Advanced tools
[6.7.2] - 2025-02-19
Command bar spacing (#9288)
Make the chip in the playground project selector small (#9298)
Add some missing button labels on the project page (#9299)
Add strategy and more strategies button are different heights (#9300)
Hydration event should update with every event (#9310)
Mutating delta events (#9303)
Return undefined from delta if no events (#9311)
Access e2e test (#9313)
Add a metric to track client registrations (#9314)
Delete project segment with change request (#9315)
Fix unintended scroll on dashboard (#9316)
Handle singular counts in project status lifecycle boxes (#9317)
Use bucket stop as timestamp for metrics bucket (#9327)
Connection count usage (#9294)
Frontend API POST endpoint (#9291)
New flag header (#9302)
New flag info box (#9308)
Add stale badge to the new header (#9320)
Project field to feature removed event (#9322)
Use gitcliff changelog for release (#9289)
Add migration that backfills scim user email hashes (#9295)
Bump unleash client version to beta 6.5 (#9305)
Make setting service handle conflict on insert (#9160)
Add edge observability tables (#9307)
Add change request events to teams integration (#9309)
Add status_code to edge traffic table to store 304s as well (#9312)
Remove references to admin token kill switch (#9324)
[6.7.0] - 2025-02-11
Add removed back after deleting from updated (#9099)
Feature-dependencies-removed event should not be created always (#9100)
Setup id-token permissions
Setup concurrency limitation and rename session to reflect unleash (not edge)
Remove deleted event from being update event (#9106)
Resolve lifecycle image from asset path (#9121)
Align project roles checkboxes (#9123)
Specify colors for buttons (#9124)
Add a hover color for buttons in the period selectors. (#9125)
Correct name order -> traffic usage data -> traffic data usage (#9156)
Tabs not growing to fill all available space (#9161)
Commandbar colors (#9162)
Dynamic highlight width (#9166)
Original url for uniqueness tracking (#9172)
Relax email checking (#9182)
Relax email checking (#9183)
Re-align the dropdown menu with the dropdown (#9188)
Make traffic usage test more robust by using this month's actual numbers (#9193)
Heroku reset for tests (#9197)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.2 (#9200)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.2 (#9201)
Users groups table columns on small screens (#9194)
Now hydration event is being returned if revision does not exist in cache (#9203)
License banner using message type (#9209)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.8 (#9211)
Update dependency unleash-client to v6.4.2 (#9213)
Fix broken skip link (#9239)
Identyfication headers typo (#9244)
Project roles - include change request config in project update (#9256)
Return if empty array (#9254)
Don't navigate through the list on tab (#9259)
Update docusaurus monorepo to v3.7.0 (#9261)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.10.0 (#9260)
Killwitch to block usage-metrics from non-exiting flag-names (#9266)
Change log-level to info for filterExistingFlagNames
Open/close animation on personal dashboard is choppy (#9253)
Don't check license in OSS (#9277)
Some accessibility issues (#9282)
Add legacy button styles (#9283)
Enterprise Use Case Tutorial - User Management, Access Controls, and Auditing with Feature Flags (#8998)
New theme (#8994)
Fix table of contents horizontal scroll (#9137)
New landing page (#9087)
Improve ASK AI button (#9140)
Align table of contents with content (#9141)
Add previously resolved suggestions to commit (#9142)
New theme header (#9151)
Fix background img dark mode opacity (#9157)
New theme footer (#9158)
Identification headers (#9241)
Organize/update custom project permissions to reflect Unleash Admin UI (#9246)
Remove notifications docs (#9258)
New lifecycle icons (#9098)
Conditionally show groupId in StrategyExecution under rollout (#9101)
Rename lifecycle stages (#9102)
Update lifecycle tooltip style (#9107)
Transparent header (#9108)
Connection id counting fallback (#9115)
Max parallel sessions config (#9109)
New in Unleash - Lifecycle 2.0 (#9112)
Initial impl of new month/range picker (#9122)
Store support for data traffic from a range (#9127)
Delta rework (#9133)
Show a dialog when adding a release plan to a change request enabled feature environment (#9139)
Configurable global font size (#9155)
Segment implementation in delta (#9148)
Use new API for chart creation (#9149)
Separate frontend backend counting (#9167)
Wraps the new datepicker in a dropdown (#9169)
Send the add release plan change request from dialog when submitted (#9174)
Drop x- header prefix (#9175)
Limit user filter options (#9179)
Ability to communicate other license messages (#9192)
Move create user validations to the input (#9189)
Virtual autocomplete (#9181)
Render markdown in toats (#9207)
Productivity report only for seen users (#9204)
