A tiny tool to convert Microsoft Word document to HTML in Nodejs and in chrome,
you can use the tool convert tables with merged cells and nested tables to html file in Nodejs or chrome, the online tool wordhtml can not do this.
Beyond that, you can convert words with different font-family or font-size in a line to html string in chrome.
table example
If a line of words have different font-family or font-size in your .docx, it can not convert
your .docx to html expectly in nodejs, but this can be fixed in the browsers such as chrome. because
the npm package jsdom
can not realize the DOMParser
's function perfectly.
So if you want to convert the font-family and font-size exactly, you can see how to use word2html.js
in browsers!
npm i word-to-html --save-dev
yarn add word-to-html
api in nodejs: word2html(absPath [,options,env])
absPath: string | Array<string>
absPath is your file's absolute path
options: {tdTextAlign:string,tdVerticalAlign:string}
tdTextAlign controls the <td>
tag's text-align
tdVerticalAlign controls the <td>
tag's vertical-align
env: 'node' | 'browser'
default value is 'node',if you want to convert the font-family/font -size/color
, env must be 'browser', then you get a .html file, after you open the .html file in chrome, you will get a string in console panel
, the result is what you want.
Usage in nodejs
var path = require('path');
var word2html = require('word-to-html');
//Word document's absolute path
var absPath = path.join(__dirname,'test.docx');
the html generated in your WorkSpace.
Usage in browsers
step 1: execute the code below in your node
var path = require('path');
var word2html = require('word-to-html');
//Word document's absolute path
var absPath = path.join(__dirname,'test.docx');
step 2: get the html string in your browser
open the html file generated just now, and copy the result string of the console panel into your html tempalte, you will see the content of your .docx file will be in your html template.