Moi, I'm Kevin 👋
Independent Web Developer with a glorious passion for video games. Based in the
cold, but beautiful Helsinki,
I'm an experienced Full-Stack Web Developer who beliefs every tool, library and
framework has their time and place. Currently, I've mainly worked with
ReactJS, Gatsby, Angular(2+), VueJS, NodeJS, RxJS, GraphQL, D3.js and Figma
and diving deeper into design systems.
- 🔭 I’m looking for contract work as an independent full-stack developer
- 🌱 I toy around with C/C++ on the side to dive into game development projects
- 😎 I'm becoming more confident with Golang
📫 Get in Touch
Or download me
- cURL:
$ curl -sL | sh
- npm:
$ npx venikx
Shamelessly plucked from: