Note: uniorg-rehype doesn't deal with HTML inside the Org (#+begin_export html). You'll need [[][rehype-raw]] if you're planning on doing that.
** Install
#+begin_src sh
npm install uniorg-rehype
** Use
#+begin_src js
var unified = require('unified')
var createStream = require('unified-stream')
var uniorgPars = require('uniorg-parse')
var uniorg2rehype = require('uniorg-rehype')
var html = require('rehype-stringify')
var processor = unified().use(uniorgParse).use(uniorg2rehype).use(html)
** API
*** processor().use(uniorg2rehype)
uniorg plugin to mutate to [[][rehype]].
** License
GPLv3 or later