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A feature-rich Discord bot library for Discord.js v14, supporting JavaScript.

  • 1.5.5
  • unpublished
  • latest
  • npm
  • Socket score

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🛠️ Bug Fixes

🚀 All commands are now bug-free and operational!

Greetings everyone! 🌟 This marks the release of a beta version for our package. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Direct message me on Discord at elias79 (ID: 1130583393176920095).

🚫 Functions Removed and Deprecated

❌ Removed Functions

  • The initeHandler() function is no longer available. To connect to Lavalink, include the required configuration in the start() function. Refer to the example and usage provided below.
  • processMessage() has been deprecated and replaced with pixelAI().

⚠️ Deprecated Function

  • mongoConnect() is now deprecated and can be used in the start() function.

🚀 Getting Started

  • If you're new and facing issues or unable to register and execute commands (slash / prefix).
  • Use the code snippet below (Note: This may slightly increase bot latency by approximately 50ms).
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require("discord.js");
const { start } = require('zenith-bot'); 
const path = require('path');

const client = new Client({
  intents: Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits).map((a)=>{
    return GatewayIntentBits[a]
 partials: Object.values(Partials),

const token = process.env.token;
const eventsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'events');
const prefixCommandPath = path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'prefix');

const options = {
  token: token,///Provide bot token here if you want 
  status: 'online', // idle, online, dnd
  name: 'Playing with commands',
  type: 0, // type is for activity (Playing, Watching, Custom , Listening, etc.)
  botName: 'tools', // bot name
  botAvatar: './pfp.jpeg', // set your bot avatar as a URL or local file (GIF also works) 
  // Note: Don't provide guildId or put it in the options if you set global as true
  slashCommandPath: {
    baseDir: __dirname, // need to be provided to read your commands path
    path: './src/slash',
    global: true, // true for making slash commands global
    guildId: '', // guild if global is false
    logsId: '', // channel ID for commands log
  prefixCommandPath: {
    path: prefixCommandPath, // your prefix commands path
    logsId: '', // channel ID for commands log
    prefix: '!', // prefix of the bot
  lavalink: {
    // Lavalink configuration for music
    nodes: [],
    search: 'ytmsearch', // (ytmsearch) => YouTube musics || (spsearch) => Spotify musics
    version: 'v4', // your Lavalink version
  mongo: {
    mognoURI: '', // Your MongoDB URI for connecting to MongoDB
    dataName: '', // Your Database name to create in MongoDB

start(client, options);

🚀 What's New

🌟 Bot Enhancements

  • Implemented a comprehensive bot handler for managing slash commands, prefix settings, MongoDB integration for database functionality, Lavalink for music streaming, and enhanced event handling for the client.

🎨 PaintImage Class Update

  • Added a new option to the PaintImage class for Gif. Now you can make gif images.

🚀 Usage Guidelines 🤖

For a standard reply without AI images or voice messages, set both draw and voice to false. Activate voice replies and AI images by setting them to true. Trigger the bot to draw AI images with specific words or phrases using drawTrigger.

Note soon pixelAI will be converted into api and it will require ApiKeys.

// Use this for js files (cjs modules)
const { pixelAI } = require('zenith-bot');

// For es module (.mjs/(.js if "type": "module" in package.json)
import { pixelAI } from 'zenith-bot';

const allowedChannelId = 'Channel_ID';
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
  if ( || !== allowedChannelId) return;

  await pixelAI(message, {
    voice: false, // Enable voice replies
    draw: true, // Enable AI images
    drawTrigger: ['create', 'draw', 'imagine', 'ارسم'],
    imageModel: 'prodia', // Choose AI image generator (check the end of the page for modals)
    chatModel: 'v3-32k', // Choose chat model (check the end of the page for modals)
    keywords: ['bot name', 'your name', 'who are you'],
    keywordResponses: {
      'bot name': 'My name is Zenith, and I was developed by Elias79.',
      'your name': 'I am known as Zenith, created by Elias79.',
      'who are you': 'I am Zenith, an AI created by Elias79.',

📊 Database Connection 📁

To connect to MongoDB/Mongoose, provide your URL and name your database. Follow these steps:

