Requires TypeScript v2.4.1+
Adapted from
Example. Type-safe vectors
import { _1, _2, _3, Nat, Add } from 'typelevel-ts'
function create<A>(as: [A, A, A]): Vector<_3, A>
function create<A>(as: [A, A]): Vector<_2, A>
function create<A>(as: [A]): Vector<_1, A>
function create<N extends Nat, A>(as: Array<A>): Vector<N, A> {
return new Vector<N, A>(as)
class Vector<N extends Nat, A> {
static create = create
readonly _N: N
readonly _A: A
constructor(public value: Array<A>) {}
append<N2 extends Nat>(vector: Vector<N2, A>): Vector<Add<N, N2>, A> {
return new Vector<Add<N, N2>, A>(this.value.concat(vector.value))
zip<B>(vector: Vector<N, B>): Vector<N, [A, B]> {
return new Vector<N, [A, B]>(, i) => [a, vector.value[i]] as [A, B]))
inspect() {
return this.toString()
toString() {
return `Vector(${JSON.stringify(this.value)})`
const v1 = Vector.create([1])
const v2 = Vector.create([2, 3])
const v3 = v1.append(v2)
The ObjectOmit
Example. A withDefaults
function (React)
import * as React from 'react'
import { ObjectOmit } from 'typelevel-ts'
export default function withDefaults<A, D extends keyof A>(
C: React.ComponentType<A>,
defaults: Pick<A, D>
): React.SFC<ObjectOmit<A, D> & Partial<Pick<A, D>>> {
return (props: any) => <C {...Object.assign({}, defaults, props)} />
class Foo extends React.Component<{ bar: string; baz: number }, void> {}
const DefaultedFoo = withDefaults(Foo, { baz: 1 })
const x = <DefaultedFoo bar="bar" />
Example. A withProps
function (React)
import { ObjectOmit } from 'typelevel-ts'
import * as React from 'react'
function withProps<D, P extends D>(C: React.ComponentType<P>, values: D): React.SFC<ObjectOmit<P, keyof D>> {
return (props: any) => <C {...Object.assign({}, props, values)} />
class Foo extends React.Component<{ bar: string; baz: number }, void> {}
const FilledFoo = withProps(Foo, { baz: 1 })
const x = <FilledFoo bar="bar" />
The ObjectDiff
import { Diff } from 'typelevel-ts'
type Foo = { a: string; b: number }
type Bar = { b: number }
type Baz = Diff<Foo, Bar>