Strict, typed YAML parser
Simple YAML configuration file parser with easy access for structured data
A lightweight YAML Parser for Python. 🐓
A utility library that provides a MongoDB-like query language for querying python collections. It's mainly intended to parse objects structured as fundamental types in a similar fashion to what is produced by JSON or YAML parsers.
A fast, safe, pure Python YAML and JSON parser
Marshmallow Objects and Models
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments which takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
Configuration parser based on YAML-Files with support for variables, overlaying and hierarchies
A python library to parse and dump Unity YAML files
Library for DSW config manipulation
Parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML.
Library with DSW models and basic IO operations
Forget about configparser, YAML, or JSON parsers. Focus on configuration.
Provide a universal solution for crawler platforms. Read more:
YAML parser for the BSB framework.
Parser for nfv tosca and TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML.
parser of bs4 with yaml config support
Parse Troopwebhost export files into TOML, YAML, or JSON
Parser for yaml/json schemas to rst
Parser for a tiny subset of YAML; YAML lite
yaml parser with environment interpolation -- safe secrets in configs
Fast YAML 1.2 Parser for Python 3.6+
A small extension to the ruamel.yaml CommentedMap YAML parser intended for roundtrip loading, manipulation and saving of hyperparameters stored in YAML files while (optionally) performing basic version control against a separate Python package.
A YAML parser that resolves JSON references
Combines most popular python parsers (json, jprops, pickle...) with user-defined parsers and type converters to read objects from files. Supports multifile & multiparser objects, typically useful to organize test data. Leverages PEP484 type hints in order to intelligently use the best parser/converter chain, and to try several combinations if relevant
Generic yaml to object parser for python
Generic object parser for python supporting yaml and json
Mininet specific topology generator and parser
Yet Another Config Tool
Easy yaml parser and editer
Scientific Compute Container Spec Parser
Parse annotation file exports from your Boox device, and transform them into JSON, YAML, or whatever you want.
parser of YAMLd, a tiny subset of YAML
parse yaml files with pydantic
This package parses a Curriculum vitae yaml file and generates a pdf and web files
YAML config parser