///for cjs module (.cjs/.js)
const { mongoConnect } = require('zenith-bot');
///for es module (.mjs/(.js if "type": "module" in package.json)
import { mongoConnect  } from 'zenith-bot';

// Connect to MongoDB
const mongoSuccess = await mongoConnect('mongoURI', 'dbName');

// Access connected databases using getDb functions
const mongoDb = getDb();

//if you wanted to use your database to save/edit/delete then use this example below

// Example usage:

const { save, updateData, find, remove, removeSpecific } = require('zenith-bot');

//example of saving a data (equivalent to insertOne)
  await save('collectionName', { key: 'value', key2: 'value2' });//save data into a collection

//example of updating an existing data and if not found insert it (equivalent to updateOne)
  await updateData('collectionName', { key: 'value' }, { $set: { key2: 'new-value' } }, updateData);//update the old key with new value or updating both

//example of finding a data (equivalent to findOne)
await find('collectionName', { key: 'value' });//search for the key that has this value

//example of remove a data (equivalent to deleteOne)
await remove('collectionName', { key: 'value' });//deletes the whole document with this current key and value

//example of remove specific data (equivalent to deleteOne but deleting a specific field from the data)
await removeSpecific('collectionName', { key: 'value' }, {key2: 'value'});

//example of remove many data (equivalent to deleteMany)
await removeMany('collectionName', { keyToMatch: 'someValue' });/// if u didnt put any key it will run with default (_id)

////removeMany while ignore specific documents has the value
const keysToDelete = 'yourField';
const keyToKeep = 'anotherField';

removeManyExcept('yourCollection', keysToDelete, keyToKeep);//removes whole data in collection except those with the key

//example of update many which updates many documents that has specifc key into a new value
const filter = { keyToMatch: 'someValue' }; // Replace with the appropriate filter
const update = { $set: { keyToUpdate: 'newValue' } }; // Replace with the update criteria

await updateMany('collectionName', filter, update);

//update many with exception to excule a key
const filter = { keyToMatch: 'someValue' }; // Replace with the appropriate filter
const update = { keyToUpdate: 'newValue' }; // Replace with the update criteria
const excludedKeys = ['keyToExclude1', 'keyToExclude2']; // Replace with keys to exclude

await updateManyExcept('collectionName', filter, update, excludedKeys);//update the whole documents in collection except those with specific key

//Example of transfer data from colection to another (functionality same as insertMany and find Array)
await transferData('sourceCollection', 'destinationCollection');

//Example of transfer data and delete ('sourceCollection')
await transferDataAndDelete('sourceCollection', 'destinationCollection');///after transferring data it deletes the source collection

📸 Manipulating Images Using Canvas 🎨

Add images, shapes, and effects to images with ease!

//You can use import for es module/.mjs
const { PaintImage } = require('zenith-bot'); 

const paintImage = new PaintImage();

///Creating a background
const canvasOptions = {
  width: 1200,//background width
  height: 300,//background height
  backgroundColor: '#3498db', // Example color (blue) or use 'transparent' for no backgound color
  backgroundGradient: {////Adding  a gradient instead of constant color
    type: 'linear',/// change to 'radial' if you want gradient start from middle
    startX: 0,
    startY: 0,
    startRadius: 0,///add if radial only!  
    endRadius: 0,///add if radial only! 
    endX: 100,
    endY: 0,
    colors: [
      { stop: 0, color: 'red' },
      { stop: 0.5, color: 'green' },
      { stop: 1, color: 'blue' },
      ///add more colors if needed
  borderRadius: 0,///adding a radius to create a curvy edges or use 'circular' to make it a circle

