Xone is an open source Javascript framework for building modern web applications.
Actually this is a very early state of this repository (pre-alpha or less). We de not recommended using this repo until this message has been removed.
Xone actually requires:
NOTE: Alle these libraries are planned to become optionally.
- Manage Process Environments:
- production
- development
- test
- benchmark
- Manage Rack Environments:
- webapp
- cordova
- native
- local
- browser
- Manage Platform Environments:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- Webkit
- Mozilla
- Model-View-Controller
- Supports persistent models
- Full MVC-managed handlers:
- Routes
- Events
- Cache
- Mapper
- Storage
- Threads / Worker
- JavaScript Core Library
- Codebase Dependency Management
- Supports DOM pattern in JSON format
- Template System (Static Views, Dynamic Views)
- Build System
- Template Compiler
- Layout Manager
- Support Multi-Platform-Injections
- Event Delegation
- NoSQL Persistent Storage
- GZIP Storage Data Compression
- FlexiCache
- Multi Language Support
- Specs, Integrated Test Environment (based on Jasmine)
- Debug Mode
- Debugger Tools
- Performance Tools
- Analytics/Statistic Tools
- Benchmark Integration
- Supports JavaScript Closure Compiler (make use of "Advanced Compilation" by default)
- YUI CSS Compressor Integration
- Compatible with almost each library out there
- Also can be mixed with similar technologies like: Angular or react
- Simple, fast and natural usage out of the box