Productivity report unsubscribed users (#9220)
Client spec to support deltaApi (#9222)
Move timeline to panel (#9243)
Implement dialogs for changerequest milestone handling and removing release plans (#9240)
Emit delta updated event (#9250)
Add delta api streaming flag (#9269)
Allow SCIM user deletion (#9190)
Move strategy UI into milestonecard and open milestone when adding strategy to it (#9095)
New release plan template card (#9096)
Feature release plans other strategies indicator (#9097)
Prioritize milestone strategies in sorting (#9081)
Make remove release plan warning conditional on env. enabled (#9103)
Fix release template strategy padding and spacing (#9104)
Added push to public.ecr (#9105)
Fix traffic data timezone visualization issue with getUTCDate (#9110)
Use the user's locale settings for formatting the tooltip date (#9113)
Move the bricks (#9114)
Switch notify enterprise to main (#9119)
Create the releasePlanChangeRequests feature flag (#9126)
Remove feature toggle kill switch for admin token UI (#9154)
Add new query for daily data that uses date ranges (#9150)
Add orval schemas for the new API endpoint (#9164)
Gather metrics every hour (#9163)
Add website docs generated to the ignore list
Ignore website docs generated in biome (#9168)
Minor button style adjustments (#9170)
Add hint to release plan template gradual rollout strategy groupId (#9171)
Drag to reorder release plan template milestones (#9176)
Update request info boxes to new design (#9180)
Drop release plan template view permissions (#9195)
Filters data coming from the API to remove data points we're not interested in (#9205)
Pull delta controller out of OSS (#9206)
Add tests for new traffic usage functions (#9208)
Extract into hook, use new endpoint if flag on (#9218)
Use union type for traffic search data (#9221)
Clear scim fields when deleting user + migration for existing cases (#9217)
Release plan changes in change request view (#9225)
Mark release management as an enterprise feature (#9229)
Remove lifecycle v2 flag (#9224)
Changes the panel title to "Event timeline" (#9245)
Release management plausible events (#9230)
Remove sortProjectRoles flag (#9226)
Ability to run FE tests manually (#9249)
No border for event timeline / dropdowns to the right (#9252)
Make the milestone status a button (#9255)
Add release management to new in unleash (#9257)
Tests are timing out (#9264)
Removes extra border on collapse for the event timeline (#9270)
Make truncator a span (#9272)
Make playground code editor height dynamic (#9271)
Make mui buttons respect font size changes (#9275)
Add button styles to dark mode too (#9285)
Retry release 6.7 (#9287)
Remove concurrency block (#9286)
[6.6.0] - 2025-01-14
Change Open API validation middleware to specify and use path parameters (#8913)
Update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.4.1 (#9021)
Update dependency mime to v4.0.6 (#9034)
Update dependency @slack/web-api to v7.8.0 (#9036)
Update dependency docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to v4.3.1 (#9037)
Update dependency docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs to v4.3.1 (#9038)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.5.0 (#9039)
Update docusaurus monorepo to v3.6.3 (#8800)
Legal values styling in segments (#9044)
Remove archived from delta (#9051)
Save context button spacing (#9059)
Delta do not return archived as changed (#9062)
Text overflow on project users access page (#8853)
Etag support RFC 9110 standard (#9077)
Remove archived features from delta (#9088)
Force updated_at date to change (#9092)
Remove explicit "in project" text from change request event text (#9091)
Only display oss included projects/environments when install is oss (#8896)
Remove borders, improve draggable visibility etc (#9002)
Delta api e2e test (#9003)
Grouping of project level roles in autocomplete (#9046)
Log warning if there is diff between client/features and delta api (#9047)
Rework frontend validation for release plan templates (#9055)
Ability to upsert single legal values (#9056)
Ability to delete single legal values (#9058)
Making context service transactional (#9063)
Add migration (#8891)
Read logs and update cors maintenance root-role permissions (#8996)
Unique connection tracking (#9067)
Migration for unique connections (#9076)
Unique connection counting (#9074)
Unique connection gauge metric (#9089)
Remove create admin token from API (#9090)
Bump version to 6.5.3
Use 20.18.1 instead of 20.14 as our node base image (#9004)
Remove alpine reference as a suffix in image name (#9009)
Remove Unleash AI (#9010)
Streaming client no etag (#9011)
Group cards redesign (#9048)
Export context service factory (#9053)
New user avatar tooltip (#9050)
Improve group projects tooltip behavior (#9054)
Reorder release plan template UI files (#9057)
Make grid group cards have a consistent height (#9064)
Upgrade node sdk with x-headers (#9066)
Improve the release plan template accordion looks (#9065)