const images = [
    source: 'square',///drawing  shapes as images. We only support those shapes ('square', 'triangle', 'circle', 'pentagon').
    x: 385,///positions on background horizontally.
    y: 225,///positions on background vertically.
    rotate: 0,//rotate only applyed for shapes.
    filled: true,///to fill the shape if true.
    width: 500,///shape width.
    height: 80,//shape height.
    borderRadius: 35,///adding a radius to create a curvy edges or use 'circular' to make it a circle.
    color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)',///only being applied for shapes (filling the shape with the provided color).
    gradient:, ////Adding  a gradient instead of constant color (used same way as in canvas (only works with shapes).
    stroke: {//Adding stroke
      color: '#498afc',//color of the stroke
      width: 5,//size of the stroke.
      borderRadius: 35,///adding a radius to create a curvy edges or use 'circular' to make it a circle.
    source: 'square',
    x: 395,
    y: 235,
    rotate: 0,
    filled: true,
    width: 440,
    height: 60,
    borderRadius: 35,
   gradient: {
    type: 'linear',
    startX: 0,
    startY: 0,
    endX: 100,
    endY: 0,
    colors: [
      { stop: 0, color: 'red' },
      { stop: 0.5, color: 'green' },
      { stop: 1, color: 'blue' },
    source: 'local/file/path || image url',//you can provide an image url or local path and for images styling you can use same as above in shapes except for rotate and gradient which won't work.
    x: 120,
    y: 120,
    width: 210,
    height: 210,
    borderRadius: 20,///adding a radius to create a curvy edges or use 'circular' to make it a circle.
    shadow: {
      color: null,//shadow color.
      offsetX: 0,///shadow position off from image horizontally.
      offsetY: 0,///shadow postion off  from image vertically.
      opacity: 0,//shadow opacity.
      blur: 0,//shadow blur.
      borderRadius: null,///adding a radius to create a curvy edges or use 'circular' to make it a circle.
////image already got buffered you can send it directly or add text option
  const image = await paintImage.drawImages(images, canvasOptions, __dirname);

const textOptionsArray = [
    text: 'elias79. Rank',//adding a text.
    x: 440,//text horizontally positon .
    y: 145,//text vetically position.
    fontName: 'Wind',//name your font as you want or use default (Arial).
    fontPath: './wind.ttf',//font path for custom font.
    fontSize: 50,///size of the font.
    color: 'white',//font color.
    shadow: {
    offsetX: 3,
    offsetY: 3,
    color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
    blur: 5
    stroke: {
        color: '#deff08',
        width: 1.2,
    text: '95/100 XP',
    x: 530,
    y: 250,
    fontName: 'Arial',
    fontSize: 35,
    color: 'white',
    stroke: {
        color: 'black',
        width: 0.5,
///Adding the text on the drawn image before
const buffer = await paintImage.addText(textOptionsArray, image, __dirname);

//sending the buffered image with text on it 
 await{files: [buffer] });

How to make a gif

const images = [
  { source: "path/to/image1.jpg", isRemote: false },////false if local file image
  { source: "", isRemote: true },//true if image url
  // Add more image objects as needed

// Options for creating the GIF
const options = {
  outputFormat: "file", // or "base64", "attachment", "buffer"
  outputFile: "path/to/output.gif", // Specify if outputFormat is "file" 
  repeat: 0, // Number of times to repeat (default is 0 for no repeat)
  quality: 10, // Quality of the GIF (default is 10)
  canvasSize: { width: 1200, height: 1200 }, // Size of the canvas (default is { width: 1200, height: 1200 })
  delay: 3000, // Delay between frames in milliseconds (default is 3000)
  watermark: true, // Whether to add a watermark (default is false)
  textOverlay: {
    text: "Your Text Here",
    fontPath: "path/to/your/font.ttf", // Specify if using a custom font (note: add path.join and dirname)
    fontName: "CustomFont", // Font name (default is "Arial")
    fontSize: 20, // Font size (default is 20)
    fontColor: "white", // Font color (default is "white")
    x: 10, // X-coordinate of text (default is 10)
    y: 30, // Y-coordinate of text (default is 30)
  basDir: __dirname, // Base directory (optional, used for resolving font paths)

// Call the createGIF function
(async () => {
  await createGIF(images, options);
}) ();

📚 More Commands & Documentation 📖

Explore a detailed list of commands and their prefixes in our Support Server.

