } from "tiny-decoders";

const pointDecoder: Decoder<[number, number]> = pair(number, number);

See also Decoding tuples.

export function triple<T1, T2, T3>(
  decoder1: Decoder<T1>,
  decoder2: Decoder<T2>,
  decoder3: Decoder<T3>
): Decoder<[T1, T2, T3]>;

A convenience function around tuple when you want to decode [x, y, z] into [T1, T2, T3].

import { Decoder, triple, number } from "tiny-decoders";

const coordinateDecoder: Decoder<[number, number, number]> = pair(

See also Decoding tuples.

export function autoRecord<T>(
  mapping: { [key in keyof T]: Decoder<T[key]> }
): Decoder<T>;

Suppose you have a record T. Now make an object that looks just like T, but where every value is a decoder for its key. autoRecord takes such an object – called mapping – as input and returns a new decoder. The new decoder checks that its unknown input is an object, and then goes through all the key-decoder pairs in the mapping. For every key, mapping[key](value[key]) is run. If all of that succeeds it returns a T, otherwise it throws a TypeError.


import { autoRecord, boolean, number, string } from "tiny-decoders";

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  active: boolean;

const userDecoder = autoRecord<User>({
  name: string,
  age: number,
  active: boolean,


  • autoRecord is a convenience function instead of record. Check out record if you need more flexibility, such as renaming fields!

  • The unknown input value we’re decoding is allowed to have extra keys not mentioned in the mapping. I haven’t found a use case where it is useful to disallow extra keys. This package is about extracting data in a type-safe way, not validation.

  • Want to add some extra keys? Checkout the extra fields example.

export function deep<T>(
  path: Array<string | number>,
  decoder: Decoder<T>
): Decoder<T>;

Takes an array of keys (object keys, and array indexes) and a decoder as input, and returns a new decoder. It repeatedly goes deeper and deeper into its unknown input using the given path. If all of those checks succeed it returns T, otherwise it throws a TypeError.

deep is used to pick a one-off value from a deep structure, rather than having to decode each level manually with record and tuple. See the Deep example.

Note that deep([], decoder) is equivalent to just decoder.

You might want to combine deep with either since reaching deeply into structures is likely to fail.


import { deep, number, either } from "tiny-decoders";

const accessoryPriceDecoder: Decoder<number> = deep(
  ["store", "products", 0, "accessories", 0, "price"],

const accessoryPriceDecoderWithDefault: Decoder<number> = either(
  () => 0
export function optional<T>(decoder: Decoder<T>): Decoder<T | undefined>;
export function optional<T, U>(
  decoder: (value: unknown) => T,
  defaultValue: U
): (value: unknown) => T | U;

Takes a decoder as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder returns defaultValue if its unknown input is undefined or null, and runs the input decoder on the unknown otherwise. (If you don’t supply defaultValue, undefined is used as the default.)

This is especially useful to mark fields as optional in a record or autoRecord:

import { autoRecord, optional, boolean, number, string } from "tiny-decoders";

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number | undefined;
  active: boolean;

const userDecoder = autoRecord<User>({
  name: string,
  age: optional(number),
  active: optional(boolean, true),

In the above example:

  • .name must be a string.
  • .age is allowed to be undefined, null or missing (defaults to undefined).
  • .active defaults to true if it is undefined, null or missing.

If the need should ever arise, check out the example on how to distinguish between undefined, null and missing values. tiny-decoders treats undefined, null and missing values the same by default, to keep things simple.

export function map<T, U>(
  decoder: Decoder<T>,
  fn: (value: T, errors?: Array<string>) => U
): Decoder<U>;

Takes a decoder and a function as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder runs the input decoder on its unknown input, and then passes the result to the provided function. That function can return a transformed result. It can also be another decoder. If all of that succeeds it returns U (the return value of fn), otherwise it throws a TypeError.


import { Decoder, map, array, number } from "tiny-decoders";

const numberSetDecoder: Decoder<Set<number>> = map(
  arr => new Set(arr)

const nameDecoder: Decoder<string> = map(
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string,
  ({ firstName, lastName }) => `${firstName} ${lastName}`

// But the above is actually easier with `record`:
const nameDecoder2: Decoder<string> = record(
  field => `${field("firstName", string)} ${field("lastName", string)}`

