Range slider with histogram for Vue
🚀 Quick Start
If you are a try and learn developer, you can start trying the vue-histogram-slider now using codesandbox.io.
📦 Installation
yarn add vue-histogram-slider
npm i vue-histogram-slider
🔧 Usage
import Vue from 'vue';
import HistogramSlider from 'vue-histogram-slider';
import 'vue-histogram-slider/dist/histogram-slider.css';
Vue.component(HistogramSlider.name, HistogramSlider);
📋 Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
min | number | 1 | Set slider minimum value |
max | number | 100 | Set slider maximum value |
data | array | - | Data for histogram |
block | boolean | false | Locks slider and makes it inactive |
grid | boolean | true | Enables grid of values. |
gridNum | number | 4 | Number of grid units. |
step | number | 1 | Set sliders step. Always > 0. Could be fractional. |
hideMinMax | boolean | true | Hides min and max labels |
hideFromTo | boolean | false | Hides from and to labels |
toFixed | boolean | false | Fix position of right handle. |
fromFixed | boolean | false | Fix position of left (or single) handle. |
forceEdges | boolean | false | Slider will be always inside it's container. |
dragInterval | boolean | false | Allow user to drag whole range. Only in double type |
keyboard | boolean | true | Activates keyboard controls. Move left: ←, ↓, A, S. Move right: →, ↑, W, D. |
type | string | double | Choose slider type, could be single - for one handle, or double for two handles |
width | number | 600 | width of dialog |
barHeight | number | 100 | Set max histogram bar height |
barWidth | number | 6 | Set histogram bar width |
barGap | number | 5 | Set histogram bar gap |
barRadius | number | 4 | Set histogram bar radius |
prettify | function | null | Set up your own prettify function. Can be anything. For example, you can set up unix time as slider values and than transform them to cool looking dates. |
lineHeight | number | 6 | Set slider line height |
transitionDuration | number | 100 | Set duration to histogram bars |
primaryColor | string | #0091ff | Primary color |
labelColor | string | #0091ff | Label color |
holderColor | string | #dee4ec | Holder color |
handleColor | string | #ffffff | Slider handle color |
gridTextColor | string | silver | Primary color |
fontFamily | string | 'Arial, sans-serif' | Set text font family |
fontSize | number | 12 | Set text font size |
handleSize | number | 26 | Slider handle size |
histSliderGap | number | 6 | Set gap between slider and histogram |
updateColorOnChange | boolean | true | Update histogram bar color on change (recommended false for performance) |
🔧 Event
Name | Description |
start | Triggers when slider start. |
change | Triggers when each values change. |
update | Triggers when slider is modified by external methods update or reset. |
finish | Triggers when user releases handle. |