cwd | process.cwd() | Current working directory |
port | 0 | port to use (0 to let REserve allocate one) |
ui5 | '' | UI5 url |
libs | | Folder(s) containing dependent libraries (relative to cwd ). Might be used multiple times, two syntaxes are supported :-libs:path adds path to the list of libraries, mapped directly under /resources/ -libs:rel/=path adds the path to the list of libraries, mapped under /resources/rel/
cache | '' | Cache UI5 resources locally in the given folder (empty to disable) |
webapp | 'webapp' | base folder of the web application (relative to cwd ) |
pageFilter | '' | regexp to select which pages to execute |
pageParams | '' | Parameters added to each page URL. For instance : 'sap-ui-theme=sap_belize&sap-ui-debug=true' |
pageTimeout | 0 | Limit the page execution time, fails the page if it takes longer than the timeout (0 to disable the timeout) |
globalTimeout | 0 | Limit the pages execution time, fails the execution if it takes longer than the timeout (0 to disable the timeout) |
failFast | false | Stops the execution after the first failing page |
keepAlive | false | Keeps the server alive (enables debugging) |
watch | false | Monitors the webapp folder and re-execute tests on change |
logServer | false | Logs REserve traces |
browser | String, see description | Browser instanciation command, it should point to a node.js script (absolute or relative to cwd ). By default, a script will instantiate chromium through puppetteer |
args | '__URL__ __REPORT__' | Browser instanciation arguments :'__URL__' is replaced with the URL to open'__REPORT__' is replaced with a folder path that is associated with the current URL (can be used to store additional traces such as console logs or screenshots)
parallel | 2 | Number of parallel tests executions (0 to ignore tests and keep alive) |
tstReportDir | 'report' | Directory to output test reports (relative to cwd ) |
coverage | true | Enables code coverage |
covSettings | String, see description | Path to a custom nyc.json file providing settings for instrumentation (relative to cwd ) |
covTempDir | '.nyc_output' | Directory to output raw coverage information to (relative to cwd ) |
covReportDir | 'coverage' | Where to put the coverage report files (relative to cwd ) |
covReporters | 'lcov,cobertura' | Comma separated list of reporters to use |