Vue 3 MQ (Media Query)
Define your breakpoints and build responsive design semantically and declaratively in a mobile-first way with Vue 3.
See the Vue3-MQ Website for a more detailed usage guide.
Use with vue@^3.x.x
Not compatible with Vue 2. Use vue-mq if you require Vue 2 support.
Table of Contents
See for a guide on upgrading from version 2 to 3 of this plugin.
Using NPM
npm install vue3-mq
Using yarn
yarn add vue3-mq
1.) Add plugin to Vue
import { createApp } from "vue";
import { Vue3Mq } from "vue3-mq";
const app = createApp({});
2.) Plugin Configuration
By default, the plugin will use the bootstrap5
breakpoints preset. Other presets include:
- bootstrap4
- bootstrap3
- vuetify
- tailwind
- devices
See the presets.js file for ones currently available.
You can set a preset either when installing the plugin, or via the updateBreakpoints
app.use(Vue3Mq, {
preset: "vuetify"
Define your own custom breakpoints by passing breakpoints
option. This lets you name the breakpoints as you want as well as defining the minimum pixel width before it becomes active.
{ phone: 0, tablet: 500, other: 1200 }
{ small: 0, large: 500, whatever: 1200 }
{ xs: 0, s: 300, m: 500, l: 800, xl: 1200 }
app.use(Vue3Mq, {
breakpoints: {
xs: 0,
sm: 576,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1200,
xxl: 1400
Plugin Configuration Options
Name | Type | Default | Description |
preset | String | "bootstrap5" | Use breakpoints preset. Options are: bootstrap3, bootstrap4, vuetify, tailwind or devices. |
breakpoints | Object | null | Custom breakpoints config. Object keys and values = breakpoint name and min-width respectively. |
defaultBreakpoint | String | null | Screen breakpoint to use before browser window is available (i.e. in SSR) |
defaultOrientation | String | null | Screen orientation to use before browser window is available. |
defaultTheme | String | null | OS / browser theme to use before browser window is available. |
3.) Use the mq
reactive object
After installing the plugin, you can inject the mq
object into any component.
<div>{{ mq.current }}</div>
export default {
inject: ["mq"]
<script setup>
import { useMq } from "vue3-mq";
const mq = useMq();
Based on the above breakpoints, you would give you in a browser window with a width of 1000px:
current: "lg",
xs: false,
sm: false,
smMinus: false,
smPlus: true,
md: false,
mdMinus: false,
mdPlus: true,
lg: true,
lgMinus: true,
lgPlus: true,
xl: false,
xlMinus: true,
xlPlus: false,
xxl: false,
orientation: "landscape",
isLandscape: true,
isPortrait: false,
theme: "light",
isLight: true,
isDark: false
4.) Use mq
with a computed property
The mq
property is fully reactive, so feel free to use it in a computed.
export default {
inject: ["mq"],
computed: {
displayText() {
return === 'sm' ? 'I am small' : 'I am large'
template: `
<h1>{{ displayText }}</h1>
5.) Update breakpoints
A function is available via Vue's provide
method which allows you to dynamically change the breakpoints which are responded to. Simply inject
it into any component where it's needed.
import { inject, onMounted } from "vue";
setup() {
const updateBreakpoints = inject("updateBreakpoints");
onMounted() {
xs: 0,
sm: 576,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1400,
xxl: 1920
6.) <mq-responsive> component
In addition to mq
reactive object, this plugin provide a wrapper component to facilitate conditional rendering with media queries.
<mq-responsive target="lg">
<span> Display on lg </span>
<mq-responsive target="md+">
<span> Display on md and larger </span>
<mq-responsive :target="['sm', 'lg']" tag="span">
Display on sm and lg
Name | Type | Default | Description |
target | String | Array | null | Which breakpoints to render the component on (see below for further details). |
tag | String | "div" | The HTML tag to use for the rendered component. |
portrait | Boolean | false | Only render component in portrait orientation. |
landscape | Boolean | false | Only render component in landscape orientation. |
dark | Boolean | false | Only render component when user prefers dark mode. |
light | Boolean | false | Only render component when user prefers light mode. |
group | Boolean | false | Render children as part of a Vue Transition Group. |
list-tag | String | "div" | The HTML tag to use for list items in group mode. |
Target prop: no modifier
Renders the component only on screens matching your mq value
<mq-responsive target="lg">
<span> Display on lg </span>
Target prop: plus modifier
Appending a +
to your target property will make the component render on that breakpoint and any above
<mq-responsive target="lg+" tag="span">I will render on large and above screen sizes</mq-responsive>
Target prop: minus modifier
Appending a -
to your mq property will make the component render on that breakpoint and any below
<mq-responsive target="md-" tag="span">I will render on medium and below screen sizes</mq-responsive>
Target prop: range modifier
Placing a -
between two breakpoints in your mq property will make the component render on any breakpoints in that range
<mq-responsive target="sm-lg">I will render on small, medium and large screen sizes</mq-responsive>
Target prop: array of breakpoints
Will render the component if the current screen size matches any of the breakpoints in the array. Remember that you'll need to precede the property with a :
in your template.
<mq-responsive :target="['sm', 'lg']" tag="span">
Display on sm and lg
Using named slots in <mq-responsive>
The use of named slots is another to quickly render one or more items from a list. If you want multiple items to show at once, use the group
prop on the component. This switches to using a TransitionGroup
component as a wrapper.
The name of your slot should comprise its render conditions, for example:
<template #sm>
This is a small screen
<template #md>
This is a medium screen
<template #lg>
This is a large screen
You can also combine multiple conditions by separating them with a :
<template #lg+:dark>
This is a large or greater screen which prefers dark mode
<template #md:portrait>
This is a medium screen in portrait orientation mode
<template #xs:dark:portrait>
This is an extra small screen that prefers dark mode and portrait orientation
If you need to use the same options twice, append a number to the end of the slot name:
<mq-responsive tag="ul" list-tag="li" group>
<template #sm>
This is a small screen
<template #sm:2>
This is also a small screen
<template #sm:3>
This is yet another small screen
<template #md+>
This is a medium or larger screen
Since Vue3 will never support Internet Explorer, this browser is not supported.
If your browser doesn't support the MatchMedia API, you will need to use a polyfill to add support:
Paul Irish: matchMedia polyfill
Please open an issue for support.