xHelpers API
Xhelpers is an open source project that enables developers to easily create and manage micro-services into their own environment. It provides a complete suite of easy-to-use tools to help developers quickly create, manage and deploy micro-services.
The project is a collection of libraries and tools that can be used to create and deploy micro-services. It has a comprehensive suite of features such as ORM/ODM (Sequelize, Mongoose), API SSL, API SSO (Github, Facebook, Google), API security (JWT, AppKey), API logging (AWS, Sentry), API documentation (Swagger), API queue operator (AMQP, RabbitMQ).
The project has a CLI tool with usefull functions, check it out: xhelpers-cli.
The project is actively maintained and updated to provide the best experience for developers. It is an open source project and anyone can contribute to it and help make it even better.
- Improve documentation
- Add more samples
$ npm i xhelpers-api
Default project folder structure:
├─ node_modules/
├─ src/
│ ├─ index.ts
├──├─ routes/
│ ├─ todo.route.ts
├──├─ services/
│ ├─ todo.service.ts
├──├─ model/
│ ├─ todo.model.ts
├─ package.json
├─ package-lock.json
├─ README.md
├─ .gitignore
Create a new file located on 'src/index.ts'
import { createServer } from "xhelpers-api/lib/server";
import { dotenv } from "xhelpers-api/lib/tools";
const pkgJson = require("../package.json");
let server: any = {};
export default async function start() {
const serverOptions: any = {
port: 5000,
host: process.env.HOST || "",
const options: any = {
jwt_secret: "v3ryH4Rds3cr3t",
swaggerOptions: {
info: {
title: "Test API",
version: "1.0",
contact: {
name: "todo test",
email: "tester@test.com",
schemes: [process.env.SSL === "true" ? "https" : "http"],
grouping: "tags",
routeOptions: {
routes: "**/routes/*.route.js",
server = await createServer({ serverOptions, options });
await server.start();
return server;
if (typeof require !== "undefined" && require.main === module) {
Create a new file located on 'src/routes/todo.route.ts'
import { Joi, jwt, Boom } from "xhelpers-api/lib/tools";
import { BaseRouteSimple } from "xhelpers-api/lib/service";
class TodoRoutes extends BaseRouteSimple {
constructor() {
description: "Search 'Todos'",
.validate({ query: todoDemoPayload })
.handler(async (r, h, u) => {
return h.response([r.query]).code(200);
this.route("POST", `/api/todos`, {
description: "Create new 'Todo'",
.validate({ payload: todoDemoPayload })
.handler(async (r, h, u) => {
return h.response(r.payload).code(200);
this.route("PATCH", `/api/todos/{id}`, {
description: "Update 'Todo' by id",
.validate({ params: this.defaultIdProperty, payload: todoDemoPayload })
.handler(async (r, h, u) => {
return h
...(r.payload as {}),
// Joi Schema, can be used on routes to validate: params, query, payload etc...
const todoDemoPayload = Joi.object({
title: Joi.string()
description: Joi.string()
done: Joi.boolean()
.description("Todo is done"),
.description("Todo payload")
module.exports = [...new TodoRoutes().buildRoutes()];
Create a new file located on 'src/services/todo.service.ts'
import AccountLogin from "/model/account_login"; // mongoose or sequelize "Model"
import { BaseServiceMongoose, BaseServiceSequelize, BaseRabbitOperator } from "xhelpers-api/lib/service";
// mongoose
export class AccountLoginService extends BaseServiceMongoose<AccountLogin> {
constructor() {
sentitiveInfo: any = ["-__v", "password"];
protected async validate(entity: AccountLogin, payload: AccountLogin): Promise<boolean> {
const invalid = false;
if (invalid) throw new Error("Invalid payload.");
return Promise.resolve(true);
// sequelize
export class AccountLoginSqlService extends BaseServiceSequelize<AccountLogin> {
constructor() {
sentitiveInfo: any = ["id"];
protected async validate(
entity: AccountLogin,
payload: AccountLogin
): Promise<boolean> {
const invalid = false;
if (invalid) throw new Error("Invalid payload.");
return Promise.resolve(true);
Models - Mongoose / Sequelize
Mongoose: account_login
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
export interface AccountLogin extends mongoose.Document {
ip_number: string;
browser: string;
created_at: Date;
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
ip_number: { type: String , required: true},
browser: { type: String },
created_at: { type: Date, required: true },
schema.set('toJSON', { virtuals: true });
export default mongoose.model<AccountLogin>('AccountLogin', schema, 'account_login');
Sequelize: account_login
import {
} from "sequelize-typescript";
@Scopes(() => ({}))
@Table({ tableName: "account_login", updatedAt: false })
export default class AccountLogin extends Model<AccountLogin> {
ip_number: string;
browser: string;
/* auto */
created_at: Date;
Sequelize: Using parameters in route "queryAll"
&sort=[["", "ASC|DESC"]]
fields: Select the existing fields in model, comma separeted.
offset: To skip lines before starting to return the lines.
OFFSET 0 is the same as omitting the OFFSET parameter
limit: If the limit is specified, no more than this number of lines will be returned.
When using LIMIT it is important to use the SORT parameter to establish a single order for the result lines
filter: Select the existing fields in model and values filter, based in JSON.
Example: filter=[{"field name":, "field value"}]
Template based on sequelize: Applyng where clauses
sort: Select the existing fields in the model to order the result, based in JSON.
Example: sort=[["field name": "ASC|DESC"]]
Template based on sequelize: Ordering and grouping
Output of running server:
Starting Xhelpers Hapi server API
Settings API: Mongoose disabled;
Settings API: Sequelize disabled;
Settings API: SSL disabled;
Settings API: AppKey disabled;
Settings API: JWT enabled;
Settings API: SSO disabled;
🆙 xhelpers-api : 4.0.0
🆙 Server doc :
🆙 Server api :
Routing table:
🔎 get - /documentation
🔎 get - /health
🔎 get - /status
🔎 get - /swagger.json
🔎 get - /api/auth
🔎 get - /api/todos
🔎 get - 🔑 /api/todos/{id}
📄 post - /api/todos
📝 patch - 🔑 /api/todos/{id}
📝 put - 🔑 /api/todos/{id}
🚩 delete - 🔑 /api/todos/{id}
Default Routes
🆙 Server doc :
🆙 Server health :
Swagger /documentation
$ npm run build
$ npm run test
Test Coverage
$ npm run test:coverage
$ npm run cover:report