_YYYY_: The years in 4 digits.
_YY_: The years in 2 digits.
_Y_: The years.
_MM_: The months in 2 digits.
_M_: The months
_NM_: The name of the month.
_DD_: The days in 2 digits.
_D_: The day
_ND_: The name of the day.
_hh_: The hours in 2 digits.
_h_: The hour
_mm_: The minutes in 2 digits.
_m_: The minute
_ss_: The secondes in 2 digits.
_s_: The seconde
_mls_: The milliseconds in 3 digits.
_mcs_: The microseconds in 3 digits.
_nns_: The nanoseconds in 3 digits.
_pcs_: The picosecondes in 3 digits.
_fms_: The femtosecondes in 3 digits.
_ats_: The attosecondes in 3 digits.
_zps_: The zeptosecondes in 3 digits.
_yts_: The yoctosecondes in 3 digits.
_en-time_: The time in english format
_ma-time_: The time in Mandarin format
_hi-time_: The time in Hindi format
_sp-time_: The time in Spanish format
_be-time_: The time in Bengali format
_fr-time_: The time in French format
_ru-time_: The time in Russian format.
_po-time_: The time in Portuguese format.