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typelevel-ts - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.5 to 0.4.0


@@ -16,2 +16,9 @@ # Changelog

# 0.4.0
- **Breaking Change**
- remove `Omit` type, use built-in instead (@gcanti)
- **Bug Fix**
- rewrite `Overwrite` definition using built-in `Omit`, fix #43 (@looading)
# 0.3.5

@@ -18,0 +25,0 @@



@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

* @since 0.3.0
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type Compact<A> = {

@@ -6,11 +12,29 @@ [K in keyof A]: A[K];

* Returns the string literal 'T' if `A` and `B` are equal types, 'F' otherwise
* @example
* import { Equals } from 'typelevel-ts'
* export type Result1 = Equals<string, string> // "T"
* export type Result2 = Equals<string, number> // "F"
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type Equals<A, B> = (<C>() => C extends Compact<A> ? 'T' : 'F') extends (<C>() => C extends Compact<B> ? 'T' : 'F') ? 'T' : 'F';
export declare type Equals<A, B> = (<C>() => C extends Compact<A> ? 'T' : 'F') extends <C>() => C extends Compact<B> ? 'T' : 'F' ? 'T' : 'F';
* Extracts a super-type of `A` identified by its keys `K`
* @example
* import { Overwrite } from 'typelevel-ts'
* export type Result = Overwrite<{ a: string; b: number }, { b: boolean }> // { a: string; b: boolean }
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type Omit<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol> = Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, K>>;
export declare type Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object> = Compact<{
[K in Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>]: A[K];
} & B>;
export declare type Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object> = Compact<Omit<A, keyof B> & B>;
* @example
* import { Diff } from 'typelevel-ts'
* export type Result = Diff<{ a: string; b: number }, 'b'> // { a: string; b?: number }
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type Diff<A extends object, OK extends keyof A> = Compact<{

@@ -23,2 +47,9 @@ [K in Exclude<keyof A, OK>]: A[K];

* Picks only the keys of a certain type
* @example
* import { KeysOfType } from 'typelevel-ts'
* export type Result = KeysOfType<{a: string, b: string | boolean, c: boolean, d: string}, string> // "a" | "d"
* @since 0.3.0

@@ -29,18 +60,93 @@ export declare type KeysOfType<A extends object, B> = {

* Encodes the constraint that a given object `A`
* does not contain specific keys `K`
* Encodes the constraint that a given object `A` does not contain specific keys `K`
* @example
* import { RowLacks } from 'typelevel-ts'
* // function f(x: RowLacks<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a' | 'b'>): void {}
* // $ExpectError
* // f({ a: 'a', b: 1 })
* function g(x: RowLacks<{ a: string; b: number }, 'c'>): void {}
* g({ a: 'a', b: 1 }) // ok
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type RowLacks<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol> = A & Record<Extract<keyof A, K>, never>;
* @example
* import { Exact } from 'typelevel-ts'
* function f<T extends Exact<{ a: string }, T>>(a: T): void {}
* f({ a: 'a' })
* // $ExpectError
* // f({ a: 'a', b: 1 })
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type Exact<A extends object, B extends A> = A & Record<Exclude<keyof B, keyof A>, never>;
* @example
* import { AnyTuple } from 'typelevel-ts'
* function f<T extends AnyTuple>(x: T): T {
* return x
* }
* const x: [number] = [1]
* const y: [number, string] = [1, 'a']
* const z: [number, string, boolean] = [1, 'a', true]
* f(x)
* f(y)
* f(z)
* // $ExpectError
* // f([1, 2, 3])
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type AnyTuple = Array<any> & {
'0': any;
* @internal
* @since 0.3.0
export interface DeepReadonlyArray<A> extends ReadonlyArray<DeepReadonly<A>> {
* @internal
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type DeepReadonlyObject<A> = {
readonly [K in keyof A]: DeepReadonly<A[K]>;
* @example
* import { DeepReadonly } from 'typelevel-ts'
* interface Foo {
* bar: {
* baz: string
* quux: Array<{ barbaz: number }>
* }
* }
* type ReadonlyFoo = DeepReadonly<Foo>
* export declare const x: ReadonlyFoo
* // $ExpectError
* //[1].barbaz = 1
* @since 0.3.0
export declare type DeepReadonly<A> = A extends Array<infer B> ? DeepReadonlyArray<B> : DeepReadonlyObject<A>;
* Extracts the type of a member of a tagged union
* @example
* import { TaggedUnionMember } from 'typelevel-ts'
* type A = { tag: 'A'; a: string }
* type B = { tag: 'B'; b: number }
* type C = A | B
* export type Result = TaggedUnionMember<C, 'tag', 'A'> // A
* @since 0.3.0

