TypeScript compatibility
The stable version is tested against TypeScript 2.9.1+
Equals<A, B>
Returns the string literal 'T' if A
and B
are equal types, 'F' otherwise
Equals<string, string>
Equals<string, number>
Omit<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
Extracts a super-type of A
identified by its keys K
Omit<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'>
Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object>
Overwrite<{ a: string; b: number }, { b: boolean }>
Diff<A extends object, K extends keyof A>
Diff<{ a: string; b: number }, 'b'>
RowLacks<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
Encodes the constraint that a given object A
does not contain specific keys K
declare function f(x: RowLacks<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'>): void
f({ a: 'foo', b: 1 })
Exact<A extends object, B extends A>
declare function f<T extends Exact<{ a: string }, T>>(a: T): void
declare const x: { a: string }
declare const y: { a: string; b: number }
KeysOfType<A extends object, B>
Picks only the keys of a certain type
KeysOfType<{a: string, b: string | boolean, c: boolean, d: string}, string>
declare function f<T extends AnyTuple>(x: T): T
declare const x: [number]
declare const y: [number, string]
declare const z: [number, string, boolean]
declare const t: Array<number>
interface Foo {
bar: {
baz: string
quux: Array<{ barbaz: number }>
type ReadonlyFoo = DeepReadonly<Foo>
declare const x: ReadonlyFoo
x.bar.quux[1].barbaz = 1
TaggedUnionMember<A extends object, Tag extends keyof A, Value extends A[Tag]>
Extracts the type of a member of a tagged union
type A = { tag: 'A'; a: string }
type B = { tag: 'B'; b: number }
type C = A | B
TaggedUnionMember<C, 'tag', 'A'>
Extracts required or optional keys as a literal type union
type A = { a: string; b: number; x?: string; y?: number }