AACommPy Package Documentation
AACommPy is a Python package that provides functionalities for working with the AAComm nuget package. AAComm is a nuget package used for communication with FPGA devices. AACommPy provides a Python wrapper for the AAComm nuget package, allowing you to use the nuget package's functionalities in your Python scripts.
To install AACommPy, follow these steps:
Download the Python package for AACommPy by executing the following command:
pip install aacommpy
Once the package is installed, you can access its functionalities from your Python scripts.
- Usage
To use AACommPy, you can import the necessary modules and call the available functions. Here's an example of how to use the package:
from aacommpy.settings import AACOMM_SERVER_EXE_PATH
from aacommpy.AAComm import CommAPI, Services, Shared
api = CommAPI()
status = CommAPI.StartAACommServer(AACOMM_SERVER_EXE_PATH)
if status != "":
# Access the static variable IsAACommServerRunning
is_running = CommAPI.IsAACommServerRunning
print(f"AACommServer is running: {is_running}")
cData = Services.ConnectionData()
cData.ControllerType = Shared.ProductTypes.AGM800_ID
cData.CommChannelType = Shared.ChannelType.Ethernet
cData.ET_IP_1 = 172
cData.ET_IP_2 = 1
cData.ET_IP_3 = 1
cData.ET_IP_4 = 101
cData.ET_Port = 5000
res = api.Connect(cData)
3.Available Commands
AACommPy provides several commands that can be executed through the command line using the installed package. These commands include:
3.1.install: Downloads and installs the AAComm package. You can specify a version using the --version option.
the version number is the same with the AAComm nuget package version you want to use with you python script.
3.2.version: Retrieves the installed version of AAComm.
3.3.update: Updates the installed AAComm package to the latest version.
3.4.dotnetfw: Sets the .NET framework version of AAComm library. You can choose from the available options: net40, net48, net6.0, net8.0. The default version is net48.
Example Usage
Here's an example of how to use the AACommPy package:
Install the package:
pip install aacommpy
#Run the command to download and install the AAComm package:
aacommpy install
#Check the installed version of AAComm:
aacommpy version
#Update the AAComm package to the latest version:
aacommpy update
#Set the .NET framework version to be used by AAComm to net4.8:
aacommpy dotnetfw --netfw net48
#Please note that the usage examples provided assume that you have the necessary permissions to install packages and run the commands.