@@ -50,2 +156,10 @@ export declare type TaggedUnionMember<A extends object, Tag extends keyof A, Value extends A[Tag]> = Extract<A, Record<Tag, Value>>;

* Extracts required keys as a literal type union
* @example
* import { RequiredKeys } from 'typelevel-ts'
* type A = { a: string; b: number; x?: string; y?: number }
* export type Result = RequiredKeys<A> // "a" | "b"
* @since 0.3.0

@@ -59,2 +173,10 @@ export declare type RequiredKeys<T> = {

* Extracts optional keys as a literal type union
* @example
* import { OptionalKeys } from 'typelevel-ts'
* type A = { a: string; b: number; x?: string; y?: number }
* export type Result = OptionalKeys<A> // "x" | "y"
* @since 0.3.0

@@ -61,0 +183,0 @@ export declare type OptionalKeys<T> = {

"use strict";
* @since 0.3.0
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });


"name": "typelevel-ts",
"version": "0.3.5",
"version": "0.4.0",
"description": "Type level programming in TypeScript",

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ "files": [

"fix-prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser typescript --write \"{src,typings-checker}/**/*.ts\"",
"test": "npm run prettier && npm run lint && npm run dtslint",
"test": "npm run prettier && npm run lint && npm run dtslint && npm run docs",
"clean": "rm -rf lib/*",
"build": "npm run clean && tsc",
"dtslint": "dtslint dtslint"
"dtslint": "dtslint dtslint",
"docs": "docs-ts"

@@ -33,8 +34,9 @@ "repository": {

"@types/react": "^16.3.17",
"dtslint": "^0.4.2",
"prettier": "^1.14.3",
"docs-ts": "^0.3.0",
"dtslint": "github:gcanti/dtslint",
"prettier": "^1.19.1",
"react": "^16.4.0",
"tslint": "4.4.2",
"tslint-config-standard": "4.0.0",
"typescript": "^3.1.1"
"typescript": "^3.7.4"

@@ -41,0 +43,0 @@ "tags": [],

# TypeScript compatibility
The stable version is tested against TypeScript 2.9.1+
| `typelevel-ts` version | required `typescript` version |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| 0.4.x | 3.5+ |
| 0.3.x | 2.9.1+ |
# Documentation
## Equals<A, B>
Returns the string literal 'T' if `A` and `B` are equal types, 'F' otherwise
Equals<string, string> // "T"
Equals<string, number> // "F"
## Omit<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
Extracts a super-type of `A` identified by its keys `K`
Omit<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'> // { b: number }
## Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object>
Overwrite<{ a: string; b: number }, { b: boolean }> // { a: string; b: boolean }
## Diff<A extends object, K extends keyof A>
Diff<{ a: string; b: number }, 'b'> // { a: string; b?: number }
## RowLacks<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
Encodes the constraint that a given object `A` does not contain specific keys `K`
declare function f(x: RowLacks<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'>): void
// $ExpectError
f({ a: 'foo', b: 1 })
## Exact<A extends object, B extends A>
declare function f<T extends Exact<{ a: string }, T>>(a: T): void
declare const x: { a: string }
declare const y: { a: string; b: number }
// $ExpectError
## KeysOfType<A extends object, B>
Picks only the keys of a certain type
KeysOfType<{a: string, b: string | boolean, c: boolean, d: string}, string> // "a" | "d"
## AnyTuple
declare function f<T extends AnyTuple>(x: T): T
declare const x: [number]
declare const y: [number, string]
declare const z: [number, string, boolean]
declare const t: Array<number>
// $ExpectError
## DeepReadonly<A>
interface Foo {
bar: {
baz: string
quux: Array<{ barbaz: number }>
type ReadonlyFoo = DeepReadonly<Foo>
declare const x: ReadonlyFoo
// $ExpectError[1].barbaz = 1
## TaggedUnionMember<A extends object, Tag extends keyof A, Value extends A[Tag]>
Extracts the type of a member of a tagged union
type A = { tag: 'A'; a: string }
type B = { tag: 'B'; b: number }
type C = A | B
TaggedUnionMember<C, 'tag', 'A'> // A
## RequiredKeys<A extends object> and OptionalKeys<A extends object>
Extracts required or optional keys as a literal type union
type A = { a: string; b: number; x?: string; y?: number }
RequiredKeys<A> // "a" | "b"
OptionalKeys<A> // "x" | "y"
- [API Reference](

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