This project is an extension of tachyons.
Files in src/
add or redefine classes in tachyons
, and the final built files bundle the original tachyons
How to use
npm i vtex-tachyons --save
You can find the built CSS file in vtex-tachyons/css/vtex-tachyons.min.css
Link in your application:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vtex-tachyons.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme.min.css">
import 'vtex-tachyons'
import 'theme'
IMPORTANT!: You should not import tachyons
in your project. It is already built as part of vtex-tachyons
How to develop
Local Setup
Clone the repo from github and install dependencies through npm.
git clone https://github.com/vtex/vtex-tachyons
cd vtex-tachyons
npm install
If you want to just use everything in tachyons/src as a jumping off point and
edit all the code yourself, you can compile all of your wonderful changes by
npm start
This will output both minified and unminified versions of the css to the css directory and watch the src directory for changes.
It's aliased to the command:
npm run build:watch
If you'd like to just build the css once without watching the src directory run
npm run build
If you want to check that a class hasn't been redefined or 'mutated' there is a linter to check that all of the classes have only been defined once. This can be useful if you are using another library or have written some of your own css and want to make sure there are no naming collisions. To do this run the command
npm run mutations