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Data sync tool for Wix Data / Content Manager Sites

  • 0.0.1
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published


license MIT build for Velo by Wix

The Wix-sync tool is used to sync data into a Wix Data / Content Manager website. The tool syncs database items and media files (images, videos, audio files or documents) making them available in a wix data collection.

Wix Sync supports a few modes of operations

importwithout keyFieldeach data item is a new item in the collection
importwith a keyFieldconsolidates new items with the items in the collection based on the _id field
syncwithout keyFieldlike import without keyField, but also removes all other items from the collection
syncwith a keyFieldlike import with an keyField, but also removes all other items from the collection

The velo-sync application can be used in two different ways

  • Used as a CLI Application to import and sync CSV files and referenced media
  • Used as an API to import javascript objects and referenced media

Usage as a CLI Application

To use the velo sync CLI Application, you need to prepare your data, prepare your site and prepare the app.

Prepare your Data

1. Prepare the CSV File

The data to be imported or synced should be formatted as a standard CSV file, with the following conventions

  • header line with field names.
  • any field that includes a comma (,) or new like should be quoted with ".
  • field values that include quotes should escape the quotes with double quotes "".

An example CSV file

wix:image://v1/596320_525e18eaa2ce459a94dd3b812a7db930~mv2.jpg/BenWilson_chewing_gum_issa_23.jpg#originWidth=634&originHeight=436,c1c03e11-024b-4dad-a689-1c3610913b9b,London Bridge,,0451962b-9cd2-4fe2-aa24-f7973d073d75,Little Mermaid
wix:image://v1/fc7570_846eb609b9d640d184345e6309f8768c~mv2.jpg/%20Shop%20till%20you%20drop%20%20%20.JPG#originWidth=1600&originHeight=1067,50072d76-8368-42f7-99ee-0e9296029d75, Bruton Street,"Also known as the “Falling Shopper”, the mural is located on Bruton Lane on the side of a large office building in the heart of the West End district. The piece is over two storeys up and represents a woman falling with a trolley from the top of a building. Banksy’s aim was to point out the dangers of consumerism.  The mural was painted in November 2011 in broad daylight. A scaffolding and a tarpaulin were used to make sure nobody caught the artist red-handed. “Shop Till You Drop” is still visible and quite damaged.",0560c783-f374-44f6-b318-908d6de77816, Shop Till You Drop
wix:image://v1/596320_f0681085ac544bea9527272059955ba2~mv2.jpg/46600548_595929587504016_290259145196053.jpg#originWidth=1080&originHeight=1080,777a0f48-b2ff-421e-a435-739081cf05ba,King John Court,,0a910c5e-cf3c-4d92-b911-8db7819296f1,Artemis
wix:image://v1/596320_65dfa944076d44a9a945868d7702331b~mv2.jpeg/IMG_6611.jpeg#originWidth=1000&originHeight=750,59430c6f-11f4-49c5-a7f5-19b855d2b5f3,Shoreditch Underground,,0b75e1d7-073c-44ae-b965-a1fa6bb2c15a,Hey Baby
wix:image://v1/fc7570_dfbf8d18bf2f4d8db98a48b65e491d78~mv2.jpg/Banksy-There-is-Always-Hope.jpg#originWidth=1500&originHeight=1076,50072d76-8368-42f7-99ee-0e9296029d75,South Bank,"Arguably Banksy’s most iconic piece, it appeared in South Bank, London in around 2002. The words ‘There Is Always Hope’ are written just behind a young girl, who can be seen reaching for a balloon in the shape of a heart. Intense debate has raged on over the years regarding the true meaning of this stencil, with a variety of ideas involving love, innocence and – obviously – hope",1c138979-d640-4d53-b390-187a4196db5f,There Is Always Hope
