What is unleash-client?
The unleash-client npm package is a feature toggle system that allows you to control the release of features in your application. It helps you manage feature flags, enabling or disabling features without deploying new code.
What are unleash-client's main functionalities?
Initialize Unleash Client
This code initializes the Unleash client with the necessary configuration, including the URL of the Unleash server, the application name, and the instance ID.
const { UnleashClient } = require('unleash-client');
const unleash = new UnleashClient({
url: 'http://unleash.herokuapp.com/api/',
appName: 'my-app',
instanceId: 'my-instance-id',
Check if a feature is enabled
This code checks if a specific feature toggle (in this case, 'someFeature') is enabled and logs the result.
const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('someFeature');
console.log(`Feature is enabled: ${isEnabled}`);
Register custom strategies
This code demonstrates how to register a custom strategy with the Unleash client. Custom strategies allow you to define your own logic for enabling or disabling features.
unleash.on('ready', () => {
unleash.registerStrategy(new CustomStrategy());
class CustomStrategy {
constructor() {
this.name = 'custom';
isEnabled(parameters, context) {
// Custom logic to determine if the feature is enabled
return true;
Other packages similar to unleash-client
LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that provides feature flags as a service. It offers more advanced targeting and segmentation capabilities compared to Unleash, but it is a paid service.
Flagr is an open-source feature flagging and A/B testing service. It provides a web UI for managing flags and supports various targeting rules. It is similar to Unleash in terms of being open-source but offers a different set of features and a different user interface.
fflip is a lightweight feature flagging library for Node.js. It is simpler and more lightweight compared to Unleash, making it suitable for smaller projects or those with simpler feature flagging needs.
Unleash Client SDK for Node.js
Unleash Client SDK for Node.js. It is compatible with the
Unleash-hosted.com SaaS offering and
Unleash Open-Source.
Getting started
1. Install the unleash-client into your project
$ npm install unleash-client --save
2. Initialize unleash-client
You should as early as possible in your node (web) app initialize the unleash-client. The
unleash-client will set-up a in-memory repository, and poll updates from the unleash-server at
regular intervals.
const { initialize } = require('unleash-client');
const instance = initialize({
url: 'http://unleash.herokuapp.com/api/',
appName: 'my-app-name',
instanceId: 'my-unique-instance-id',
instance.on('error', console.error);
instance.on('warn', console.warn);
instance.on('ready', console.log);
instance.on('registered', clientData => console.log('registered', clientData));
instance.on('sent', payload => console.log('metrics bucket/payload sent', payload));
instance.on('count', (name, enabled) => console.log(`isEnabled(${name}) returned ${enabled}`));
3. Use unleash
After you have initialized the unleash-client you can easily check if a feature toggle is enabled or
const {
} = require('unleash-client');
const { enabled, name, payload } = getVariant('app.ToggleY', { userId: '1234' });
const featureToogleX = getFeatureToggleDefinition('app.ToggleX');
const featureToggles = getFeatureToggleDefinitions();
4. Stop unleash
To shut down the client (turn off the polling) you can simply call the destroy-method. This is
typically not required.
const { destroy } = require('unleash-client');
Built in activation strategies
The client comes with implementations for the built-in activation strategies provided by unleash.
- DefaultStrategy
- UserIdStrategy
- GradualRolloutUserIdStrategy
- GradualRolloutSessionIdStrategy
- GradualRolloutRandomStrategy
- RemoteAddressStrategy
- ApplicationHostnameStrategy
Read more about the strategies in
Unleash context
In order to use some of the common activation strategies you must provide a
unleash-context. This
client SDK allows you to send in the unleash context as part of the isEnabled
const context = {
userId: '123',
sessionId: 'some-session-id',
remoteAddress: '',
unleash.isEnabled('someToggle', unleashContext);
Advanced usage
The initialize method takes the following arguments:
- url - the url to fetch toggles from. (required)
- appName - the application name / codebase name (required)
- instanceId - an unique identifier, should/could be somewhat unique
- refreshInterval - The poll-intervall to check for updates. Defaults to 15000ms.
- metricsInterval - How often the client should send metrics to Unleash API. Defaults to
- strategies - Custom activation strategies to be used.
- disableMetrics - disable metrics
- customHeaders - Provide a map(object) of custom headers to be sent to the unleash-server
- customHeadersFunction - Provide a function that return a Promise resolving as custom headers
to be sent to unleash-server. When options are set, this will take precedence over
option. - timeout - specify a timeout in milliseconds for outgoing HTTP requests. Defaults to 10000ms.
- repository - Provide a custom repository implementation to manage the underlying data
Custom strategies
1. implement the custom strategy:
const { Strategy, initialize } = require('unleash-client');
class ActiveForUserWithEmailStrategy extends Strategy {
constructor() {
isEnabled(parameters, context) {
return parameters.emails.indexOf(context.email) !== -1;
2. register your custom strategy:
url: 'http://unleash.herokuapp.com',
strategies: [new ActiveForUserWithEmailStrategy()],
Alternative usage
Its also possible to ship the unleash instance around yourself, instead of using on the default
to have share one instance.
const { Unleash } = require('unleash-client');
const instance = new Unleash({
appName: 'my-app-name',
url: 'http://unleash.herokuapp.com',
instance.on('ready', console.log.bind(console, 'ready'));
instance.on('error', console.error);
The unleash instance object implements the EventEmitter class and emits the following events:
event | payload | description |
ready | - | is emitted once the fs-cache is ready. if no cache file exists it will still be emitted. |
registered | - | is emitted after the app has been registered at the api server |
sent | object data | key/value pair of delivered metrics |
count | string name, boolean enabled | is emitted when a feature is evaluated |
warn | string msg | is emitted on a warning |
error | Error err | is emitted on a error |
unchanged | - | is emitted each time the client gets new toggle state from server, but nothing has changed |
changed | object data | is emitted each time the client gets new toggle state from server and changes has been made |
| | |
Example usage:
const { Unleash, isEnabled } = require('unleash-client');
const instance = new Unleash({
appName: 'my-app-name',
url: 'http://unleash.herokuapp.com',
await instance.once('ready');
Custom repository
You can manage the underlying data layer yourself if you want to. This enables you to use unleash
offline, from a browser environment or implement your own caching layer. See
Unleash depends on a ready
event of the repository you pass in. Be sure that you emit the event
after you've initialized unleash.