This product uses Products.ContentWellPortlets to place a sitemap-portlet
above the columns and gives the dropdown-effect via CSS.
This way, your folder structure will be mirrowed in the dropdown.
The depth and target-folder can be configured via the sitemap-portlets
web-user-interface, just like Plone's standard navigation-portlets.
Includes responsive design for dektop-, tablet- and mobile-devices.
In your buildout.cfg's eggs-section add 'adi.dropdownmenu',
run builduot, restart instance.
Glued together by Ida Ebkes.
In kind cooperation with Alterway, the creators of "collective.portlet.sitemap".
The Weblion's crowd for developing "Products.ContentWellPortlets".
And thanks to all of the friendly and helpful people of the Plone community.
0.7 (2016-09-04)
- Also add button in menu-head for toggling entire menu, for small screens.
0.6 (2016-09-04)
Add layout for tablets and mobile-devices.
Note: Version '0.5' seems to have been a brown-bag-release, it
doesn't get pulled of PyPI when running buildout. We ignore version
'0.5' and continue with '0.6'.
0.4 (2012-02-01)
- really hide globalnav (forgot config in last release) [ida]
0.3 (2012-01-29)
Deassign collective.portlet.sitemap in left column. [ida]
Hide default globalnav-viewlet. [ida]
Unlimited css-sublevel-depth-support. [ida]
Styling for top-ul and visualize selected toplevel. [ida]
0.2 (2012-01-07)
- Extended CSS to support up to two sublevels instead of one.
0.1 (2012-01-05)