New hosted auth handler (#9045)
Remove simplifyProjectOverview flag (#9068)
Remove oidcRedirect flag (#9069)
Remove connection id from tracking (#9072)
Remove unused newHostedAuthHandler flag (#9070)
FeatureToggleService use optionallyDisableFeature instead of duplicating logic (#9073)
Mark SSO as an Enterprise only feature (#9071)
Fix migration file (#9078)
Fix migration file (#9079)
Improve create template fields for name+description (#9075)
Fix smaller broken UI things in release templates (#9084)
Update renovate configuration json file (#9016)
[6.5.3] - 2024-12-19
Use strategyName instead of name property for component to load (#8983)
Can't sort on undefined sdks (#8982)
Now null sdks will also be handled nicely (#8984)
Check for enterprise in the create/edit templates UI (#8985)
Streaming error handling (#8999)
Move delta controller to new path (#8981)
Add prom metrics (#8980)
Segment delta (#8990)
Authentication configuration permission (#8987)
Release templates strategy interaction improvements (#8992)
Date range selector (#8991)
Store memory footprints to grafana (#9001)
[6.5.2] - 2024-12-13
Initialize cache when we get the first request (#8971)
Only call project overview from connect dialog when open (#8977)
Template edit UI issues (#8974)
Streaming headers with app name (#8972)
New read model for client feature toggle cache (#8975)
Deleted feature names should come from event (#8978)
Enable docker version tag on main (#8979)
[6.5.1] - 2024-12-12
Ignore segment order in diff calculation (#8880)
Permission button tooltip behavior (#8882)
Swap subscribe and unsubscribe events (#8900)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.7 (#8917)
Permission button unintended full width behavior (#8920)
Adjust favorite icon placement (#8930)
Move productivity report to features dir (#8960)
Make project ui query optimized (#8961)
Productivity report small screens (#8963)
Clear "removed tags" when you bulk update tags (#8952)
Migrations e2e test (#8965)
Remove unused vulnerable transitive dependency 'prompt' (#8953)
E2e cypress create flag delay (#8968)
Do not initialize cache when flag is off (#8969)
Upgrade make-fetch-happen (#8970)
Readme architecture diagram (#8881)
Enviroment->environment (#8893)
Update React Native / Expo community SDK entry (#8902)
Trunk-based development use case tutorial (#8867)
Switch recommendation from proxy to edge (#8908)
Fixed diff syntax (#8937)
Favorites take less space (#8888)
Add variant etag (#8922)
Productivity report cta (#8936)
Additional email headers test (#8540)
Release plan template milestone UI listing strategies (#8933)
Health rating color in email (#8943)
OIDC redirect flag (#8944)
Add core feature alert gh action (#8948)
Maintenance root roles (#8875)
Productivity report trends visualization (#8956)
Make segments editing work with template milestone strategies (#8964)
Productivity email action text (#8966)
First revision of delta api (#8967)
Release plans small misc improvements (#8879)
Remove release-checks (#8884)
Enabled in OSS. (#8856)
Filter out milestone strategies in features_view (#8883)
Update release plans icon (#8894)
Improve release plan events and add them to event timeline (#8895)
Streaming spike (#8907)
Streaming node sdk (#8921)
Default metrics storage days updated (#8931)
View more insights color update (#8938)
Update node sdk (#8940)
Remove oidc UI flag (#8949)
Make toasts smaller (#8935)
Remove uses of toast text and confetti (#8941)
Remove console.log
Remove docker package setup. (#8959)
[6.5.0] - 2024-11-28
Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.7.0 (#8605)
Remove extra event search controller
Text color in timeline event group for light mode (#8635)
Enterprise routes 404 when not logged in (#8640)
Email table alignment on mobile (#8641)
Set a dynamic yesterday date instead of a fixed one. (#8646)
Fix project settings path for oss (#8650)
Console errors from highlight component and tag key prop placement (#8669)
Prevent rendering too many hooks error (#8667)
Active flags double stale flags (#8673)
Dashboard onboarding flow correct conditions (#8676)
Show archive tooltip only on project screen (#8685)
Console warnings and errors related to event timeline and strategy form (#8692)
Password auth metrics (#8735)
Send UI error tracking (#8725)
Update dependency compression to v1.7.5 (#8744)
Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.16 (#8745)
Project Status UI fixes (#8762)
Fix keyboard navigation issues with sidebar (#8769)
Device count flag without variant (#8773)
Update dependency unleash-client to v6.1.3 (#8777)
Use the correct design token color for the health chart background (#8783)
Remove idNumberMiddleware
and change to use parameters
in validPath
method instead (#8734)
Update users session warning in users table (#8794)
Link to unhealthy flags filter (#8802)
Don't break personal dashboard charts if the flag is called .