🚨 Important Notes 📌

  1. Voice Messages: Currently in beta, occasional disruptions may occur.

  2. Commands: Support for slash commands and database integration using MongoDB is coming soon.

  3. Music: Utilizing Lavalink for audio streaming. Customize Lavalink node if needed.

  4. Database: Still in beta. Aimed at simplicity and bug-free experience.

Keep experimenting, and feel free to contact me for assistance! Suggestions and adjustments are welcome. 🌟

Modal (Image)

  • v1
  • v2
  • v2-beta
  • lexica
  • prodia
  • animefy
  • raava
  • shonin
  • v3
  • 3Guofeng3_v34.safetensors [50f420de]
  • absolutereality_V16.safetensors [37db0fc3]
  • absolutereality_v181.safetensors [3d9d4d2b]
  • amIReal_V41.safetensors [0a8a2e61]
  • analog-diffusion-1.0.ckpt [9ca13f02]
  • anythingv3_0-pruned.ckpt [2700c435]
  • anything-v4.5-pruned.ckpt [65745d25]
  • anythingV5_PrtRE.safetensors [893e49b9]
  • AOM3A3_orangemixs.safetensors [9600da17]
  • blazing_drive_v10g.safetensors [ca1c1eab]
  • cetusMix_Version35.safetensors [de2f2560]
  • childrensStories_v13D.safetensors [9dfaabcb]
  • childrensStories_v1SemiReal.safetensors [a1c56dbb]
  • childrensStories_v1ToonAnime.safetensors [2ec7b88b]
  • Counterfeit_v30.safetensors [9e2a8f19]
  • cuteyukimixAdorable_midchapter3.safetensors [04bdffe6]
  • cyberrealistic_v33.safetensors [82b0d085]
  • dalcefo_v4.safetensors [425952fe]
  • deliberate_v2.safetensors [10ec4b29]
  • deliberate_v3.safetensors [afd9d2d4]
  • dreamlike-anime-1.0.safetensors [4520e090]
  • dreamlike-diffusion-1.0.safetensors [5c9fd6e0]
  • dreamlike-photoreal-2.0.safetensors [fdcf65e7]
  • dreamshaper_6BakedVae.safetensors [114c8abb]
  • dreamshaper_7.safetensors [5cf5ae06]
  • dreamshaper_8.safetensors [9d40847d]
  • edgeOfRealism_eorV20.safetensors [3ed5de15]
  • EimisAnimeDiffusion_V1.ckpt [4f828a15]
  • elldreths-vivid-mix.safetensors [342d9d26]
  • epicrealism_naturalSinRC1VAE.safetensors [90a4c676]
  • ICantBelieveItsNotPhotography_seco.safetensors [4e7a3dfd]
  • juggernaut_aftermath.safetensors [5e20c455]
  • lofi_v4.safetensors [ccc204d6]
  • lyriel_v16.safetensors [68fceea2]
  • majicmixRealistic_v4.safetensors [29d0de58]
  • mechamix_v10.safetensors [ee685731]
  • meinamix_meinaV9.safetensors [2ec66ab0]
  • meinamix_meinaV11.safetensors [b56ce717]
  • neverendingDream_v122.safetensors [f964ceeb]
  • openjourney_V4.ckpt [ca2f377f]
  • pastelMixStylizedAnime_pruned_fp16.safetensors [793a26e8]
  • portraitplus_V1.0.safetensors [1400e684]
  • protogenx34.safetensors [5896f8d5]
  • Realistic_Vision_V1.4-pruned-fp16.safetensors [8d21810b]
  • Realistic_Vision_V2.0.safetensors [79587710]
  • Realistic_Vision_V4.0.safetensors [29a7afaa]
  • Realistic_Vision_V5.0.safetensors [614d1063]
  • redshift_diffusion-V10.safetensors [1400e684]
  • revAnimated_v122.safetensors [3f4fefd9]
  • rundiffusionFX25D_v10.safetensors [cd12b0ee]
  • rundiffusionFX_v10.safetensors [cd4e694d]
  • sdv1_4.ckpt [7460a6fa]
  • v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors [d7049739]
  • v1-5-inpainting.safetensors [21c7ab71]
  • shoninsBeautiful_v10.safetensors [25d8c546]
  • theallys-mix-ii-churned.safetensors [5d9225a4]
  • timeless-1.0.ckpt [7c4971d4]
  • toonyou_beta6.safetensors [980f6b15]

chat Modals

  • v3
  • v3-32k
  • turbo
  • turbo-16k
  • gemini



Package last updated on 19 Feb 2024

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