wix:image://v1/596320_a2535724be2c4376b382260f10d7f069~mv2.jpg/BaltimoreBorn.jpg#originWidth=1080&originHeight=827,777a0f48-b2ff-421e-a435-739081cf05ba,Old Street,,297516b7-3389-49ae-b1c7-14a28b4ba76b,Baltimore Born
wix:image://v1/fc7570_221a6ef024794bb69a43a208225643bd~mv2.jpg/street-art-in-london-banksy-graffiti-pai.jpg#originWidth=640&originHeight=428,50072d76-8368-42f7-99ee-0e9296029d75,Portobello Road Market," This piece can be found beside Regent’s Canal tunnel and under the London Transport Police Headquarters in Camden. The mural, painted in 2009, represents a city worker covering the work of another graffiti artist painted in 1985 with grey wallpaper.  This wall became the battleground of a graffiti war between Banksy and the deceased London graffiti legend King Robbo. Shortly after, Robbo struck back and covered Banksy’s piece on the pretext that he broke the underground code of conduct. The wall undergone eight other modifications from both artists. The feud stopped when King Robbo was hospitalised for life-threatening head injuries. When Banksy heard about King Robbo’s serious health condition, he painted an ode to Robbo’s original graffiti piece. As a tribute to Robbo, the mural was restored to its original form with slight changes.",414c339e-0300-44b9-b8a4-376d8f0acbca, Graffiti Painter
wix:image://v1/596320_057219a2167d4b6dbdac4ffc8bf70012~mv2.jpg/G.%20Davis%20is%20Innocent%20OK.jpg#originWidth=1200&originHeight=800,777a0f48-b2ff-421e-a435-739081cf05ba,Sclater Street,,63d5d8d0-3939-4c68-b641-8e93e7bc61f5,G. Davis is Innocent OK
wix:image://v1/fc7570_d259e3c970094cb3a2cdec0c8e28eb93~mv2.png/Screenshot%20at%20Mar%2005%2011-13-56.png#originWidth=1702&originHeight=1176,50072d76-8368-42f7-99ee-0e9296029d75,Rivington Street Shoreditch,"Banksy’s mural is located on Essex Road, North London. Painted in 2008 on the side of a pharmacy, Banksy’s work depicts a group of three children pledging their allegiance to the British supermarket chain Tesco.  One of them is raising a flag composed by a Tesco carrier bag. Even though it was quickly covered in perspex, “Very Little Help” has been vandalised on several occasions and it is currently partially damaged. The flag has been painted over and replaced with a tag from Robbo.",696f7b91-cd61-4a6c-a5f8-06fe1e916354,Tesco Kids
wix:image://v1/596320_e970850a978147cf89d49d62e0442736~mv2.jpg/ad2dd_Jose-Mendez-1.jpg#originWidth=470&originHeight=470,59430c6f-11f4-49c5-a7f5-19b855d2b5f3,Shoreditch,,6d779be3-bc57-49e0-b1a7-291d9429bbf8,Happy Walk
wix:image://v1/596320_25360281cc7e491bb4870bd5d32e909f~mv2.jpg/Garden+Of+Desire6+WEB.jpg#originWidth=709&originHeight=653,59430c6f-11f4-49c5-a7f5-19b855d2b5f3,Shoreditch,,7242d0da-73b7-431e-abaa-7efc18fa56f0,Garden of Desire
wix:image://v1/596320_c29d9c5caa03466ebe86d216f0c652f1~mv2.jpg/ben-wilson8_orig.jpg#originWidth=796&originHeight=800,c1c03e11-024b-4dad-a689-1c3610913b9b,London Bridge,,7bd23aac-2bce-4a69-8907-69152838ba82,London Sky
wix:image://v1/596320_1f2d833d379047579240f9f0e9c1ddad~mv2.jpg/1.jpg#originWidth=1000&originHeight=1000,59430c6f-11f4-49c5-a7f5-19b855d2b5f3,Shoreditch,,aed627a9-47da-404d-96ee-42e042eb6602,Red Gallery Window
wix:image://v1/596320_e8f7ee11aaa9428bb25233cf1304cb54~mv2.jpg/fingercrossed.jpg#originWidth=640&originHeight=640,777a0f48-b2ff-421e-a435-739081cf05ba,Brick Lane,,c1ba82f3-fd79-4860-87ce-d894c15c98fb,Fingers Crossed
wix:image://v1/596320_44bc2bdb102a48f3ae6e596bb2d2806c~mv2.jpg/tn_IMG_5069.jpg#originWidth=555&originHeight=740,c1c03e11-024b-4dad-a689-1c3610913b9b,London Bridge,,c2e3c665-664b-4797-a91f-f59559497ad2,I'll Quit Tomorrow
wix:image://v1/596320_1e8978648f0e4e56b79712f03ff80fa7~mv2.jpg/tn_IMG_0369-001.jpg#originWidth=864&originHeight=837,c1c03e11-024b-4dad-a689-1c3610913b9b,Old Street,,d5e474f2-7faf-47be-9702-27cbab81d0e7,BW Face