Center health widgets and text (#8810)
Count lifecycle more accurately (#8816)
Cleanup should be completed (#8819)
Fix status sidebar top padding (#8817)
IsOss check + minor UI things (#8828)
Link typo for upgrade (#8842)
Keep change request type in table (#8849)
Show data for last 30 days where we say we do (#8850)
Change requests placeholder (#8724)
User header layout on narrow screens (#8858)
Use a proper dark theme for the activity graph (#8865)
Show variant diff on applied CR (#8869)
Stop changing null to empty string when reading empty title (#8878)
A/b testing doc V2 (#8501)
Update go sdk to newer version (#8857)
Add enterprise awareness section (#8847)
Update orval schema (#8595)
Plain text productivity report (#8589)
Initial setup of change request notification indicator (#8606)
Traffic limits for enterprise-payg (#8596)
Archived row styling (#8608)
Hide archive tab when simplify enabled (#8611)
Archived label tooltip correct format (#8610)
User email un-subscription (#8612)
Update demo plans modal (#8594)
Archive movement informational tooltip (#8617)
Use actionable change request data in UI (#8613)
Project status backend structure (#8630)
Unsubscribe link to user profile (#8637)
Now backend returns event counts for activity chart (#8638)
Productivity report subscription UI (#8639)
Style project resources component (#8636)
Orval schema update (#8647)
User subscriptions store and service (#8648)
Composition root for user subscriptions (#8649)
Activity widget (#8628)
Export transactional user subscriptions service (#8651)
Make disableMigration
option handled by environment variable (#8634)
User profile returns user subscriptions (#8656)
Hook up project resources API to resources widget (#8657)
Add user preference change to event log (#8652)
Read productivity report from profile (#8662)
Activity chart polish (#8665)
Deleting release-plan templates (#8678)
Health widget (#8686)
Count recently deleted users (#8688)
Health score backend (#8687)
Activity chart now shows full year (#8690)
Connect project health frontend with backend (#8695)
Add lifecycle summary info read model + average time spent in lifecycle query (#8691)
Archived toggles do not show switch (#8696)
Remove excessing debug logging (#8701)
Remove archive tooltip conditionally (#8702)
Hook up lifecycle read model data to endpoint (#8709)
Define activity labels (#8713)
Now tooltip will not be over the main content (#8714)
Update zindex to theme
Email will be stored hashed now for all users (#8720)
Edit release plan template (#8723)
Metrics for password and scim enabled (#8730)
Coloring of health chart (#8731)
Frontend initial page for creating release templates (#8732)
Introduce new term licensed users (#8737)
Add tooltips to lifecycle boxes (#8739)
Prometheus now gets licensed users data (#8740)
Delete stale user sessions (#8738)
Add stale flags counter (#8741)
Licensed users migration table (#8748)
Show deleted user sessions (#8749)
Add stale flag count to project status payload (#8751)
Now pay as you go billing banner has link (#8761)
Add project status feedback (#8764)
Max sessions limit (#8765)
Show users with multiple parallel sessions (#8756)
Log excessive logins (#8774)
Implement call to add release-plan to feature environment (#8778)
Combine health and status widgets (#8782)
Show max count of sessions that users have to an admin (#8781)
Change max session count warning to 4 devices (#8792)
Create and edit release plan template milestones (#8768)
Add potentiallyStale filter (#8784)
Add potentially stale filter to flags filter (#8798)
Backfill licensed users (#8791)
Upgrade more environments (#8804)
Upgrade change requests (#8812)
Remove bold/strong from personal dashboard events (#8330)
Info about unlimited projects option (#8814)
Upgrade sso (#8813)
Licensed users ui rework (#8809)
Create project upgrade link (#8822)
Archived tooltip alignment (#8820)
Backfill archived features lifecycle (#8824)
Licensed seats sidebar (#8834)
Selector dropdown for milestone new strategy (#8841)
