Unocss Preset Fluid
Elegantly scale type and space without breakpoints.
A fluid fonts and spaces utilites for unocss inspired by Utopia.
npm i unocss-preset-fluid unocss --save-dev
yarn add unocss-preset-fluid unocss -D
pnpm add unocss-preset-fluid unocss -D
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
import { presetFluid } from 'unocss-preset-fluid'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
Examples and Documentation
maxWidth: 1440,
minWidth: 375,
extendMaxWidth: null,
extendMinWidth: null,
remBase: 16,
useRemByDefault: false,
MaxWidth 1440
This is the width in pixel where the fluid will stop growing.
MinWidth 375
This is the width in pixel where the fluid will stop shrinking.
ExtendMaxWidth null
This is the width in pixel where the fluid will stop growing but keeping the proportions set by maxWidth
and minWidth
This is useful if you want the fluid to grow further than the maxWidth
but keeping the same size at maxWidth
ExtendMinWidth null
This is the width in pixel where the fluid will stop shrinking but keeping the proportions set by maxWidth
and minWidth
This is useful if you want the fluid to shrink further than the minWidth
but keeping the same size at minWidth
RemBase 16
This is the base value for the rem unit.
UseRemByDefault false
If you are working with rem units, you can set this to true.
This will make the fluid use rem by default.
For example
<div class="f-w-16-32">...</div>
<div class="f-w-1-2">...</div>
Prefix | Example | Definition |
f-text | f-text-32-64 | font size |
f-m | f-m-32-64 | margin |
f-mt | f-mt-32-64 | margin top |
f-mr | f-mr-32-64 | margin right |
f-mb | f-mb-32-64 | margin bottom |
f-ml | f-mb-32-64 | margin left |
f-mx | f-mb-32-64 | margin left and margin right |
f-my | f-mb-32-64 | margin top and margin bottom |
f-p | f-p-32-64 | padding |
f-pt | f-pt-32-64 | padding top |
f-pr | f-pr-32-64 | padding right |
f-pb | f-pb-32-64 | padding bottom |
f-pl | f-pb-32-64 | padding left |
f-px | f-pb-32-64 | padding left and padding right |
f-py | f-pb-32-64 | padding top and padding bottom |
f-w | f-w-32-64 | width |
f-min-w | f-min-w-32-64 | min-width |
f-max-w | f-max-w-32-64 | max-width |
f-h | f-h-32-64 | height |
f-min-h | f-min-h-32-64 | min-height |
f-max-h | f-max-h-32-64 | max-height |
f-gap | f-gap-32-64 | gap |
f-gap-x | f-gap-x-32-64 | gap left and gap right |
f-gap-y | f-gap-y-32-64 | gap top and gap bottom |
f-intent | f-intent-32-64 | text intent |
f-leading | f-leading-32-64 | line height |
f-scroll-m | f-scroll-m-32-64 | scroll margin |
f-scroll-mt | f-scroll-mt-32-64 | scroll margin top |
f-scroll-mr | f-scroll-mr-32-64 | scroll margin right |
f-scroll-mb | f-scroll-mb-32-64 | scroll margin bottom |
f-scroll-ml | f-scroll-ml-32-64 | scroll margin left |
f-scroll-mx | f-scroll-mx-32-64 | scroll margin left and scroll margin right |
f-scroll-my | f-scroll-my-32-64 | scroll margin top and scroll margin bottom |
f-scroll-p | f-scroll-p-32-64 | scroll padding |
f-scroll-pt | f-scroll-pt-32-64 | scroll padding top |
f-scroll-pr | f-scroll-pr-32-64 | scroll padding right |
f-scroll-pb | f-scroll-pb-32-64 | scroll padding bottom |
f-scroll-pl | f-scroll-pl-32-64 | scroll padding left |
f-scroll-px | f-scroll-px-32-64 | scroll padding left and scroll padding right |
f-scroll-py | f-scroll-py-32-64 | scroll padding top and scroll padding bottom |