A Whatsapp's Official API helper for Node.js (and others)
Whatsapp's Official API is now generally available.
To get started, you can follow this steps.
This project is a work in progress. Breaking changes are expected from mid-version to mid-version until it hits version 1.0.0.
To know what changes between updates, check out the releases on Github.
Set up
First, you need a Facebook app with the Whatsapp API activated.
You can create your first app following this steps.
Get the API token, either a temporal or a permanent one.
In your server you can install the module using npm:
npm install whatsapp-api-js
Now you can write code like this:
const { WhatsAppAPI, Handlers, Types } = require("whatsapp-api-js");
const { Text, Media, Contacts } = Types;
const Token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
const Whatsapp = new WhatsAppAPI(Token);
function post(e) {
return Handlers.post(JSON.parse(e.data), onMessage);
function onMessage(phoneID, phone, message, name, raw_data) {
console.log(`User ${phone} (${name}) sent to bot ${phoneID} ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
let promise;
if (message.type === "text") promise = Whatsapp.sendMessage(phoneID, phone, new Text(`*${name}* said:\n\n${message.text.body}`));
if (message.type === "image") promise = Whatsapp.sendMessage(phoneID, phone, new Media.Image(message.image.id, true, `Nice photo, ${name}`));
if (message.type === "document") promise = Whatsapp.sendMessage(phoneID, phone, new Media.Document(message.document.id, true, undefined, "Our document"));
if (message.type === "contacts") promise = Whatsapp.sendMessage(phoneID, phone, new Contacts.Contacts(
new Contacts.Name(name, "First name", "Last name"),
new Contacts.Phone(phone),
new Contacts.Birthday("2022", "04", "25"),
new Contacts.Name("John", "First name", "Last name"),
new Contacts.Organization("Company", "Department", "Title"),
new Contacts.Url("https://www.google.com", "WORK"),
if (promise) promise.then(res => res.json()).then(console.log);
Whatsapp.markAsRead(phoneID, message.id);
Whatsapp.logSentMessages((phoneID, phone, message, raw_data) => {
console.log(`Bot ${phoneID} sent to user ${phone} ${JSON.stringify(message)}\n\n${JSON.stringify(raw_data)}`);
To recieve the post requests on message, you must setup the webhook at your Facebook app.
While setting up, you will be asked a Verify Token. This can be any string you want.
The app also has a GET wizard for the webhook authentication:
const { Handlers } = require("whatsapp-api-js");
function get(e) {
return Handlers.get(JSON.parse(e.params), "your_verify_token");
Once you are done, click administrate, and set the webhook to subscribe to messages only.
There might be a future update to support the other types of subscriptions.
And that's it! Now you have a functioning Whatsapp Bot connected to your server.
Running outside of Node.js
Since @0.4.2, the module will check if fetch is available, and fallback to "cross-fetch" if not.
This will allow the same script to be run in many different enviroments, such as a web browser, Deno,
and maybe even TypeScript, idk about this last one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Personal suggestion, use esm.sh to import the code directly from npm, works flawlessly with Deno.
Some examples:
import { WhatsAppAPI } from "https://esm.sh/whatsapp-api-js";
const Whatsapp = new WhatsAppAPI("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE");
<script type="module">
import { WhatsAppAPI } from "https://esm.sh/whatsapp-api-js";
const Whatsapp = new WhatsAppAPI("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE");
The package documentation is available in whatsappapijs.web.app and secreto31126.github.io/whatsapp-api-js.
Beta releases
Install the latest beta realease with npm install whatsapp-api-js@beta
As any beta, it is 110% likely to break. I also use this tag to test npm releases.
Use it at your own risk.
Even though the code already supports all the message types, there's still a long way to go.
I will keep updating it until I like how it works.
Also, if you are interested in Google App Script support, check out Secreto31126/whatsapp-api-google-app-script.