Licensed users chart (#8844)
Deleting strategy variants indicator (#8840)
Add PROJECT_ARCHIVED event to send message to Slack (#8848)
View diff in change requests (#8852)
Release plan template strategy types, constraints, segments (#8861)
Change request applied diff for update strategy (#8859)
Add variants to release plan template strategies (#8870)
View diff in edit segment CR (#8874)
Add support for PAYG billing (#8582)
Bump version to 6.4.0
Remove navigation sidebar flag (#8607)
Drop experimental from new signal meta properties (#8553)
Bump version to 6.4.1
Add migration for release-plans-definitions that removes fk on users(id) (#8614)
Upgrade to biome 1.9.4 (#8616)
Use palette.background.alternative for background (#8627)
Re-order project settings menu (#8626)
Add placeholder project status sidebar (#8629)
Stub out project resources for status model (#8631)
Add Unleash AI to New in Unleash (#8642)
Add connected environments to project status payload (#8645)
Cascade user unsubscription (#8655)
Add initial styling bits to status modal (#8658)
Orval types (#8661)
Add flagOverviewRedesign flag (#8653)
Export user subscriptions read model (#8664)
New feature flag overview metadata panel (#8663)
Added Release Plan Template events (#8668)
Update SCSS preprocessor API to modern-compiler (#8659)
Remove project segments gate for oss users (#8666)
Explicitly allows Artistic-2.0 license (#8694)
Remove stale flags (#8689)
Flag overview page redesign - environments (#8683)
Put project lifecycle read model in own directory + add fake (#8700)
List release templates in strategy popover (#8703)
Added migration for release plan template permissions (#8707)
Added release plan template permissions to permissions.ts (#8708)
Add release plan events (#8715)
Handle edge cases (#8719)
Prepare for lifecycle comments (#8733)
PAYG billing (#8743)
Improve the performance of our instance stats (#8766)
Use memoized stats for version (#8776)
Remove project connected environments (#8775)
Stop using personal dashboard UI flag (#8793)
Hide release plan template permissions behind feature flag (#8799)
AddReleasePlan api hook use template id in payload (#8801)
Remove personal dashboard UI flag (#8795)
Change avg health to current health in project status (#8803)
Minor cleanup of project health and status (#8806)
Disable flagOVerviewRedesign on OSS (#8808)
PAYG traffic bundles (#8805)
Make project status fit on 1080 height (#8818)
Hide project status widgets for oss (#8827)
Update utm links (#8835)
Allow openapi "date" format of strings (#8837)
Update orval schema (#8839)
Switch to using milestoneId instead of index (#8845)
Added unique index for release plan templates (#8846)
Milestone strategy tabs (#8851)
Rename toggle to flag (#8854)
Rename toggle to feature (#8855)
Release plans flow in flag environments (#8843)
Adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios
Make milestone_strategies.title nullable (#8864)
Adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios (#8862)
Release template sidebar (#8871)
Add licensed user data to the licensed users box (#8868)
Add Thomas's weird files to .gitignore (#8872)
Update toggle to flag (#8876)
Update texts
Introduce a highlight reusable component (#8643)
Introduce countProjectTokens
method on ApiTokenStore (#8674)
Sessions for user without error (#8742)
Remove unused component UserSeats (#8757)
Optimize png (#8826)
Extract add strategy diff (#8877)
User subscripton read model (#8654)
Add tests for project resources data (#8675)
Flaky flag type selection (#8677)
Add more tests for the lifecycle avg calculation query (#8698)
Session deleted toast (#8754)
Device count without experimental env key (#8771)
Fix feature e2e test by checking flag name in a td instead of url (#8863)
Strategy variant tests in CRs (#8873)
[6.4.0] - 2024-10-30
Fix tracking of menu bar for no search results (#8326)
Update go snippet (#8333)
Node.js SDK link (#8334)
Event styling personal dashboard (#8337)
