A Datepicker Component For Vue2
$ npm install vue2-datepicker --save
import DatePicker from 'vue2-datepicker'
export default {
components: { DatePicker },
data() {
return {
time1: '',
time2: '',
time3: '',
lang: {
days: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
months: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
pickers: ['next 7 days', 'next 30 days', 'previous 7 days', 'previous 30 days'],
placeholder: {
date: 'Select Date',
dateRange: 'Select Date Range'
shortcuts: [
text: 'Today',
onClick: () => {
this.time3 = [ new Date(), new Date() ]
start: '00:00',
step: '00:30',
end: '23:30'
<date-picker v-model="time1" valueType="format" :first-day-of-week="1"></date-picker>
<date-picker v-model="time2" type="datetime" :time-picker-options="timePickerOptions"></date-picker>
<date-picker v-model="time3" range :shortcuts="shortcuts"></date-picker>
<date-picker v-model="value" :lang="lang"></date-picker>
Prop | Description | Type | Default |
type | select date type | 'date' | 'datetime' | 'year' | 'month' | 'time' | 'date' |
range | if true, the type is daterange or datetimerange | boolean | false |
format | format the Date. The parsing tokens are similar to the moment.js | token | object | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
value-type | type of binding value. If not specified, the binding value will be a Date object | value-type | 'date' |
lang | Translation | lang | 'zh' |
clearable | if false, don't show the clear icon | boolean | true |
confirm | if true, need click the button to change the value | boolean | false |
editable | if false, user cann't type it | boolean | true |
disabled | Disable the component | boolean | false |
placeholder | input placeholder text | string | — |
width | input size | string |number | 210 |
append-to-body | append the popup to body | boolean | false |
default-value | default date of the calendar | Date | new Date() |
popupStyle | popup style(override the top, left style) | object | — |
not-before | Disable all dates before new Date(not-before) | string |Date | '' |
not-after | Disable all dates after new Date(not-after) | string |Date | '' |
disabled-days | Disable Days | (date) => boolean | - |
shortcuts | the shortcuts for the range picker | shortcuts | true |
time-picker-options | custom time-picker | time-picker-options | null |
time-select-options | custom time-select | time-select-options | null |
minute-step | if > 0 don't show the second picker | 0 - 60 | 0 |
first-day-of-week | set the first day of week | 1 - 7 | 7 |
input-class | the input class name | string | 'mx-input' |
input-attr | the input attr(eg: { required: true, id: 'input'}) | object | — |
confirm-text | the default text to display on confirm button | string | 'OK' |
range-separator | the range separator text | string | '~' |
date-format | format the time header and tooltip | string | '' |
icon-day | set the number of calendar icon | string |number | '' |
set the format of binding value
Value | Description |
date | binding value will be a Date object |
timestamp | binding value will be a timestamp number |
format | binding value will be the format string |
Advanced: You can also customize objects to implement two functions.
value2date: (value: any) => Date,
date2value: (date: Date) => any
Type |
'en'|'zh'|'es'|'pt-br'|'fr'|'ru'|'de'|'it'|'cs' |
{ days: string[]; months: string[]; picker: string[]; placeholder: { date: string; dateRange: string } } |
the shortcuts for the range picker
Value | Description |
true | show the default shortcuts |
false | hide the defaualt shortcuts |
[{text: string, onClick: () => any }] | custom shortcuts |
custom time-picker
Type |
{start: '00:00', step:'00:30' , end: '23:30'} |
() => Array<{ label: string; values: { hours: number; minutes: number } }> |
custom time-select for columns
Type |
{hours: [9, 10, 11], minutes: [10, 20], seconds: [10, 20] } |
Name | Description | Callback Arguments |
input | When the value change(v-model event) | the currentValue |
change | When the value change(same as input) | the currentValue |
confirm | When click 'confirm' button | the currentValue |
clear | When click 'clear' button | |
input-error | When user type a invalid Date | the input text |
panel-change | When change the panel view(eg: from year to month view) | panel, oldPanel |
calendar-change | When calendar view year or month change | now(Date), oldNow(Date) |
focus | When input focus | |
blur | When input blur | |
Value | Description |
NONE | when panel is closed |
DATE | when panel is date |
YEAR | when panel is year |
MONTH | when panel is month |
TIME | when panel is time |
Name | Description |
calendar-icon | custom the calender icon |
header | popup header |
footer | popup footer |
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