URI Template JS
This is a javascript implementation of RFC6570 - URI Template,
and can expand templates up to and including Level 4 in that specification.
It exposes a constructor function UriTemplate with the two methods:
- (static) parse(uriTemplateText) returning an instance of UriTemplate
- expand(variables) returning an string
Be aware, that a parsed UriTemplate is frozen, so it is stateless. You can reuse instances of UriTemplates.
You can use uritemplate.js in any even not so modern browser (Tested even with IE8 in IE7-Mode), see file demo.html.
But you can also use it with node:
npm install uritemplate
and then in a node application:
UriTemplate = require('uritemplate'),
template = UriTemplate.parse('{?query*})';
template.expand({query: {first: 1, second: 2}});
--> "?first=1&second=2"
or within a html document (see also demo.html):
<script type="text/javascript" src="bin/uritemplate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var template = UriTemplate.parse('{?query*}');
alert(template.expand({query: {first: 1, second: 2}}));
If you want to clone the git project, be aware of the submodule uritemplate-test.
So you have to to:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fxa/uritemplate-js.git
npm install
npm test
The integration tests are taken from https://github.com/uri-templates/uritemplate-test as a submodule.
The tests are integrated in the Jakefile.
Copyright 2013 Franz Antesberger
MIT License, see http://mit-license.org/
Release Notes
- 0.3.4 minor package.json changes to support npm install and npm test
- 0.3.3 fixed https://github.com/fxa/uritemplate-js/issues/12 Pct-Encoding-Error with chars < 0x100 (missing 0-padding). Thanks to https://github.com/pfraze!
- 0.3.2 fixed https://github.com/fxa/uritemplate-js/issues/11 Problems with older IE versions. Thanks to anozaki!
- 0.3.1 fixed https://github.com/fxa/uritemplate-js/issues/10 thank you, Paul-Martin!
- 0.3.0 introduced UriTemplateError as exception, so the interface changed from string to UriTemplateError (as the rfc suggested)
- 0.2.4 fixed double encoding according [RubenVerborgh] and some Prefix modifiers bugs
- 0.2.3 fixed bug with empty objects ('{?empty}' with '{empty:{}}' shall expand to '?empty=')
- 0.2.2 fixed pct encoding bug with multibyte utf8 chars
- 0.2.1 fixed a bug in package.json
- 0.2.0 heavy project refactoring, splitting source files, introducing jshint (preparation of next steps)
Next Steps
- Implementing more unit tests (now only a view tests are implemented)
- A new method extract(uri), which tries to extract the variables from a given uri.
This is harder, than you might think