Wordy is a JavaScript library which converts numbers into their corresponding
English numerals and vice versa. It's a simple tool which has many practical
and non-practical applications. One of the ways I see it being used to to
translate text from an OCR operation into a number that can be searched.
Also I figured it could be cool to replace url id's with just for the sake of
security since robots can't read English that well (unless they too use Wordy).
Example Usage
//ciphering (numbers to numerals):
var wordy = require('wordy');
wordy.cipher(1463); //#=> 'OneThousandFourHundredSixtyThree'
//deciphering (numerals to words):
var wordy = require('wordy');
wordy.decipher('OneThousandFourHundredSixtyThree') //#=> 1463
npm install wordy