Analyze multiple files for similarity and/or uniqueness.
Finding similarities of works duplicated from one or more part of different works to create a seemingly unique one can be difficult because of different strategies being used, but this can be done better with a software like runner.
Install the latest abero package, upcoming versions might introduce unannounced changes, so a virtual environment is a must have before installation.
pip install -U abero
To integrate abero into your Python codes, check the code snippet below:
import abero
abero.analyze(directory, extension="txt", threshold=80, template=None, skipnames=0, group=0, unzip=0, reset=0)
CLI Usage
py runner.py -d "<path_to_files>" -e "txt" -c "<path_to_control_file>" -t 1 -u 1 -s 1 -r 1
-d <path>
- Full path of the dirctory containing the files to analyze.-e <txt>
- List of allowed file extensions to analyze.-c <*.txt>
- Full path of the control file.-t <80>
- Threshold level for uniqueness, treats similarity below threshold as unique (1-100; default = 0)-u <0>
- Unzip/extract ZIP files (0-1; default = 0)-s <0>
- Skip files with common names (0-1; default = 0)-g <1>
- Only compare if files contains the same identifier (0-1; default = 1)
Example: student1_set1.py >> student2_set1.py
-r <0>
- Reset analytics before execution (0-1; default = 0)
Control File
Control file contains words or phrases, checked line-by-line, that are deem allowed to be contained in all files to analyzed; therefore, if found on the test files, it will not be flagged as duplicate work.
Did you know?
The repository name abero
was inspired from the words aberrant and runner (Latin), which may mean deviating or being absent.