Use Tree State
A super-light and customizable React hook to manage tree state like never before ✨✨
An example package that uses this hook internally: react-folder-tree
✅ built in CRUD handlers: add, modify, and delete tree nodes with 1 line of code
✅ custom handlers: define any custom state transition for your need
✅ half check (indeterminate check): auto calculate corresponding checked status for all nodes
✅ tree state onChange listener
🌀 install
$ yarn add use-tree-state
$ npm install use-tree-state --save
🌀 initialization
import useTreeState, { testData } from 'use-tree-state';
const TreeApp = () => {
const { treeState } = useTreeState({ data: testData });
return (<Tree state={ treeState } />);
🌀 custom initialization
Initial tree state is an object that describes a nested tree node structure, which looks like:
name: 'root node',
checked (optional): 0 (unchecked, default) | 0.5 (half checked) | 1(checked),
isOpen (optional): true (default) | false,
children (optional): [array of treenode],
path: [],
_id: 0,
nickname (optional): 'pikachu',
url (optional): '',
and isOpen
status could be auto initialized by props initCheckedStatus
and initOpenStatus
. We can also provide data with custom checked
and isOpen
status, and set initCheckedStatus
and initOpenStatus
to 'custom'
const { treeState } = useTreeState({
data: testData,
options: {
initCheckedStatus: 'checked',
initOpenStatus: 'open',
🌀 update tree state
There are a couple built in tree state reducers that can update tree state conveniently.
Note that these reducers
are slightly different than redux reducers
. They are wrapped reducers
which are functions that
f(path, ...args) => update state internally
For more details please refer to Built-in Reducers section.
const TreeApp = () => {
const { treeState, reducers } = useTreeState({ data: testData });
const {
} = reducers;
return (<>
<Button onClick={ () => checkNode([0]) }>
check the first node
<Button onClick={ () => toggleOpen([0], 1) }>
open the first parent node
<Button onClick={ () => toggleOpen([1], 0) }>
close the second parent node
<Button onClick={ () => renameNode([2], 'pikachu') }>
rename the third node to pikachu
<Button onClick={ () => deleteNode([3]) }>
remove the fourth node
<Button onClick={ () => addNode([], false) }>
add a leaf node as root node's children
<Button onClick={ () => addNode([], true) }>
add a parent node as root node's children
<Tree state={ treeState } />
🌀 onChange listener
we can pass in an onChange(newState: tree-state-obj, event: obj)
to the hook to listen for state change event.
const handleStateChange = (newState, event) => {
const { type, path, params } = event;
console.log('last event: ', { type, path, params });
console.log('state changed to: ', newState);
const { treeState } = useTreeState({
data: testData,
onChange: handleStateChange,
Built-in Reducers
All built in reducers will use path
param to find the tree node to operate on. path
is an array of indexes from root to the target node.
An example that shows each node and corresponding path
const treeState = {
name: 'root',
children: [
{ name: 'node_0' }
{ name: 'node_1' }
name: 'node_2',
children: [
{ name: 'node_2_0' },
{ name: 'node_2_1' },
• reducers.checkNode(path: array)
Check the target node (internally set checked
= 1), if target node is already checked, this will uncheck it (internally set checked
= 0).
It will also update checked status for all other nodes:
- if we checked a parent node, all children nodes will also be checked
- if some (but not all) of a node's children are checked, this node becomes half check (internally set
= 0.5)
• reducers.toggleOpen(path: array, isOpen: bool)
Set the open status isOpen
for the target node. isOpen: false
usually means in UI we shouldn't see it's children.
This only works for parent nodes, which are the nodes that has children
in tree state.
• reducers.renameNode(path: array, newName: string)
You know what it is.
• reducers.deleteNode(path: array)
Delete the target node. If target node is a parent, all of it's children will also be removed.
• reducers.addNode(path: array, hasChildren: bool)
Add a node as a children of target node. hasChildren: true
means this new node is a parent node, otherwise it is a leaf node.
This only works for parent nodes.
Instead of 'update' the tree state, this will set whole tree state directly. Didn't test this method, but leave this api anyways, so use with cautions! And plz open an issue if it doesn't work : )
Custom Reducers
There are two ways to build custom state transition functions. We provided a findTargetNode
util to help find the target node.
🌀 method 1: wrap custom reducers (recommended)
We can build any custom reducers of format
myReducer(root: tree-state-obj, path: array | null, ...params): tree-state-obj
and pass it to the hook constructor. Hook will then expose a wrapped version of it. Then we can use it like
reducers.myReducer(path: array | null, ...params)
to update the treeState.
import useTreeState, {
} from 'use-tree-state';
const TreeApp = () => {
const renameToPikachuNTimes = (root, path, n) => {
const targetNode = findTargetNode(root, path); = 'pika'.repeat(n);
return { ...root };
const { treeState, reducers } = useTreeState({
data: testData,
customReducers: {
const renameFirstNodeToPikaPikaPika = () => {
reducers.renameToPikachuNTimes([0], 3);
return (<>
<Button onClick={ renameFirstNodeToPikaPikaPika }>
pika pika
<Tree state={ treeState } />
🌀 method 2: set tree state from outside
const TreeApp = () => {
const { treeState, reducers } = useTreeState({ data: testData });
const { setTreeState } = reducers;
const renameToPikachuNTimes = (root, path, n) => {
const newState = deepClone(root);
const targetNode = findTargetNode(newState, path); = 'pika'.repeat(n);
const renameFirstNodeToPikaPikaPika = () => {
renameToPikachuNTimes(treeState, [0], 3);
return (<>
<Button onClick={ renameFirstNodeToPikaPikaPika }>
pika pika
<Tree state={ treeState } />
🌀 find node by name (or by any other keys)
We chose to use path to find target node as the primary interface because:
- path is always unique
- this is the fastest way to find a target node
- we can dynamically general path in component, which perfectly matches the reducer API. example
However, sometimes we might want to use other props (such as name) to find a target node, this can also be done easily by a custom reducer. We provided two utils to help achieve this:
findTargetPathByProp(root: tree-state-obj, propName: string, targetValue: string): array<int>
findAllTargetPathByProp(root: tree-state-obj, propName: string, targetValue: string): array<array<int>>
import { findTargetPathByProp } from 'use-tree-state';
const renameToPikachuNTimes = (root, targetName, n) => {
const path = findTargetPathByProp(root, 'name', targetName);
const targetNode = findTargetNode(root, path); = 'pika'.repeat(n);
return { ...root };
Bugs? Questions? Contributions?
Feel free to open an issue, or create a pull request!