Token Transformer
Converts tokens from Tokens Studio for Figma to something Style Dictionary can read, removing any math operations or aliases, only resulting in raw values.
CLI usage
How to use
Install (either globally or local)
npm install token-transformer -g
node token-transformer input output sets excludes
node token-transformer input.json output.json global,dark,components global
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false --expandShadow=false
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false --expandShadow=false --expandComposition=false
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false --expandShadow=false --expandComposition=false --expandBorder=false
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false --expandShadow=false --expandComposition=false --expandBorder=false --preserveRawValue=true
node token-transformer input.json output.json --expandTypography=false --expandShadow=false --expandComposition=false --expandBorder=false --preserveRawValue=true resolveReferences=false
You can also set a directory as an input instead of providing just one file.
node token-transformer src output.json core/colors,themes/dark core/colors
Input: Filename of input
Output: Filename of output
Sets: Sets to be used, comma-seperated
Excludes: Sets that should not be part of the export (e.g. a global color scale)
--expandTypography: true|false to enable/disable automatic expansion of typography types (default: false)
--expandShadow: true|false to enable/disable automatic expansion of boxShadow types (default: false)
--preserveRawValue: true|false to enable/disable addition of a rawValue key containing the unresolved value (default: false)
--throwErrorWhenNotResolved: true|false to enable/disable throwing errors when a reference fails to resolve (default: false)
--resolveReferences: true|false|'math' to enable/disable resolving references, removing any aliases or math expressions (default: true)
Programmatic usage
This library can also be used programmatically to resolve tokens without giving it access to the underlying file system.
const { transformTokens } = require('token-transformer');
const rawTokens = {
"sizing": {
"base": {
"value": "4",
"description": "Alias value",
"type": "sizing"
"large": {
"value": "$sizing.base * 2",
"description": "Math value",
"type": "sizing"
const setsToUse = ['setA'];
const excludes = [];
const transformerOptions = {
expandTypography: true,
expandShadow: true,
expandComposition: true,
expandBorder: true,
preserveRawValue: false,
throwErrorWhenNotResolved: true,
const resolved = transformTokens(rawTokens,setsToUse, excludes,transformerOptions);