Full examples:

export function either<T, U>(
  decoder1: Decoder<T>,
  decoder2: Decoder<U>
): Decoder<T | U>;

Takes two decoders as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder tries to run the first input decoder on its unknown input. If that succeeds, it returns T, otherwise it tries the second input decoder. If that succeeds it returns U, otherwise it throws a TypeError.


import { Decoder, either, number, string } from "tiny-decoders";

const stringOrNumberDecoder: Decoder<string | number> = either(string, number);

What if you want to try three (or more) decoders? You’ll need to nest another either:

import { Decoder, either, boolean, number, string } from "tiny-decoders";

const weirdDecoder: Decoder<string | number | boolean> = either(
  either(number, boolean)

That’s perhaps not very pretty, but not very common either. It would of course be possible to add functions like either2, either3, etc, but I don’t think it’s worth it.

You can also use either distinguish between undefined, null and missing values.

Less common decoders

Recursive structures, as well as less precise objects and arrays.

Related: Decoding unknown values.

export function lazy<T>(callback: () => Decoder<T>): Decoder<T>;

Takes a callback function that returns a decoder as input, and returns a new decoder. The new decoder runs the callback function to get the input decoder, and then runs the input decoder on its unknown input. If that succeeds it returns T (the return value of the input decoder), otherwise it throws a TypeError.

lazy lets you decode recursive structures. lazy(() => decoder) is equivalent to just decoder, but let’s you use decoder before it has been defined yet (which is the case for recursive structures). So all lazy is doing is allowing you to wrap a decoder in an “unnecessary” arrow function, delaying the reference to the decoder until it’s safe to access in JavaScript. In other words, you make a lazy reference – one that does not evaluate until the last minute.

Since record and tuple take callbacks themselves, lazy is not needed most of the time. But lazy can come in handy for array and dict.

See the Recursive example to learn when and how to use this decoder.

export function mixedArray(value: unknown): ReadonlyArray<unknown>;

Usually you want to use array instead. array actually uses this decoder behind the scenes, to verify that its unknown input is an array (before proceeding to decode every item of the array). mixedArray only checks that its unknown input is an array, but does not care about what’s inside the array – all those values stay as unknown.

This can be useful for custom decoders, such as when distinguishing between undefined, null and missing values.

export function mixedDict(value: unknown): { readonly [key: string]: unknown };

Usually you want to use dict or record instead. dict and record actually use this decoder behind the scenes, to verify that its unknown input is an object (before proceeding to decode values of the object). mixedDict only checks that its unknown input is an object, but does not care about what’s inside the object – all the keys remain unknown and their values stay as unknown.

This can be useful for custom decoders, such as when distinguishing between undefined, null and missing values.


export function repr(
  value: unknown,
  options?: {
    key?: string | number;
    recurse?: boolean;
    maxArrayChildren?: number;
    maxObjectChildren?: number;
): string;

Takes any value, and returns a string representation of it for use in error messages. Useful when making custom decoders.


keystring | number | undefinedundefinedAn object key or array index to highlight when repring objects or arrays.
recursebooleantrueWhether to recursively call repr on array items and object values. It only recurses once.
maxArrayChildrennumber5The number of array items to print (when recurse is true.)
maxObjectChildrennumber3The number of object key-values to print (when recurse is true.)


import { repr } from "tiny-decoders";

type Alignment = "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left";

function alignmentDecoder(value: string): Alignment {
  switch (value) {
    case "top":
    case "right":
    case "bottom":
    case "left":
      return value;
      throw new TypeError(`Expected an Alignment, but got: ${repr(value)}`);

This function returns a string, but what that string looks like is not part of the public API.

Short output (for sensitive data)

By default, the tiny-decoder’s error messages try to be helpful by showing you the actual values that failed decoding to make it easier to understand what happened. However, if you’re dealing with sensitive data, such as email addresses, passwords or social security numbers, you might not want that data to potentially appear in error logs. Another use case is if you simply prefer a shorter, oneline message.

By setting repr.short = true you will get shorter error messages, containing only where the error happened and the actual and expected types, but not showing any actual values.


object["details"]["ssn"]: Expected a string, but got: 123456789
at "ssn" in {"ssn": 123456789, "email": "john.doe@…"}
at "details" in {"details": Object(2), "name": "John Doe"}

With repr.short = true:

object["details"]["ssn"]: Expected a string, but got: number

All decoders use repr internally when making their error messages, so setting repr.short affect them too. This is admittedly not the most beautiful API, but it is tiny.