Only ask for project details if we have a project ID (#8339)
Add grid w/container query for projects (#8344)
Make gaps 1px instead of 2px (#8351)
Add back flex container. (#8356)
Vertically center owners and roles content (#8357)
Return 404 if the project doesn't exist (#8362)
Small breakathon fixes (#8368)
No owners listed in personal dashboard for default project (#8373)
Use ip-address for remote-strategy (#8380)
Import svg viewbox misalignment (#8216)
Handle project fetching error (#8375)
Handle lots of project roles better (#8383)
Removes welcome message and updates view details button (#8385)
Route for environments for pro customers (#8390)
Make no data look like no data (#8396)
Environments route should be hidden from menu for open-source (#8397)
Display tick values for chart Y axis (#8412)
Chart issues in dark mode (#8414)
Show empty chart when we're loading flag metrics (#8419)
Fix title sizes (#8420)
Revert link changes (#8425)
Section sizes (#8423)
Adjust the height of the flag section (#8426)
Handle narrow screens better (#8430)
Order API integration update (#8431)
Now health widget will match will chart (#8432)
Spacing between lifecycle metrics and env/period selector (#8433)
Handle cases where the flag name causes API errors (or other errors occur) (#8439)
Archived flags without metrics do not count towards onboarding (#8443)
Fix environment order form state (#8449)
Same site api call with session cookie (#8435)
Unleash AI chat message code not breaking to new line (#8455)
Group and user has at least 1 project owner counter respects multirole project groups (#8453)
Wrap the UserAvatar component in forwardRef (#8461)
Fix two disabled tooltips (#8464)
Traffic estimate should Math.floor price estimate to full million (#8468)
Add the dashboard icon to the iconrenderer (#8474)
Allow you to add spaces to role descriptions (#8475)
Missing page titles (#8477)
Handle loading states for project details for a single project (#8492)
Break words first, break all second (#8495)
Don't allow . or .. in feature url (#8479)
Update dependency cookie-parser to v1.4.7 (#8503)
Fontend dev command to start in sandbox pro environment (#8376)
Enable nav sidebar for previous uis (#8508)
Update dependency express to v4.21.1 (#8511)
Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.4.1 (#8512)
Update dependency express-session to v1.18.1 (#8513)
Update dependency ip-address to v10.0.1 (#8515)
Update dependency json-2-csv to v5.5.6 (#8516)
Stretch strategies (#8519)
Stretch strategies underlying root cause (#8520)
Update dependency response-time to v2.3.3 (#8524)
Invalid spreading of keys into table rows everywhere (#8551)
Now feature table does not dissapear (#8554)
Correctly filter for to
dates (#8567)
Set path-to-regexp version in docker (#8572)
Productivity report email (#8574)
Update dependency @slack/web-api to v7.6.0 (#8584)
Update dependency pg to v8.13.0 (#8585)
Welcome message with no name (#8588)
Personal dashboard project avg health scores (#8328)
Handle owners and project roles in the UI (#8315)
Improve onboarding flow (#8327)
Improve styles (#8323)
Add all outlined icons (#8332)
Health trend insight (#8335)
Add logging for lifecycle prom metrics (#8341)
Health score components in personal dashboard (#8348)
Archived features will be included in onboarding (#8350)
Improve steps dividers (#8346)
Add plausible for onboarding (#8352)
Update congratulations message (#8354)
Make personal dashboard UI more compact (#8359)
Add comments to snippets (#8361)
Add flag to purchase additional environments (#8366)
Store dashboard state (#8382)
Start capturing onboarded status also from register endpoint (#8386)
Android/swift slow metric info (#8387)
Add timestamps to project events (#8389)
Order additional environments email templates (#8401)
Make panels collapsible (#8395)
Order environments service implementation (#8415)
Handle cases where user has no flags (#8416)
Order environment plausible events (#8427)
Additional environments - API integration (#8424)
