web real time communication platform

![Gitter][GS image]

This is a ready to deploy webrtc SDK and SaaS for a customized and flexible communication and collaboration solution .
The Solution primarily contains nodejs frameworks for hosting the project and webbsockets over socket.io to perform offer - answer handshake and share SDP (Session description protocol ).

Technologies used
Web based real time communication framework.
read more on webrtc
Node (v5.0.0)
Asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime
socket.io ( v0.9)
Communication and signalling
Note : while its possible to use any prtotocol like SIP , XMPP , AJAX , JSON etc for this purpose , modifying thsi libabry will require a lot of rework . It would be advisble to start from apprtc directly in that case .
- Grunt
It is a task Runner and its used to automate running of command in gruntfile
grunt -verbose
Get Started
To run this project following steps need to be followed in that order :
1. get the project from github
git clone https://github.com/altanai/webrtc.git webrtc
2. install nvm ( node version manager )
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.2/install.sh | bash
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm install v5.0.0
nvm use v5.0.0
3. install npm and update the dependencies
It will read the package.json and update the dependencies in node_modules folder on project location
sudo apt-get install npm
npm install
4. Change ENV variables and Test
To change the ports for running the https server and rest server, goto env.json
{ "hostname" : "host",
"enviornment" : "local",
"host" : "localhost",
"jsdebug" : true,
"httpsPort" : 8086,
"restPort" : 8087,
"extensionID" : "elfbfompfpakbefoaicaeoabnnoihoac"
To run the tests
npm test
5. Start up the Server
To start the Server in dev mode and stop the server as soon as Ctrl+ C is hit or the terminal widnow is closed .
node webrtcserver.js
read more about node
To start the Server using npm start ( using package.json) , behaves same as earlier run using node. We use supervisor to restart the server incase of exceptions or new code .
npm start
6. JS and CSS Libs
Make a webpage and give holders for video and button elements that SDK will use .
Inside the head tag of html
After the body tag of html
7. Configure
Create the webrtc dom object
var local={
localVideo: "localVideo",
var remote={
remotearr: ["video1"],
remoteVideoCount: "unlimited",
remoteVideoContainer : "rightVideo",
var webrtcdomobj= new WebRTCdom(
Get session id
sessionid = init(true);
Create a session json object with turn credentials nd the session created from above step
set preference for the incoming and outgoing media connectection. Bydefault all are set to true .
var incoming={
audio: true,
video: true,
data: true,
screen: true
var outgoing={
audio: true,
video: true,
data: true,
screen: true
Set widgets and their properties . Currently available widgets are
* Chat
* Fileshare
* Screen Record
* Screen Share
* Video Record
* Snapshot
* Draw on Canvas and Sync
* Text Editor and Sync
* Mute (audio amd video)
* Reconnect
var widgets={
Initiate the webrtcdev contructor
var webrtcdevobj = new WebRTCdev (
session, incoming, outgoing , widgets
Start the session
8. VOIP calls and conf
open tab on chrome or mozilla browser and add a link to the https server using nodejs script
Used Libs
Following are the additioanl libraries packed with the project
Minify and concat the js and css files into minscripts
Keeps running even when window is not active
cd WebCall
forever start webrtcserver.js
To start the Server using PM2 ( a process manager for nodejs)