UBP CRS Adapter
This project provides a JS module to enable an web-application to communicate with a CRS (TOMA, SABRE, CETS, ...).
How to install
npm install ubp-crs-adapter --save
import UbpCrsAdapter from 'ubp-crs-adapter';
let ubpCrsAdapter = new UbpCrsAdapter(adapterOptions);
Or for applications without loader:
<script src="[path/to/script/ubpCrsAdapter.js]"></script>
var ubpCrsAdapter = new UbpCrsAdapter.default(adapterOptions);
To connect to a CRS use:
ubpCrsAdapter.connect(connectionType, connectionOptions);
When you are connected you can get the data from the CRS via:
ubpCrsAdapter.getData().then((inputData) => {});
The inputData
you get will look like that:
agencyNumber: string,
operator: string,
numberOfTravellers: string,
travelType: string,
services: Array<ServiceObject>,
remark: string,
Or you can set data to the CRS via:
The outputData
object has the following structure:
numberOfTravellers: string,
services: Array<ServiceObject>,
remark: string,
And also you can close the opened frame in the CRS:
note: every method returns a promise
note: setData
triggers automatically an exit
which will close the "CRS overlay/popup" (if there is any).
but be aware that you have to close any separated opened windows by yourself!
Supported adapterOptions
You can check the default options with UbpCrsAdapter.DEFAULT_OPTIONS
This options will be applied on every underlying adapter.
Supported CRS
You can check the currently supported CRSs with UbpCrsAdapter.CRS_TYPES
Currently this module supports the connection to following CRS masks:
CRS | connectionType | connectionOptions | exitOptions |
CETS | 'cets' | - | - |
TOMA (old) | 'toma' | .providerKey: string | - |
TOMA SPC (new) | 'toma2' | .externalCatalogVersion?: string | .popupId?: string |
| | .crsUrl?: string | |
| | .env?: ['test' OR 'prod'] | |
Merlin | 'merlin' | - | - |
MyJack | 'myJack' | token: string | - |
Jack+ | 'jackPlus' | token: string | - |
For some connections you need credentials or other connection data,
which you can set in the connectionOptions
For TOMA SPC there is one crsUrl for each environment preconfigured.
If no environment is set, the production crsUrl is used.
object structure
Depending on the .services[*].type
the structure of a ServiceObject differs.
Supported service types
You can check the currently supported service types with UbpCrsAdapter.SERVICE_TYPES
| car | hotel | roundtrip | camper |
CETS | X | | | |
TOMA (old) | X | X | X | X |
TOMA (new) | X | X | | X |
Merlin | X | X | | |
TBM | | | | |
NEO | | | | |
MyJack | X | X | X | X |
JackPlus | X | X | X | X |
type | fields | example |
car | .vehicleTypeCode | 'E4' |
| .rentalCode | 'DEU85' |
| .pickUpLocation | 'BER3' |
| .pickUpDate | '28122017' |
| .pickUpTime | '0915' |
| .dropOffLocation | 'MUC' |
| .dropOffDate | '04012018' |
| .dropOffTime | '1720' |
| .duration | '9' |
| .pickUpHotelName | 'Best Hotel' |
| .pickUpHotelAddress | 'hotel street 1, 12345 hotel city' |
| .pickUpHotelPhoneNumber | '+49 172 678 0832 09' |
| .dropOffHotelName | 'Very Best Hotel' |
| .dropOffHotelAddress | 'hotel drive 34a, famous place' |
| .dropOffHotelPhoneNumber | '04031989213' |
| .extras | ['navigationSystem', 'childCareSeat0', 'childCareSeat3'] |
note: if .dropOffDate is not set, it will be calculated with .pickUpDate + .duration
type | fields | example |
hotel | .roomCode | 'DZ' |
| .mealCode | 'U' |
| .destination | 'LAX20S' |
| .dateFrom | '20092017' |
| .dateTo | '20092017' |
type | fields | example |
roundTrip | .bookingId | 'NEZE2784NQXTHEN' |
| .destination | 'YYZ' |
| .numberOfPassengers | '1' |
| .startDate | '05122017' |
| .endDate | '16122017' |
| .title | 'H' |
| .name | 'DOE/JOHN' |
| .age | '32' |
| .birthday* | '040485' |
*In case "age" and "birthday" are set "birthday" is preferred.
type | fields | example |
camper | .renterCode | 'PRT02' |
| .camperCode | 'FS' |
| .pickUpLocation | 'LIS1' |
| .pickUpDate | '10102017' |
| .dropOffLocation | 'LIS2' |
| .dropOffDate | '17102017' |
| .duration | '7' |
| .milesIncludedPerDay | '300' |
| .milesPackagesIncluded | '3' |
| .extras | ['extra.2', 'special', 'extra.4'] |
note: if .dropOffDate is not set, it will be calculated with .pickUpDate + .duration
Additionally every service has a .marked
field which is by default falsy.
But if this service is either "marked" in the crs or detected as "marked" (depends on the type) it will be true.
=== Booking Manager ===
This adapter supports also the connection to the so called FTI360 Booking Manager.
Use adapter.connect('bm')
and you unlock the full functionality of it:
The structure of outputData
is the same like it is described above.
Sadly the debugging in some CRS is not possible but the adapter nevertheless provides some debugging output -
either you set the adapter option .debug
to true
or you add the parameter "debug" to your URL.
It will open an extra window for debug outputs.
How to test ...
... the code
Write a test and execute npm run test
- the unit tests will tell you, if everything is fine.
Personal goal: Try to increase the test coverage to ~100%.
... the adapter
We prepared a test file, which can be opened directly in the CRS systems.
The file is located in test/manual: crsTest.html
It depends on the CRS how to use the test file.
... in (old) TOMA
precondition: the Amadeus application is started and the TOMA mask is visible
If you already have an "browser view" open (basically after an external search),
you can drag'n'drop the test file directly into that view.
Alternatively you can open the test file in parallel to the TOMA mask in an IE and use the test file from there.
... in (new) TOMA SPC
precondition: the Amadeus portal is open, the TOMA mask is visible and the test file is served under a whitelisted domain
For serving the test file locally we provide a command for it: npm run serve
The file is than available via https://localhost:1337 and already whitelisted by Amadeus for their test system.
But you should open this URL in your browser first to accept any unknown certificates!
Then you have to request an already embedded IBE (like the drive IBE)
and replace the iFrame URL with the URL of the test file.
This is because Amadeus whitelist the domains which have access to the CRS.
... in CETS
precondition: the CETS application is started
You have to open the "browser view" (basically via an external search) -
than you can drag'n'drop the test file directly into that view.
... in Merlin
precondition: the Sabre portal "ShopHolidays" is open, the Merlin mask is visible and the import is enabled
Open the test file in parallel to the Merlin mask in another Tab.
You have questions or problems with the implementation?
Check the FAQs first!