note: more examples of CSV files can be found in the example-datasets folder.

2. Prepare the schema File

The schema file describes the fields in the CSV file. It is important for parsing the fields from CSV to the proper types in the collection and to trigger the uploading of files and media into Wix and the collection.

An example schema file:

  "keyField": "ID",
  "fields": {
    "Image": "Image",
    "Artist": "Reference",
    "Location": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "ID": "string",
    "Name": "string"

The schema file has two main elements

  • keyField - [optional] the name of a column in the CSV file to use as the identifier of the line. This field is used to correlate data in the collection with the imported data from the CSV file. In case the collection has an item with an _id that equals the keyField, the item will be updated. If there is no match, a new item will be added to the collection.
  • fields - the fields in the CSV file and how to parse / import each field. The fields element is an object, who's property names (or keys) are column names in the CSV and the values are the collection types.

Supported Types

TypeValid ValuesExample Values
stringany text
texts with commas have to be quoted with "".
multiline text supported when quoted
some text
"text with comma, has to be quoted"
numberany valid javascript number1234
booleantrue, false
yes, no
y, n
Imagerelative file location
image url
wix image url
Datetimeany date time value parsable by new Date(value)2001-01-01T01:23:45.678Z
Timehours : minutes : seconds01:23:45
RichTextHTML string that conforms to wix text element HTML. See Text Element<h1>some text</h1>
Referencethe _id of the referenced item0065e20a-48ca-4357-a8d6-e1ffa1d091bc
URLAny valid url
Documentrelative file location
document url
Videorelative file location
document video
./video/production ID_3755072.mp4
Audiorelative file location
document audio
AddressThe Wix address object, as described in the Address Input value property{"formatted": "15 Fairmont Pl, Sterling, VA 20165, USA"}
{"city": "Sterling", "location": { "latitude": 39.0501381, "longitude": -77.426225 }, "streetAddress": { "number": "15", "name": "Fairmont Place", "apt": "" }, "formatted": "15 Fairmont Pl, Sterling, VA 20165, USA", "country": "US", "postalCode": "20165-5769", "subdivision": "VA" }
Tagsan array of strings["one", "two", "three"]
Arraya javascript array[1,2,3]
Objecta javascript object{a: 1, b: 2}
Gallerya comma separated list of URLs or files, or a gallery object as described in the Gallery items property./file1.jpg, ./file2.mp4,
[{type: 'image', src: './file1.jpg'}, {type: 'video', src: './file2.mp4'}, {type: 'image', src: ''}]

For media and files, the upload process supports 4 different formats of file references

  • relative file location - the file will be uploaded to wix and replaced with a wix url (wix:image, etc.)
  • file url - the file will be uploaded to wix and replaced with a wix url
  • wix statics url - public url of a file already stored on wix - the file will not be uploaded again, and will be replaced with a wix url
  • wix url (wix:image, etc.) - the file will not be uploaded as it is already on wix.

prepare your site

To enable velo sync on a velo site, one need to copy the http-functions.js into the backend folder in velo. Then, a secret should be defined in Secrets Manager (under Settings / Secrets Manager) and define a secret with the name velo-sync.

  1. copy the http-functions.js to the velo backend folder
  2. define a secret velo-sync in secret manager

prepare the application


Package last updated on 04 May 2021

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