Utilities for interfacing with plotly's Chart Studio
Python charting for 80% of humans.
Python NVD3 - Chart Library for d3.js
Integrates ChartFactor with Jupyter Notebooks
ChartPress: render and publish helm charts and images
Run chartfactor-py python commands in Jupyter Lab Kernels
Python library for ChartMogul API.
echarts g2plot klinechart highcharts tabulator python wrapper
Python options, make charting easier
Helper for Alembic migrations within Kubernetes.
Use the highcharts js library in Python
A client for quickchart.io, a service that generates static chart images
Setup wizard and connection client for connecting MySQL/PostgreSQL databases to Chartio
A library for building customizable charts in Python
Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Python
Candlestick chart generator and support/resistance calculator for market data using Plot.ly and peakutils.
A Python package for chartly multiple plots.
Tool for vendoring Helm charts into a Git repository
pandas-highcharts is a Python package which allows you to easily build Highcharts plots with pandas.DataFrame objects.
Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ with no dependencies
Python 3.x implementation of ChartJS to create web based charts
Echarts custom component for Streamlit
Create animated bar chart races using matplotlib
Charted is a zero dependency SVG chart generator that aims to provide a simple interface for generating beautiful and customisable graphs. This project is inspired by chart libraries like mermaid.js.
ChartGPT is a library for generating charts from text
Powerful visualizations, and an easy to use, interactive api for exploring and loading datasets
Django Chart.js and Hightchart ajax views
High-end Data Visualization for the Python Ecosystem. Official wrapper for Highcharts Core (JS).
Matplotlib wrapper to create charts and publish them on Amazon S3
High level chart types built on top of Bokeh
A library for parsing Guitar Hero .chart files.
## OsCharts
MkDocs plugin to add charts from data
Python framework for TradingView's Lightweight Charts JavaScript library.
Quickly generates standard waterfall charts, takes two ordered lists as inputs.
Medical Record Chart Review Calculator
Python Highcharts wrapper
django-admin-charts - Easily configurable charts statistics for `django-admin` and `django-admin-tools`
A comprehensive wrapper for Matplotlib, Seaborn which designed to provide a fast, simple, and efficient user experience for routine data visualization tasks
A Django App to plot charts using the excellent Chart.JS library.