An adzerk-based query-ish language.
Zerkel exposes basic logic operators. The included operators are:
- OR
- =
- <> (not equal)
- <
- <=
Thus, queries may be written like:
count > 43 and (user = "bob" or user = "alice")
keywords contains "awesome"
All operators are available in upper and lowercase forms.
Queries can executed in coffeescript/javascript using the zerkel module, like so:
zerkel = require 'zerkel'
query = 'count > 43 and (user = "bob" or user = "alice")'
matchFn = zerkel.compile query
matchFn {count: 50, user: 'bob'} # true
matchFn {count: 12, user: 'alice'} # false
matchFn {count: 50, user: 'George Michael'} # terribly, unfortunately, false
You can also access properties on passed in objects, like so:
zerkel = require 'zerkel'
query = 'user.location = "open field west of a white house"'
matchFn = zerkel.compile query
matchFn {user: {name: 'bob', location: 'open field west of a white house'}} # true
matchFn {user: {name: 'alice', location: 'middle earth'}} # false

Apache 2.0