If you need both standard and short output in the same application – remember that repr.short = true globally affects everything. You’ll need to flip repr.short back and forth as needed.

Comparison with nvie/decoders

Sizeminified size
minzipped size
minified size
minzipped size
Dependencieshas dependenciesno dependencies
Error messagesReally fancyKinda good (size tradeoff)
Built-in functionsType checking + validation (regex, email)Type checking only (validation can be plugged in)
Decoders……return Results or throw errors…only throw errors

In other words:

  • nvie/decoders: Larger API, fancier error messages, larger size.
  • tiny-decoders: Smaller (and slightly different) API, kinda good error messages, smaller size.

Error messages

The error messages of nvie/decoders are really nice, but also quite verbose:

Decoding error:
    "id": "512971",
    "name": "Ergonomic Mouse",
    "image": "",
    "price": 499,
    "accessories": [],
    "id": "382973",
    "name": "Ergonomic Keyboard",
    "image": "",
    "price": 998,
    "accessories": [
        "name": "Keycap Puller",
        "image": "",
        "discount": "5%",
                    - Must be null
                    - Must be number
      ^ Missing key: "id" (at index 0)
        "id": 892873,
        "name": "Keycap Set",
        "image": "",
        "discount": null,
  ^ index 1
    "id": "493673",
    "name": "Foot Pedals",
    "image": "",
    "price": 299,
    "accessories": [],

The errors of tiny-decoders are shorter and a little bit more cryptic. As opposed to nvie/decoders, it stops at the first error in a record (instead of showing them all). First, the missing “id” field:

TypeError: array[1]["accessories"][0]["id"]: Expected a string, but got: undefined
at "id" (missing) in {"name": "Keycap Puller", "image": "data:imag…AkQBADs=", "discount": "5%"}
at 0 in [(index 0) Object(3), Object(4)]
at "accessories" in {"accessories": Array(2), "id": "382973", "name": "Ergonomic Keyboard", (2 more)}
at 1 in [Object(5), (index 1) Object(5), Object(5)]

And if we add an “id” we get the “discount” error:

TypeError: array[1]["accessories"][0]["discount"]: (optional) Expected a number, but got: "5%"
at "discount" in {"discount": "5%", "id": "489382", "name": "Keycap Puller", (1 more)}
at 0 in [(index 0) Object(4), Object(4)]
at "accessories" in {"accessories": Array(2), "id": "382973", "name": "Ergonomic Keyboard", (2 more)}
at 1 in [Object(5), (index 1) Object(5), Object(5)]

If you read the “stack trace” of tiny-decoders from bottom to top, it’s a bit like expanding objects and arrays in the browser devtools (but in your head):

[Object(5), (index 1) Object(5), Object(5)]
                      {"accessories": Array(2), "id": "382973", "name": "Ergonomic Keyboard", (2 more)}
                                      [(index 0) Object(4), Object(4)]
                                                 {"discount": "5%", "id": "489382", "name": "Keycap Puller", (1 more)}


You need Node.js 12 and npm 6.

npm scripts

  • npm run flow: Run Flow.
  • npm run eslint: Run ESLint (including Flow and Prettier).
  • npm run eslint:fix: Autofix ESLint errors.
  • npm run dtslint: Run dtslint.
  • npm run prettier: Run Prettier for files other than JS.
  • npm run doctoc: Run doctoc on
  • npm run jest: Run unit tests. During development, npm run jest -- --watch is nice.
  • npm run coverage: Run unit tests with code coverage.
  • npm build: Compile with Babel.
  • npm test: Check that everything works.
  • npm publish: Publish to npm, but only if npm test passes.


  • src/: Source code.
  • examples/: Examples, in the form of Jest tests.
  • test/: Jest tests.
  • flow/: Flow typechecking tests. Turn off “ExpectError” in .flowconfig to see what the errors look like.
  • typescript/: TypeScript type definitions, config and typechecking tests.
  • dist/: Compiled code, built by npm run build. This is what is published in the npm package.





Package last updated on 15 Sep 2019

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