VCF / vCard

Install via npm
$ npm install --save vcf
var vCard = require( 'vcf' )
Parsing a Single vCard
var card = new vCard().parse( string )
vCard {
version: '4.0',
data: {
version: [String: '4.0'],
n: [String: 'Gump;Forrest;;;'],
fn: [String: 'Forrest Gump'],
org: [String: 'Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.'],
title: [String: 'Shrimp Man'],
photo: { [String: ''] mediatype: 'image/gif' },
tel: [
{ [String: 'tel:+11115551212'] type: [ 'work', 'voice' ], value: 'uri' },
{ [String: 'tel:+14045551212'] type: [ 'home', 'voice' ], value: 'uri' }
adr: [
{ [String: ';;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America']
type: 'work',
label: '"100 Waters Edge\\nBaytown, LA 30314\\nUnited States of America"' },
{ [String: ';;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America']
type: 'home',
label: '"42 Plantation St.\\nBaytown, LA 30314\\nUnited States ofAmerica"' }
email: [String: ''],
rev: [String: '20080424T195243Z']
Parsing Multiple vCards
In order to deal with a string that contains multiple vCards,
you will need to use a different function, which returns an array of cards:
var cards = vCard.parse( string )
Format: jCard
var card = vCard.fromJSON( data )
var jcard = card.toJSON()
[ "vcard",
[ "version", {}, "text", "4.0" ],
[ "n", {}, "text", [ "Gump", "Forrest", "", "", "" ] ],
[ "fn", {}, "text", "Forrest Gump" ],
[ "org", {}, "text", "Bubba Gump Shrimp Co." ],
[ "title", {}, "text", "Shrimp Man" ],
"photo", { "mediatype": "image/gif" },
"text", ""
[ "tel", { "type": [ "work", "voice" ], "value": "uri" }, "uri", "tel:+11115551212" ],
[ "tel", { "type": [ "home", "voice" ], "value": "uri" }, "uri", "tel:+14045551212" ],
"adr", { "type": "work", "label":"\"100 Waters Edge\\nBaytown, LA 30314\\nUnited States of America\"" },
"text", [ "", "", "100 Waters Edge", "Baytown", "LA", "30314", "United States of America" ]
"adr", { "type": "home", "label": "\"42 Plantation St.\\nBaytown, LA 30314\\nUnited States ofAmerica\"" },
"text", [ "", "", "42 Plantation St.", "Baytown", "LA", "30314", "United States of America" ]
[ "email", {}, "text", "" ],
[ "rev", {}, "text", "20080424T195243Z" ]
Format: VCF
var vcf = card.toString()
var vcf = card.toString( '4.0' )
FN:Forrest Gump
ORG:Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
TITLE:Shrimp Man
ADR;TYPE=work;LABEL="100 Waters Edge\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited States
of America":;;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America
ADR;TYPE=home;LABEL="42 Plantation St.\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited
States ofAmerica":;;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of
API Reference
Kind: global class
new vCard()
vCard.version : String
Version number
Kind: instance property of vCard : Object
Card data
Kind: instance property of vCard
vCard.get(key) ⇒ Object
| Array
Get a vCard property
Kind: instance method of vCard
vCard.set(key, value, params)
Set a vCard property
Kind: instance method of vCard
Param | Type |
key | String |
value | String |
params | Object |
vCard.add(key, value, params)
Add a vCard property
Kind: instance method of vCard
Param | Type |
key | String |
value | String |
params | Object |
Set a vCard property from an already
constructed vCard.Property
Kind: instance method of vCard
Add a vCard property from an already
constructed vCard.Property
Kind: instance method of vCard
vCard.parse(value) ⇒ vCard
Parse a vcf formatted vCard
Kind: instance method of vCard
vCard.toString(version, charset) ⇒ String
Format the vCard as vcf with given version
Kind: instance method of vCard
Param | Type |
version | String |
charset | String |
vCard.toJCard(version) ⇒ Array
Format the card as jCard
Kind: instance method of vCard
Returns: Array
- jCard
Param | Type | Default |
version | String | '4.0' |
vCard.toJSON() ⇒ Array
Format the card as jCard
Kind: instance method of vCard
Returns: Array
- jCard
Kind: static class of vCard
new Property(field, value, params)
vCard Property
Param | Type |
field | String |
value | String |
params | Object | ⇒ Boolean
Check whether the property is of a given type
Kind: instance method of Property
property.isEmpty() ⇒ Boolean
Check whether the property is empty
Kind: instance method of Property
property.clone() ⇒ Property
Clone the property
Kind: instance method of Property
property.toString(version) ⇒ String
Format the property as vcf with given version
Kind: instance method of Property
property.valueOf() ⇒ String
Get the property's value
Kind: instance method of Property
property.toJSON() ⇒ Array
Format the property as jCard data
Kind: instance method of Property
Property.prototype : Object
Property prototype
Kind: static property of Property
Property.fromJSON(data) ⇒ Property
Constructs a vCard.Property from jCard data
Kind: static method of Property
vCard.mimeType : String
vCard MIME type
Kind: static property of vCard
vCard.extension : String
vCard file extension
Kind: static property of vCard
vCard.versions : Array
vCard versions
Kind: static property of vCard
vCard.foldLine ⇒ String
Folds a long line according to the RFC 5322.
Kind: static property of vCard
Param | Type |
input | String |
maxLength | Number |
hardWrap | Boolean |
vCard.parseLines : function
Parse an array of vcf formatted lines
Kind: static property of vCard
Internal: used by vCard#parse()
vCard.normalize(input) ⇒ String
Normalizes input (cast to string, line folding, whitespace)
Kind: static method of vCard
vCard.isSupported(version) ⇒ Boolean
Check whether a given version is supported
Kind: static method of vCard
Parses a string or buffer into a vCard object
Kind: static method of vCard
Param | Type |
value | String | Buffer |
vCard.fromJSON(jcard) ⇒ vCard
Constructs a vCard from jCard data
Kind: static method of vCard
vCard.format(card, version) ⇒ String
Format a card object according to the given version
Kind: static method of vCard
Param | Type |
card | vCard |
version | String |