- Used to download video & image from Twitter
- No login or password are required
- twitter-downloader requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install from NPM
npm install twitter-downloader
Install from YARN
yarn add twitter-downloader
const { TwitterDL } = require("twitter-downloader");
const twitter_video_url =
const twitter_image_url =
TwitterDL(twitter_video_url).then((result) => {
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
id: string
created_at: string
caption: string
created_timestamp: number
replies: number
retweets: number
likes: number
possibly_sensitive: boolean
url: string
author: {
id: string
name: string
username: string
avatar_url: string
banner_url: string
type: string
media: string[]