Twix is a simple but opinionated JS library for formatting date ranges. It currently depends on Moment.js.
npm install twix
<script src="moment.js"></script>
<script src="twix.js"></script>
You can create a Twix object with:
new Twix(startTime, endTime);
new Twix(startTime, endTime, true);
The dates can be parsable strings, JS Date objects, or Moments.
All-day ranges
All day ranges won't show times: they're just assumed to take up the full day local time.
new Twix("1/25/2012", "1/25/2012", true).format();
new Twix("1/25/1982", "1/25/1982", true).format();
new Twix("1/25/2012", "1/26/2012", true).format();
new Twix("1/25/1982", "2/25/1982", true).format();
new Twix("1/25/1982", new Date()", true).format(); //=> Jan 25, 1982 - Jan 9, 2012
Notice the various the different kinds of groupings and abbreviations:
- If the entire range occurs within the current year, Twix doesn't show the year.
- Twix only shows the year and month once if they're consistent across the range.
- If it's all the same day, Twix doesn't show a range at all.
Events with hours and minutes
Unless the allDay parameter is set to true, the time is considered relevant:
new Twix("1/25/1982 9:30 AM", new Date()).format();
new Twix("1/25/1982", "1/27/1982").format();
Brevity and its discontents
Twix chops off the :00
on whole hours and, where possible, only display AM/PM once. This can be turned off:
var twix = new Twix("5/25/2012 9:00", "5/25/2012 10:00");
twix.format({implicitMinutes: false, groupMeridiems: false});
24-hour time
Right, not everyone is American:
new Twix("5/25/2012 16:00", "5/25/2012 17:00").format({twentyFourHour: true});
Notice there's no hour abberviation.
Changing the format
I've made the format hackable, allowing you to specify the Moment formatting parameters externally -- these are what Twix uses to format the bits and pieces of text it glues together. You can use that to adjust how, say, months are displayed:
new Twix("1/25/2012 8:00", "1/25/2012 17:00").format({
monthFormat: "MMMM",
dayFormat: "Do"
See all the *Format
options below. You should look at Moment's format documentation for more info. YMMV -- because of the string munging, not everything will act quite like you expect.
Odds and ends
You can get rid of the space before the meridiem:
new Twix("5/25/2012 8:00", "5/25/2012 17:00").format({spaceBeforeMeridiem: false})
If you're showing the date somewhere else, it's sometimes useful to only show the times:
new Twix("5/25/2012 8:00", "5/25/2012 17:00").format({showDate: false})
This doesn't affect ranges that span multiple days; they still show the dates.
If you combine an all-day event with showDate:false
, you get this:
new Twix("1/25/2012", "1/25/2012", true).format({showDate: false})
That text is customizable through the allDay
All the options
Here are all the options and their defaults
groupMeridiems: true,
spaceBeforeMeridiem: true,
showDate: true,
twentyFourHour: false,
implicitMinutes: true,
yearFormat: "YYYY",
monthFormat: "MMM",
dayFormat: "D",
meridiemFormat: "A",
hourFormat: "h",
minuteFormat: "mm",
allDay: "All day"
Other utilities
new Twix("1/25/2012", "1/25/2012", true).sameYear()
new Twix("1/25/2012 9:00", "1/25/2012 4:43 PM").sameDay()
- Minified version
- Remove moment dependency?
- Format duration of range (e.g. "1 hour")
- Format time until start of range (e.g. "in 1 hour")