Ziggeo Client SDK 2.35.6
Ziggeo API (https://ziggeo.com) allows you to integrate video recording and playback with only
two lines of code in your site, service or app. This is the Client SDK repository for V2.
Client-Side Integration
For the client-side integration, you need to add these assets to your html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/ziggeo.css" />
<script src="build/ziggeo.js"></script>
Then, you need to specify your api token:
var ziggeoApp = new ZiggeoApi.V2.Application({
You can specify other global options, see here.
To fire up a recorder on your page, add:
To embed a player for an existing video, add:
<ziggeoplayer ziggeo-video='video-token'></ziggeoplayer>
For the full documentation, please visit ziggeo.com.
Build yourself
npm install
npm run build
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Ziggeo
Proprietary License