What is unleash-proxy-client?
The unleash-proxy-client npm package is a client library for the Unleash Proxy, which is a feature management system. It allows you to control feature toggles in your application, enabling or disabling features without deploying new code. This is particularly useful for A/B testing, gradual rollouts, and canary releases.
What are unleash-proxy-client's main functionalities?
Initialize Client
This code initializes the Unleash client with the necessary configuration such as the URL of the Unleash Proxy, the client key, and the application name. The `start` method is called to begin fetching feature toggles.
const { UnleashClient } = require('unleash-proxy-client');
const unleash = new UnleashClient({
url: 'https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/api/frontend',
clientKey: 'your-client-key',
appName: 'my-app'
Check Feature Toggle
This code checks if a specific feature toggle is enabled. The `isEnabled` method returns a boolean indicating the status of the feature toggle.
const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('feature-toggle-name');
console.log(`Feature is enabled: ${isEnabled}`);
Register Event Listeners
This code registers event listeners for the Unleash client. The `update` event is triggered when feature toggles are updated, and the `error` event is triggered if there is an error fetching feature toggles.
unleash.on('update', () => {
console.log('Feature toggles updated');
unleash.on('error', (error) => {
console.error('Error fetching feature toggles:', error);
Other packages similar to unleash-proxy-client
LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that allows you to control the release of features to users. It offers similar functionality to Unleash, such as feature toggles, A/B testing, and gradual rollouts. The main difference is that LaunchDarkly is a commercial product with more advanced analytics and targeting capabilities.
ConfigCat is a feature flag and configuration management service. It provides similar functionalities to Unleash, including feature toggles and remote configuration. ConfigCat is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a good alternative for smaller projects or teams.
Flagr is an open-source feature flagging and A/B testing service. It allows you to create and manage feature flags and run experiments. Flagr is similar to Unleash in that it is open-source and can be self-hosted, but it also includes built-in support for A/B testing and experimentation.