This truffle plugin allows you to automatically verify your smart contracts source code on Etherscan, straight from the Truffle CLI.
Attention: This plugin is a very early work in progress, all information in this README is subject to change while in alpha.
- Install the plugin with npm
npm install truffle-plugin-verify
- Add the plugin to your
or truffle-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
- Generate an API Key on your Etherscan account (see the Etherscan website)
- Add your Etherscan API key to your truffle config (use something like
to make sure you don't commit the api key)
module.exports = {
verify: {
etherscanApiKey: 'MY_API_KEY'
truffle run verify SmartContractName [--network networkName]
For example, if we defined rinkeby
as network in Truffle, and we wish to verify the SimpleStorage
truffle run verify SimpleStorage --network rinkeby
This can take some time, and will eventually either return Pass - Verified
or Fail - Unable to verify
Limitations & Roadmap
This plugin is in a very early version, so there is still a lot missing. Below is a non-exhaustive list of features that are currently missing from the plugin, that will be added in a later release.
- The plugin only works with single file contracts (i.e. no import flattening)
- The plugin has no external library support
- The plugin has no constructor arguments support
- The plugin assumes compiler optimisation has been used
- The plugin has no graceful error handling, so be sure to follow the usage exactly
- The plugin currently only supports mainnet and rinkeby
- The plugin assumes it can find build artifacts under the
directory (i.e. no support for custom paths) - The plugin can only verify one smart contract at a time, instead of automatically verifying all deployed contracts
If you found this plugin and can't wait for the above features to be completed, send me some Ξ or tokens at 0xe126b3E5d052f1F575828f61fEBA4f4f2603652a
and tweet me @RoscoKalis to let me know what you want your money to go towards.