export function is<T>(input: unknown): input is T;
export function assert<T>(input: unknown): T;
export function assertGuard<T>(input: unknown): asserts input is T;
export function validate<T>(input: unknown): IValidation<T>;
export namespace json {
export function application<T>(): IJsonApplication;
export function assertParse<T>(input: string): T;
export function assertStringify<T>(input: T): string;
export namespace llm {
export function application<App, Model>(): ILlmApplication;
export function schema<T, Model>(): ILlmSchema;
export namespace protobuf {
export function message<T>(): string;
export function assertDecode<T>(buffer: Uint8Array): T;
export function assertEncode<T>(input: T): Uint8Array;
export function random<T>(g?: Partial<IRandomGenerator>): T;
Typia is a transformer library supporting below features:
- Super-fast Runtime Validators
- Enhanced JSON functions
- LLM function calling application composer
- Protocol Buffer encoder and decoder
- Random data generator
- Only one line required, with pure TypeScript type
- Runtime validator is 20,000x faster than
- JSON serialization is 200x faster than
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