A compiler as a service api enabling nodejs developers to resolve, compile, reflect and run typescript 0.9 source files.
npm install typescript.api
compiler version
TypeScript 0.9 beta 6-6-2013
quick start
registering typescript extension
The following will register the *.ts extension with require(). When calls to require() are made
to *.ts files, any source resolution and/or compilation errors will be written out to the console
by default.
If resolution or compilation errors do exist, the call to require() will return an empty object.
var program = require("./program.ts");
manual compilation
The following is an example of using the api to compile a source file named 'program.ts'.
The process will first resolve 'program.ts' and all its referenced sources files. The resolved
sources (units) then checked prior to being sent to the compiler for compilation. Once compiled,
the compilation is checked again for problems prior to being run.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
function show_diagnostics (units) {
for(var n in units) {
for(var m in units[n].diagnostics) {
console.log( units[n].diagnostics[m].toString() );
typescript.resolve(['./program.ts'], function(resolved) {
if(!typescript.check(resolved)) {
else {
typescript.compile(resolved, function(compiled) {
if(!typescript.check(compiled)) {
show_diagnostics (compiled);
typescript.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
typescript.resolve (sources, callback)
Will resolve source units by traversing each source files reference element.
- sources - A filename, or a array of filenames to resolve.
- callback(units) - A callback with the resolved units.
The following will resolve 'program.ts' and log each referenced source file to
the console.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
typescript.resolve(["program.ts"], function(resolved) {
for(var n in resolved) {
console.log( resolved[n].path );
console.log( resolved[n].content );
for(var m in resolved[n].references) {
console.log( resolved[n].references[m] )
typescript.check (units)
Checks source units for diagnostic errors.
- units - units to be checked.
- returns - true if ok.
The following example will check if both a resolve() and compile() is successful.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
typescript.resolve(["program.ts"], function(resolved) {
if(typescript.check (resolved)) {
typescript.compile(resolved, function(compiled) {
if( typescript.check (compiled) ) {
typescript.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
typescript.create ( filename, code )
Will create a unit from the supplied filename and source code.
- filename - A filename that other units can reference.
- code - The source code for this unit.
The following will create a unit. and send to the compiler for compilation.
The compilation is then run.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = typescript.create("temp.ts", "console.log('hello world');");
typescript.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
typescript.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
typescript.compile ( units, callback )
Compiles source units.
- units - An array of source units.
- callback - A callback that passes the compiled output.
The following will first create and compile a unit, and compiled source is
written to the console.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = typescript.create("temp.ts", "var value:number = 123;");
typescript.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
for(var n in compiled) {
typescript.reflect ( compilation, callback )
Reflects compilation AST and produces meta data about the modules, classes,
methods and variables contained within the compilation.
- units - The compilation to be reflected.
- callback - A callback that passes the reflected metadata.
The following will resolve the source file 'program.ts', compile it, then reflect its
meta data to the console as a JSON string.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
typescript.resolve(['program.ts'], function(resolved){
typescript.compile(resolved, function(compiled) {
typescript.reflect(compiled, function(reflection) {
var json = JSON.stringify(reflection, null, ' ');
typescript.build ( sources, callback )
Builds the supplied source files.
- sources - an array of input source filenames.
- callback - a callback containing errors and the compiled source.
The following will build the source file 'program.ts' and write the compiled
code to the console.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
typescript.build(['program.ts'], function(errors, output) {
if(errors) {
else {
typescript.run ( compilation, sandbox, callback )
Runs a compilation.
- compilation - The compilation to be run.
- sandbox - A sandbox. pass null to inherit the current sandbox.
- callback - A callback that passes a context containing any exported variables and function.
The following will first create and compile a unit, then send it off
for compilation.
var typescript = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = typescript.create("temp.ts", "export var value:number = 123;");
typescript.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
typescript.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
typescript.sort ( units )
Will attempt to sort source units in order of dependency. If cyclic referencing
occurs, the sort will return the units in order in which they are received.
- units - An array of source units to be sorted.
- returns - the sorted units in order of dependency.
The following will create a series of source units which reference each other
as in the following graph. The units are first randomized and then sorted. The
resulting sort will be the order of a, b, c, d, e, f.
function shuffle(o) {
for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
return o;
var units = [
typescript.create("a.ts", ""),
typescript.create("b.ts", "/// <reference path='a.ts' />"),
typescript.create("c.ts", "/// <reference path='a.ts' />"),
typescript.create("d.ts", "/// <reference path='b.ts' />"),
typescript.create("e.ts", "/// <reference path='b.ts' />\n/// <reference path='c.ts' />\n"),
typescript.create("f.ts", "/// <reference path='c.ts' />"),
units = shuffle(units);
units = typescript.sort(units);
for (var n in units) {