Unocss Preset Fluid
UnoCSS Preset Fluid offers an elegant solution to scale typography and spacing fluidly across different screen sizes without the need for breakpoints. Inspired by Utopia, this preset simplifies the creation of responsive designs in UnoCSS.
Install the preset alongside UnoCSS using your preferred package manager:
npm i unocss-preset-fluid unocss --save-dev
yarn add unocss-preset-fluid unocss -D
pnpm add unocss-preset-fluid unocss -D
To use the preset in your UnoCSS configuration:
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
import { presetFluid } from 'unocss-preset-fluid'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
Examples and Documentation
Define your fluid design parameters with these options:
maxWidth: 1440,
minWidth: 375,
extendMaxWidth: null,
extendMinWidth: null,
remBase: 16,
useRemByDefault: false,
ranges: null,
commentHelpers: false,
Options Explained
- MaxWidth: The maximum width in pixels where the fluid scaling stops growing.
- MinWidth: The minimum width in pixels where the fluid scaling stops shrinking.
- ExtendMaxWidth: Allows fluid scaling beyond MaxWidth while maintaining the proportion set by MaxWidth and MinWidth.
- ExtendMinWidth: Allows fluid scaling below MinWidth while maintaining the proportion set by MaxWidth and MinWidth.
- RemBase: The base value for REM unit calculations.
- UseRemByDefault: When set to true, enables REM units as the default unit of measurement.
- Ranges: Define named ranges for recurring spacings, creating handy aliases.
- CommentHelpers: Enable to add helpful comments in the generated CSS, visible in the browser's inspector tool.
If you are working with rem units, you can set this to true.
This will make the fluid use rem by default.
For example
<div class="f-w-16-32">...</div>
<div class="f-w-1-2">...</div>
This option allows you to define recurring spacings using predefined names.
For example. With this fluid ranges:
xs: [12, 16],
sm: [14, 18],
md: [18, 24],
lg: [22, 30],
You will be able to use it as aliases. Therefore, f-w-xs
will become f-w-12-16
This option allows you to add comments to the generated css.
After setting this to true, you will be able to see the generated css in the browser inspector.
.f-p-lg {
padding: clamp(1.25rem, 0.5898rem + 2.8169vw, 3.125rem);
.f-p-32-64 {
padding: clamp(2rem, 1.2958rem + 3.0047vw, 4rem);