More clear pricing text (#8429)
Now you can add env type to env order (#8442)
Ability to configure when users are considered inactive (#8454)
Prompt for feedback after second flag created (#8467)
Release plans nav menu item and icon suggestion (#8469)
Increase latest events in personal dashboard (#8491)
Personal dashboard scrollbars and spacing (#8493)
Email service for productivity report (#8517)
Rework application overview db query (#8518)
Start tracking project tab navigation
Track personal dashboard seen (#8539)
Emails sent table migration (#8528)
Send traffic info to prometheus (#8541)
Playground result count buckets (#8555)
Email config (#8571)
Archived features can be searched now (#8568)
Archive is now part of project feature list (#8587)
Hide archive UI behind flag (#8591)
Search endpoint should return archived at date (#8592)
Timeline ux alignment (#8283)
Bump version to 6.3.0
Timeline event group icon when events are all same type (#8322)
Test that owners and roles are returned (#8319)
Remove the projects? Property from ICreateGroupModel (#8246)
Update metrics interval from 5 to 1 (#8331)
Add labels to env/period selectors (#8329)
Remove unused flag (#8340)
Event timeline signals tip (#8342)
Timeline plausible tracking (#8338)
Event timeline help icon (#8345)
Plausible event for event timeline signals tip click (#8349)
Add event timeline to new in unleash (#8358)
Update the copy to align between project view and personal dashboard (#8365)
A feature flag -> one (#8367)
Make signals visible on event timeline for non admins (#8364)
Add beta badge to event timeline in new in unleash (#8377)
Better show hide event timeline tooltips (#8379)
Update debugging lifecycle format (#8371)
Update jsdom to 25.0.1 (#8355)
Removes setup badge from personal dashboard (#8384)
Update docs URL for event timeline (#8388)
Add timers to count queries (#8393)
Add unleashAI feature flag (#8399)
Move flag activity info to the left (#8411)
Remove graph, update health message (#8403)
Add OpenAI API key configuration (#8400)
Add unleashAI chat schemas (#8405)
Flag for webhook domain logging (#8413)
Debug lifecycle only when have new stages (#8418)
Track personal dashboard navigation (#8417)
Origin middleware flag cleanup (#8402)
Use new signal meta properties in event timeline (#8421)
Improve addon metrics usage
Unleash AI API hook (#8441)
Unleash AI chat UI (#8445)
Rename personal dashboard menu item to dashboard (#8437)
WrapTimer function types (#8428)
Make onboarding concepts img more readable (#8448)
Remove all deprecated imports of act (#8398)
Add descriptions to accordion headers (#8452)
Fix invalid dom nesting (#8451)
ReleasePlans feature flag (#8458)
Make the Unleash AI chat resizable (#8456)
AI chats db migration (#8460)
Fix "key" prop issues in front end tests (#8459)
Update schemas related to Unleash AI chat (#8463)
Adapt UI to server-side Unleash AI chat ownership (#8466)
Patch text when trying to add a root role group (#8470)
Silence remaining front end test warnings (#8465)
Add a class to handle aggreggation queries (#8446)
Scroll-related UX adjustments in the Unleash AI chat (#8478)
Add an initial disclaimer to Unleash AI (#8482)
Unleash AI chat UX bug fixes (#8488)
Add Plausible events to Unleash AI chat (#8494)
Remove navigation sidebar leftover flag (#8504)
Prometheus metrics refactor (#8484)
Add 0BSD license (#8506)
Unleash AI UX adjustments: placement, icon, color (#8521)
Add migration for release plans (#8529)
Bump unleash client to 6.1.2 (#8558)
Allow CC-BY-4.0 (#8570)
Move orval to dev dependency (#8569)
Event timeline GA (#8552)
Add migration for milestone strategy segments (#8593)
Remove the addonUsageMetrics flag (#8590)
Implement an event timeline context and provider (#8321)
Use promise.all instead of sequential awaited calls (#8316)
Use css grid for flags and no content grid (#8347)
Use splash api to store splash state (#8422)
Refactor personal dashboard front end code pt1 (#8440)
Front end code pt II (#8444)
Composable new in unleash (#8505)