A set of tools to integrate with Twitch API, Twitch Chat and Twitch WebHooks.
Using npm:
$ npm i --save twitch-toolkit
The library is composed by three modules:
- api: Provides access to the Helix API.
- chat: Provides access to the chat events through tmi.js .
- websub: Provides access to the websubs topics and events.
You can use the toolkit just by creating a new instance with the configuration object:
const Twitch = require('twitch-toolkit');
let twitch = new Twitch(config);
The config object is described below:
Attr | Type | Description |
logger | logger object | The logger instance. |
debug | Boolean | A flag to enable the debug mode. Default: false |
client_id | String | The client ID to be used to access the services. |
client_secret | String | The client secret to be used to use the private services. |
chatOptions | Object | The chat configuration object |
chatOptions.reconnect | Boolean | A flag to enable the auto-reconnect mode. Default: false |
chatOptions.ignoreSelf | Boolean | A flag to ignore the bots own messages. Default: false |
chatOptions.username | String | The bot's username. |
chatOptions.password | String | The bot's OAuth Token. You can get it at |
chatOptions.channels | Array[String] | The list os channels the bot will join and listen. |
chatOptions.chatCommands | Object | The object with the chatCommands, described below |
chatOptions.whisperCommands | Object | The object with the whisperCommands, described below |
chatOptions.wordTriggers | Object | The object with the wordTriggers, described below |
The API module will be created with the toolkit object and can be acessed by its name:
let twitchAPI = twitch.api;
The chat module will be created with the toolkit object and can be acessed by its name:
let twitchChat =;
The module will be ready to use but the user won't join the chat until you explicitly connect to it:
Chat Commands
Whisper Commands
Word Triggers