vue-yandex-maps is a plugin for vue.js that adds yandex-map custom element.
npm install vue-yandex-maps --save
You can use any build tool which supports commonjs
const YmapPlugin = require('vue-yandex-maps');
const { yandexMap, ymapMarker } = require('vue-yandex-maps');
new Vue({
components: { yandexMap, ymapMarker }
Or in ES2015:
import YmapPlugin from 'vue-yandex-maps'
import { yandexMap, ymapMarker } from 'vue-yandex-maps'
new Vue({
components: { yandexMap, ymapMarker }
Use <yandex-map>
tag to enable the map instance and use attributes to define map options.
Use <ymap-marker>
tag to enable the instance of map-marker.
Type of marker in marker-type
attribute can be:
- Placemark
- Polyline
- Rectangle
- Polygon
- Circle
:coords="[54.62896654088406, 39.731893822753904]"
style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"
1: {clusterDisableClickZoom: true}
:coords="[54.7, 39.7]"
hint-content="Hint content 1"
:balloon="{header: 'header', body: 'body', footer: 'footer'}"
:icon="{color: 'green', glyph: 'cinema'}"
:coords="[54.6, 39.8]"
hint-content="Hint content 1"
:balloon="{header: 'header', body: 'body', footer: 'footer'}"
:icon="{color: 'green', glyph: 'cinema'}"
:coords="[54.62896654088406, 39.731893822753904]"
hint-content="Hint content 1"
:marker-fill="{color: '#000000', opacity: 0.4}"
:marker-stroke="{color: '#ff0000', width: 5}"
:balloon="{header: 'header', body: 'body', footer: 'footer'}"
Map attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
coords | Array [ latitude, longtitude ] | Coordinates of map center. Required |
zoom | Number | Zoom of map (from 0 to 19). Default value is 18. |
cluster-options | Object | Map, where key is a name of cluster and value is an object of cluster options. Cluster option |
behaviors | Array | Array of enabled map behaviors. All another will be disabled. Behaviors |
controls | Array | Array of enabled map controls. All another will be disabled. Controls |
map-type | String | Map type. Possible types: map, satellite, hybrid. Default value is map. |
Marker attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Marker-types |
marker-type | String | Type of marker | |
coords | Array [ latitude, longtitude ] | Coordinates of point or circle center. Required | Placemark, Circle |
coords | Array of arrays [ [latitude, longtitude], [...] ] | Coordinates of shape corners. Required | Rectangle, Polyline |
coords | Array of two arrays of coordinates arrays (first for outer contour, second for inner) [ [[latitude, longtitude], [...]], [[...], [...]] ] | Coordinates of shape corners. Required | Polygon |
hint-content | String | Tooltip content | All |
balloon | Object | Balloon content object with three properties: header, body, footer | All |
icon | Object | Icon object with three properties: color (default value is 'blue'), content, glyph. Glyph property have higher priority than content. List of colors and icons | Placemark |
marker-fill | Object | Fill properties object with two properties: enabled, color, opacity | Polygon, Rectangle, Circle |
marker-stroke | Object | Stroke properties object with four properties: color, opacity, width, style | Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, Polyline |
circle-radius | Number | Radius of circle in meters. Default value is 1000. | Circle |
cluster-name | String | Attribute for grouping markers in clusters | All |