ActionGraph is a symbolic AI agent for generating action plans based on preconditions and effects. This is loosely based on STRIPS approach ( State variables are modeled as nodes; the actions represent edges/transitions from one state to another. Dijikstra's shortest path algorithm (A* but without the heuristic cost estimate) is used to generate a feasible, lowest cost plan.
from action_graph.agent import Agent
from action_graph.action import Action
class Drive(Action):
effects = {"driving": True}
preconditions = {"has_drivers_license": True, "tank_has_gas": True}
class FillGas(Action):
effects = {"tank_has_gas": True}
preconditions = {"has_car": True}
class RentCar(Action):
effects = {"has_car": True}
cost = 100 # dollars
class BuyCar(Action):
effects = {"has_car": True}
preconditions = {}
cost = 10_000 # dollars
if __name__ == "__main__":
world_state = {"has_car": False, "has_drivers_license": True}
goal_state = {"driving": True}
ai = Agent()
actions = [a(ai) for a in Action.__subclasses__()]
print("Initial State:", world_state)
print("Goal State: ", goal_state)
plan = ai.get_plan(goal_state)
# ai.execute_plan(plan)