Acai AWS
DRY, configurable, declarative python library for working with Amazon Web Service Lambdas.
- Highly configurable apigateway internal router
- Openapi schema adherence for all event types
- Generate OpenAPI docs from code base
- Extensible and customizable middleware for validation and other tasks
- DRY coding interfaces without the need of boilerplate
- Ease-of-use with the serverless framework
- Local Development support
- Happy Path Programming (See Philosophy below)
The Acai philosophy is to provide a dry, configurable, declarative library for use with the amazon lambdas, which encourages Happy Path Programming (HPP).
Happy Path Programming is an idea in which inputs are all validated before operated on. This ensures code follows the happy path without the need for mid-level, nested exceptions and all the nasty exception handling that comes with that. The library uses layers of customizable middleware options to allow a developer to easily dictate what constitutes a valid input, without nested conditionals, try/catch blocks or other coding blocks which distract from the happy path that covers the majority of that codes intended operation.
This is a python module available through the
pypi registry.
Before installing, download and install python.
python 3 or higher is required.
Installation is done using the
pip install
$ pip install acai_aws
Documentation & Examples
If you would like to contribute please make sure to follow the established patterns and unit test your code:
Unit Testing
To run unit test, enter command:
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv run test