ts-ev is a typed event emitter that provides removal protection, filtering, and inheritance.
Unlike other typed event emitters, ts-ev includes a mechanism for arbitrarily deep extensions of its Emitter class such that each derived class has full access to its own events.
ts-ev has zero imports, so it should be usable in any context.
Execution Order Guarantees:
- Ensures that
operates on the currently registered listeners.
- In other words, listener changes during the emit loop do not effect the loop.
- Listeners are executed in their order of addition.
- Listeners may be prepended.
- Matches the behavior of EventEmitter from "events".
will not remove the listener unless it is explicitly specified.
- Supply a type assertion to narrow down the type expected by a listener.
- Listeners are not called unless their associated filter passes.
- Requires the Data tparam to be manually specified.
- As the Data tparam defines the listener parameters type,
filtering changes the type expected by a given listener.
Template Parameters
export class Emitter<
BaseEvents extends { [event: string]: (...args: any[]) => any },
DerivedEvents extends { [event: string]: (...args: any[]) => any } = {},
> { ... }
- Maps any listeners that are used directly by the top-level emitter to an event string.
- Maps any listeners that are not statically known by the base class to an event string.
- These events are only available to derived classes.
- To enable event inheritance, base classes must forward a template argument that defines the derived event listeners.
- This tparam should prohibit derivation of the base events; see the example.
public [on|prependOn|once|prependOnce]<
Ev extends keyof BaseEvents | keyof DerivedEvents,
Data extends EvData<BaseEvents, DerivedEvents, Ev> = EvData<BaseEvents, DerivedEvents, Ev>
> { ... }
- Represents the event passed to the function.
- Represents the data received by an event listener (parameters array).
- Set by default to the corresponding
or DerivedEvents
value. - Note: Must be manually specified when using filters.
- This ensures consistency between the filter type assertion and the listener parameters type.
- May be manually specified by listener rather than as a tparam.
import { Emitter } from "ts-ev";
class Foo<
DerivedEvents extends Emitter.Events.Except<"baseEv1" | "baseEv2">
> extends Emitter<
baseEv1: (requires: number, these: string, args: boolean) => any;
baseEv2: () => any;
> {
constructor() {
setTimeout(() => this.emit("baseEv1", 1, "foo", true), 100);
setTimeout(() => this.emit("baseEv2"), 1000);
const foo = new Foo();
await foo.once("baseEv2");
const l = () => console.log("received");
foo.on("baseEv2", l);
foo.off("baseEv2", l);
foo.on("baseEv2", l, { protect: true });
foo.off("baseEv2", l);
foo.on<"baseEv1", [number, "foo", boolean]>(
(a, b, c) => console.log(a, b, c),
protect: true,
filter: (data: [number, string, boolean]): data is [number, "foo", boolean] =>
data[1] === "foo",
class Bar extends Foo<{
derivedEv: (add: "more", events: "to", the: "emitter") => any;
}> {
constructor() {
setTimeout(() => this.emit("baseEv1", 1, "foo", true), 100);
setTimeout(() => this.emit("derivedEv", "more", "to", "emitter"), 200);
const bar = new Bar();
bar.on("baseEv2", () => console.log("receives base class events!"));
bar.on("derivedEv", () => console.log("receives derived class events!"));
npm test
Uses @jpcx/testts for internal unit testing.
Additionally, this project is relied on heavily by my node-kraken-api package, so it has received plenty of integration testing.
Contribution is welcome! Please raise an issue or make a pull request.
Justin Collier - jpcx
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details