This project is a wrapper around Yrs and targets Web Assembly bindings.
It's a library used on collaborative document editing using Conflict-free Replicated Data Types.
This enables to provide a shared document editing experience on a client devices without explicit requirement for hosting a single server - CRDTs can resolve potential update conflicts on their own with no central authority - as well as provide first-class offline editing capabilities, where document replicas are modified without having connection to each other, and then synchronize automatically once such connection is enabled.
import {YDoc, encodeStateVector, encodeStateAsUpdate, applyUpdate} from 'ywasm';
YDoc.prototype.transact = callback => {
const txn = this.beginTransaction()
try {
return callback(txn)
} finally {
const doc = new YDoc()
const text = doc.getText('name')
text.insert(txn, 0, 'hello world')
const remoteDoc = new YDoc()
const remoteText = remoteDoc.getText('name')
const remoteSV = encodeStateVector(remoteDoc)
const update = encodeStateAsUpdate(doc, remoteSV)
applyUpdate(remoteDoc, update)
const str = remoteText.toString(txn)